# Hugo Winston Theme Hugo Winston is a bold minimal blogging theme. [Live Demo](https://hugo-winston.netlify.app/) | [Zerostatic Themes](https://www.zerostatic.io/) Buy Me A Coffee ![Hugo Winston Theme screenshot](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/hugo-winston/hugo-winston-screenshot.png) ## Theme features - Posts (Markdown) - Basic Page (Markdown) - SCSS (Hugo Pipelines) - Responsive design - 100/100 Google Lighthouse speed score - 100/100 Google Lighthouse SEO score - 100/100 Google Lighthouse accessibility score - Google analytics configured in `config.toml` - Configure GID using env variable HUGO_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID, compatible with Netlify. - Title, meta description and meta tags automatically generated for every page - OG Meta data for Facebook and Twitter - Semantic HTML document structure # Installation ### Install Hugo To use this theme you will need to have Hugo installed. If you don't already have Hugo installed please follow the official [installation guide](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/) ### Check Hugo version (Hugo 0.51+ Extended is required) This theme uses [Hugo Pipes](https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/scss-sass/) to compile SCSS and minify assets. Please make sure you have the **Hugo Extended** version installed. If you are not using the extended version this theme will not not compile. To check your version of Hugo, run: ``` hugo version ``` This will output the currently installed version of Hugo. Make sure you see `/extended` after the version number, for example `Hugo Static Site Generator v0.51/extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate: unknown` You do not need to use version v0.51 specifically, you can use any version of Hugo above 0.51. It just needs to have the `/extended` part ### Create a new Hugo site ``` hugo new site mynewsite ``` This will create a fresh Hugo site in the folder `mynewsite`. ### Install theme with Git Clone this repo into the themes folder ``` cd mynewsite git clone https://github.com/zerostaticthemes/hugo-winston-theme.git themes/hugo-winston-theme ``` ### Copy example content Copy the entire contents of the `mynewsite/themes/hugo-winston-theme/exampleSite/` folder to root folder of your Hugo site, ie `mynewsite/` To copy the files using terminal, make sure you are still in the projects root, ie the `mynewsite` folder. ``` cp -a themes/hugo-winston-theme/exampleSite/. . ``` ### Update config.toml After you copy the `config.toml` into the root folder of your Hugo site you will need to update the `baseURL`, `themesDir` and `theme` values in `mynewsite/config.toml` ``` baseURL = "/" themesDir = "themes" theme = "hugo-winston-theme" ``` ### Run Hugo After installing the theme for the first time, generate the Hugo site. You run this command from the root folder of your Hugo site ie `mynewsite/` ``` hugo ``` For local development run Hugo's built-in local server. ``` hugo server ``` Now enter [`localhost:1313`](http://localhost:1313) in the address bar of your browser. # Configuration ### Config options ``` // config.toml [params] google_analytics_id = "" twitter_handle = "@zerostaticio" showAuthorOnHomepage = true showAuthorOnPosts = false showPostsOnHomepage = false addFrame = true addDot = true ``` ### Google Analytics Add you google analytics ID to the `config.toml` ``` // config.toml [params] google_analytics_id="UA-132398315-1" ``` # Deploying to Netlify This theme includes a `netlify.toml` which is configured to deploy to Netlify from the `exampleSite` folder. See this discussion on how to deploy your site on Netlify from the `exampleSite` folder - https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/deploy-your-theme-to-netlify/15508 Most likely if you are deploying to Netlify and created a new Hugo site or added this theme to an existing Hugo site then you are not deploying from the `exampleSite` directory and you can delete the `netlify.toml` file. ### Other Hugo Themes by Zerostatic - [Hugo Whisper](https://github.com/zerostaticthemes/hugo-whisper-theme) - [Hugo Serif](https://github.com/zerostaticthemes/hugo-serif-theme) - [Hugo Winston](https://github.com/zerostaticthemes/hugo-winston-theme) - [Hugo Advance](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/hugo-advance/) - [Hugo Paradigm](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/hugo-paradigm/) 🇦🇺 **Made in Australia** by Robert Austin - leave a star mate!