GOMINVERSION = 1.16 NEBULA_CMD_PATH = "./cmd/nebula" BUILD_NUMBER ?= dev+$(shell date -u '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S') GO111MODULE = on export GO111MODULE # Ensure the version of go we are using is at least what is defined in GOMINVERSION at the top of this file GOVERSION := $(shell go version | awk '{print substr($$3, 3)}') GOISMIN := $(shell expr "$(GOVERSION)" ">=" "$(GOMINVERSION)") ifneq "$(GOISMIN)" "1" $(error "go version $(GOVERSION) is not supported, upgrade to $(GOMINVERSION) or above") endif LDFLAGS = -X main.Build=$(BUILD_NUMBER) ALL_LINUX = linux-amd64 \ linux-386 \ linux-ppc64le \ linux-arm-5 \ linux-arm-6 \ linux-arm-7 \ linux-arm64 \ linux-mips \ linux-mipsle \ linux-mips64 \ linux-mips64le \ linux-mips-softfloat ALL = $(ALL_LINUX) \ darwin-amd64 \ darwin-arm64 \ freebsd-amd64 \ windows-amd64 e2e: $(TEST_ENV) go test -tags=e2e_testing -count=1 $(TEST_FLAGS) ./e2e e2ev: TEST_FLAGS = -v e2ev: e2e e2evv: TEST_ENV += TEST_LOGS=1 e2evv: e2ev e2evvv: TEST_ENV += TEST_LOGS=2 e2evvv: e2ev e2evvvv: TEST_ENV += TEST_LOGS=3 e2evvvv: e2ev all: $(ALL:%=build/%/nebula) $(ALL:%=build/%/nebula-cert) release: $(ALL:%=build/nebula-%.tar.gz) release-linux: $(ALL_LINUX:%=build/nebula-%.tar.gz) release-freebsd: build/nebula-freebsd-amd64.tar.gz BUILD_ARGS = -trimpath bin-windows: build/windows-amd64/nebula.exe build/windows-amd64/nebula-cert.exe mv $? . bin-darwin: build/darwin-amd64/nebula build/darwin-amd64/nebula-cert mv $? . bin-freebsd: build/freebsd-amd64/nebula build/freebsd-amd64/nebula-cert mv $? . bin: go build $(BUILD_ARGS) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" -o ./nebula ${NEBULA_CMD_PATH} go build $(BUILD_ARGS) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" -o ./nebula-cert ./cmd/nebula-cert install: go install $(BUILD_ARGS) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" ${NEBULA_CMD_PATH} go install $(BUILD_ARGS) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" ./cmd/nebula-cert build/linux-arm-%: GOENV += GOARM=$(word 3, $(subst -, ,$*)) build/linux-mips-%: GOENV += GOMIPS=$(word 3, $(subst -, ,$*)) # Build an extra small binary for mips-softfloat build/linux-mips-softfloat/%: LDFLAGS += -s -w build/%/nebula: .FORCE GOOS=$(firstword $(subst -, , $*)) \ GOARCH=$(word 2, $(subst -, ,$*)) $(GOENV) \ go build $(BUILD_ARGS) -o $@ -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" ${NEBULA_CMD_PATH} build/%/nebula-cert: .FORCE GOOS=$(firstword $(subst -, , $*)) \ GOARCH=$(word 2, $(subst -, ,$*)) $(GOENV) \ go build $(BUILD_ARGS) -o $@ -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" ./cmd/nebula-cert build/%/nebula.exe: build/%/nebula mv $< $@ build/%/nebula-cert.exe: build/%/nebula-cert mv $< $@ build/nebula-%.tar.gz: build/%/nebula build/%/nebula-cert tar -zcv -C build/$* -f $@ nebula nebula-cert build/nebula-%.zip: build/%/nebula.exe build/%/nebula-cert.exe cd build/$* && zip ../nebula-$*.zip nebula.exe nebula-cert.exe vet: go vet -v ./... test: go test -v ./... test-cov-html: go test -coverprofile=coverage.out go tool cover -html=coverage.out bench: go test -bench=. bench-cpu: go test -bench=. -benchtime=5s -cpuprofile=cpu.pprof go tool pprof go-audit.test cpu.pprof bench-cpu-long: go test -bench=. -benchtime=60s -cpuprofile=cpu.pprof go tool pprof go-audit.test cpu.pprof proto: nebula.pb.go cert/cert.pb.go nebula.pb.go: nebula.proto .FORCE go build github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogofaster PATH="$(CURDIR):$(PATH)" protoc --gogofaster_out=paths=source_relative:. $< rm protoc-gen-gogofaster cert/cert.pb.go: cert/cert.proto .FORCE $(MAKE) -C cert cert.pb.go service: @echo > /dev/null $(eval NEBULA_CMD_PATH := "./cmd/nebula-service") ifeq ($(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),1) $(MAKE) service ${.DEFAULT_GOAL} --no-print-directory endif bin-docker: bin build/linux-amd64/nebula build/linux-amd64/nebula-cert smoke-docker: bin-docker cd .github/workflows/smoke/ && ./build.sh cd .github/workflows/smoke/ && ./smoke.sh smoke-docker-race: BUILD_ARGS = -race smoke-docker-race: smoke-docker .FORCE: .PHONY: e2e e2ev e2evv e2evvv e2evvvv test test-cov-html bench bench-cpu bench-cpu-long bin proto release service smoke-docker smoke-docker-race .DEFAULT_GOAL := bin