package nebula import ( "net" "reflect" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" ) func TestControl_GetHostInfoByVpnIP(t *testing.T) { // Special care must be taken to re-use all objects provided to the hostmap and certificate in the expectedInfo object // To properly ensure we are not exposing core memory to the caller hm := NewHostMap("test", &net.IPNet{}, make([]*net.IPNet, 0)) remote1 := NewUDPAddr(int2ip(100), 4444) remote2 := NewUDPAddr(net.ParseIP("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8"), 4444) ipNet := net.IPNet{ IP: net.IPv4(1, 2, 3, 4), Mask: net.IPMask{255, 255, 255, 0}, } ipNet2 := net.IPNet{ IP: net.ParseIP("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8"), Mask: net.IPMask{255, 255, 255, 0}, } crt := &cert.NebulaCertificate{ Details: cert.NebulaCertificateDetails{ Name: "test", Ips: []*net.IPNet{&ipNet}, Subnets: []*net.IPNet{}, Groups: []string{"default-group"}, NotBefore: time.Unix(1, 0), NotAfter: time.Unix(2, 0), PublicKey: []byte{5, 6, 7, 8}, IsCA: false, Issuer: "the-issuer", InvertedGroups: map[string]struct{}{"default-group": {}}, }, Signature: []byte{1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3}, } remotes := []*HostInfoDest{NewHostInfoDest(remote1), NewHostInfoDest(remote2)} hm.Add(ip2int(ipNet.IP), &HostInfo{ remote: remote1, Remotes: remotes, ConnectionState: &ConnectionState{ peerCert: crt, }, remoteIndexId: 200, localIndexId: 201, hostId: ip2int(ipNet.IP), }) hm.Add(ip2int(ipNet2.IP), &HostInfo{ remote: remote1, Remotes: remotes, ConnectionState: &ConnectionState{ peerCert: nil, }, remoteIndexId: 200, localIndexId: 201, hostId: ip2int(ipNet2.IP), }) c := Control{ f: &Interface{ hostMap: hm, }, l: logrus.New(), } thi := c.GetHostInfoByVpnIP(ip2int(ipNet.IP), false) expectedInfo := ControlHostInfo{ VpnIP: net.IPv4(1, 2, 3, 4).To4(), LocalIndex: 201, RemoteIndex: 200, RemoteAddrs: []*udpAddr{remote1, remote2}, CachedPackets: 0, Cert: crt.Copy(), MessageCounter: 0, CurrentRemote: NewUDPAddr(int2ip(100), 4444), } // Make sure we don't have any unexpected fields assertFields(t, []string{"VpnIP", "LocalIndex", "RemoteIndex", "RemoteAddrs", "CachedPackets", "Cert", "MessageCounter", "CurrentRemote"}, thi) util.AssertDeepCopyEqual(t, &expectedInfo, thi) // Make sure we don't panic if the host info doesn't have a cert yet assert.NotPanics(t, func() { thi = c.GetHostInfoByVpnIP(ip2int(ipNet2.IP), false) }) } func assertFields(t *testing.T, expected []string, actualStruct interface{}) { val := reflect.ValueOf(actualStruct).Elem() fields := make([]string, val.NumField()) for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ { fields[i] = val.Type().Field(i).Name } assert.Equal(t, expected, fields) }