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package logging
import (
// LogLevel is a special string, conventionally written all in uppercase, that
// can be used to mark a log line for filtering and to specify filtering
// levels in the LevelFilter type.
type LogLevel string
// LevelFilter is an io.Writer that can be used with a logger that
// will attempt to filter out log messages that aren't at least a certain
// level.
// This filtering is HEURISTIC-BASED, and so will not be 100% reliable. The
// assumptions it makes are:
// - Individual log messages are never split across multiple calls to the
// Write method.
// - Messages that carry levels are marked by a sequence starting with "[",
// then the level name string, and then "]". Any message without a sequence
// like this is an un-levelled message, and is not subject to filtering.
// - Each \n-delimited line in a write is a separate log message, unless a
// line starts with at least one space in which case it is interpreted
// as a continuation of the previous line.
// - If a log line starts with a non-whitespace character that isn't a digit
// then it's recognized as a degenerate continuation, because "real" log
// lines should start with a date/time and thus always have a leading
// digit. (This also cleans up after some situations where the assumptuion
// that messages arrive atomically aren't met, which is sadly sometimes
// true for longer messages that trip over some buffering behavior in
// panicwrap.)
// Because logging is a cross-cutting concern and not fully under the control
// of Terraform itself, there will certainly be cases where the above
// heuristics will fail. For example, it is likely that LevelFilter will
// occasionally misinterpret a continuation line as a new message because the
// code generating it doesn't know about our indentation convention.
// Our goal here is just to make a best effort to reduce the log volume,
// accepting that the results will not be 100% correct.
// Logging calls within Terraform Core should follow the above conventions so
// that the log output is broadly correct, however.
// Once the filter is in use somewhere, it is not safe to modify
// the structure.
type LevelFilter struct {
// Levels is the list of log levels, in increasing order of
// severity. Example might be: {"DEBUG", "WARN", "ERROR"}.
Levels []LogLevel
// MinLevel is the minimum level allowed through
MinLevel LogLevel
// The underlying io.Writer where log messages that pass the filter
// will be set.
Writer io.Writer
badLevels map[LogLevel]struct{}
show bool
once sync.Once
// Check will check a given line if it would be included in the level
// filter.
func (f *LevelFilter) Check(line []byte) bool {
// Check for a log level
var level LogLevel
x := bytes.IndexByte(line, '[')
if x >= 0 {
y := bytes.IndexByte(line[x:], ']')
if y >= 0 {
level = LogLevel(line[x+1 : x+y])
//return level == ""
_, ok := f.badLevels[level]
return !ok
// Write is a specialized implementation of io.Writer suitable for being
// the output of a logger from the "log" package.
// This Writer implementation assumes that it will only recieve byte slices
// containing one or more entire lines of log output, each one terminated by
// a newline. This is compatible with the behavior of the "log" package
// directly, and is also tolerant of intermediaries that might buffer multiple
// separate writes together, as long as no individual log line is ever
// split into multiple slices.
// Behavior is undefined if any log line is split across multiple writes or
// written without a trailing '\n' delimiter.
func (f *LevelFilter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
for len(p) > 0 {
// Split at the first \n, inclusive
idx := bytes.IndexByte(p, '\n')
if idx == -1 {
// Invalid, undelimited write. We'll tolerate it assuming that
// our assumptions are being violated, but the results may be
// non-ideal.
idx = len(p) - 1
var l []byte
l, p = p[:idx+1], p[idx+1:]
// Lines starting with characters other than decimal digits (including
// whitespace) are assumed to be continuations lines. This is an
// imprecise heuristic, but experimentally it seems to generate
// "good enough" results from Terraform Core's own logging. Its mileage
// may vary with output from other systems.
if l[0] >= '0' && l[0] <= '9' {
f.show = f.Check(l)
if f.show {
_, err = f.Writer.Write(l)
if err != nil {
// Technically it's not correct to say we've written the whole
// buffer, but for our purposes here it's good enough as we're
// only implementing io.Writer enough to satisfy logging
// use-cases.
return len(p), err
// We always behave as if we wrote the whole of the buffer, even if
// we actually skipped some lines. We're only implementiong io.Writer
// enough to satisfy logging use-cases.
return len(p), nil
// SetMinLevel is used to update the minimum log level
func (f *LevelFilter) SetMinLevel(min LogLevel) {
f.MinLevel = min
func (f *LevelFilter) init() {
badLevels := make(map[LogLevel]struct{})
for _, level := range f.Levels {
if level == f.MinLevel {
badLevels[level] = struct{}{}
f.badLevels = badLevels
f.show = true