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package local
import (
const (
DefaultEnvDir = "terraform.tfstate.d"
DefaultEnvFile = "environment"
DefaultStateFilename = "terraform.tfstate"
DefaultDataDir = ".terraform"
DefaultBackupExtension = ".backup"
// Local is an implementation of EnhancedBackend that performs all operations
// locally. This is the "default" backend and implements normal Terraform
// behavior as it is well known.
type Local struct {
// CLI and Colorize control the CLI output. If CLI is nil then no CLI
// output will be done. If CLIColor is nil then no coloring will be done.
CLI cli.Ui
CLIColor *colorstring.Colorize
// The State* paths are set from the CLI options, and may be left blank to
// use the defaults. If the actual paths for the local backend state are
// needed, use the StatePaths method.
// StatePath is the local path where state is read from.
// StateOutPath is the local path where the state will be written.
// If this is empty, it will default to StatePath.
// StateBackupPath is the local path where a backup file will be written.
// Set this to "-" to disable state backup.
StatePath string
StateOutPath string
StateBackupPath string
// we only want to create a single instance of the local state
state state.State
// the name of the current state
currentState string
// ContextOpts are the base context options to set when initializing a
// Terraform context. Many of these will be overridden or merged by
// Operation. See Operation for more details.
ContextOpts *terraform.ContextOpts
// OpInput will ask for necessary input prior to performing any operations.
// OpValidation will perform validation prior to running an operation. The
// variable naming doesn't match the style of others since we have a func
// Validate.
OpInput bool
OpValidation bool
// Backend, if non-nil, will use this backend for non-enhanced behavior.
// This allows local behavior with remote state storage. It is a way to
// "upgrade" a non-enhanced backend to an enhanced backend with typical
// behavior.
// If this is nil, local performs normal state loading and storage.
Backend backend.Backend
schema *schema.Backend
opLock sync.Mutex
once sync.Once
func (b *Local) Input(
ui terraform.UIInput, c *terraform.ResourceConfig) (*terraform.ResourceConfig, error) {
f := b.schema.Input
if b.Backend != nil {
f = b.Backend.Input
return f(ui, c)
func (b *Local) Validate(c *terraform.ResourceConfig) ([]string, []error) {
f := b.schema.Validate
if b.Backend != nil {
f = b.Backend.Validate
return f(c)
func (b *Local) Configure(c *terraform.ResourceConfig) error {
f := b.schema.Configure
if b.Backend != nil {
f = b.Backend.Configure
return f(c)
func (b *Local) States() ([]string, string, error) {
// the listing always start with "default"
envs := []string{backend.DefaultStateName}
current := b.currentState
if current == "" {
name, err := b.currentStateName()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
current = name
entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(DefaultEnvDir)
// no error if there's no envs configured
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return envs, current, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
var listed []string
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.IsDir() {
listed = append(listed, filepath.Base(entry.Name()))
envs = append(envs, listed...)
return envs, current, nil
// DeleteState removes a named state.
// The "default" state cannot be removed.
func (b *Local) DeleteState(name string) error {
if name == "" {
return errors.New("empty state name")
if name == backend.DefaultStateName {
return errors.New("cannot delete default state")
// if we're deleting the current state, we change back to the default
if name == b.currentState {
if err := b.ChangeState(backend.DefaultStateName); err != nil {
return err
return os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(DefaultEnvDir, name))
// Change to the named state, creating it if it doesn't exist.
func (b *Local) ChangeState(name string) error {
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
if name == "" {
return errors.New("state name cannot be empty")
envs, current, err := b.States()
if err != nil {
return err
if name == current {
return nil
exists := false
for _, env := range envs {
if env == name {
exists = true
if !exists {
if err := b.createState(name); err != nil {
return err
err = os.MkdirAll(DefaultDataDir, 0755)
if err != nil {
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(
filepath.Join(DefaultDataDir, DefaultEnvFile),
if err != nil {
return err
b.currentState = name
// remove the current state so it's reloaded on the next call to State
b.state = nil
return nil
func (b *Local) State() (state.State, error) {
// If we have a backend handling state, defer to that.
if b.Backend != nil {
return b.Backend.State()
if b.state != nil {
return b.state, nil
statePath, stateOutPath, backupPath, err := b.StatePaths()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Otherwise, we need to load the state.
var s state.State = &state.LocalState{
Path: statePath,
PathOut: stateOutPath,
// If we are backing up the state, wrap it
if backupPath != "" {
s = &state.BackupState{
Real: s,
Path: backupPath,
b.state = s
return s, nil
// Operation implements backend.Enhanced
// This will initialize an in-memory terraform.Context to perform the
// operation within this process.
// The given operation parameter will be merged with the ContextOpts on
// the structure with the following rules. If a rule isn't specified and the
// name conflicts, assume that the field is overwritten if set.
func (b *Local) Operation(ctx context.Context, op *backend.Operation) (*backend.RunningOperation, error) {
// Determine the function to call for our operation
var f func(context.Context, *backend.Operation, *backend.RunningOperation)
switch op.Type {
case backend.OperationTypeRefresh:
f = b.opRefresh
case backend.OperationTypePlan:
f = b.opPlan
case backend.OperationTypeApply:
f = b.opApply
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"Unsupported operation type: %s\n\n"+
"This is a bug in Terraform and should be reported. The local backend\n"+
"is built-in to Terraform and should always support all operations.",
// Lock
// Build our running operation
runningCtx, runningCtxCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
runningOp := &backend.RunningOperation{Context: runningCtx}
// Do it
go func() {
defer b.opLock.Unlock()
defer runningCtxCancel()
f(ctx, op, runningOp)
// Return
return runningOp, nil
// Colorize returns the Colorize structure that can be used for colorizing
// output. This is gauranteed to always return a non-nil value and so is useful
// as a helper to wrap any potentially colored strings.
func (b *Local) Colorize() *colorstring.Colorize {
if b.CLIColor != nil {
return b.CLIColor
return &colorstring.Colorize{
Colors: colorstring.DefaultColors,
Disable: true,
func (b *Local) init() {
b.schema = &schema.Backend{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"path": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ConfigureFunc: b.schemaConfigure,
func (b *Local) schemaConfigure(ctx context.Context) error {
d := schema.FromContextBackendConfig(ctx)
// Set the path if it is set
pathRaw, ok := d.GetOk("path")
if ok {
path := pathRaw.(string)
if path == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("configured path is empty")
b.StatePath = path
b.StateOutPath = path
return nil
// StatePaths returns the StatePath, StateOutPath, and StateBackupPath as
// configured by the current environment. If backups are disabled,
// StateBackupPath will be an empty string.
func (b *Local) StatePaths() (string, string, string, error) {
statePath := b.StatePath
stateOutPath := b.StateOutPath
backupPath := b.StateBackupPath
if statePath == "" {
path, err := b.statePath()
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", err
statePath = path
if stateOutPath == "" {
stateOutPath = statePath
switch backupPath {
case "-":
backupPath = ""
case "":
backupPath = stateOutPath + DefaultBackupExtension
return statePath, stateOutPath, backupPath, nil
func (b *Local) statePath() (string, error) {
_, current, err := b.States()
if err != nil {
return "", err
path := DefaultStateFilename
if current != backend.DefaultStateName && current != "" {
path = filepath.Join(DefaultEnvDir, b.currentState, DefaultStateFilename)
return path, nil
func (b *Local) createState(name string) error {
stateNames, _, err := b.States()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, n := range stateNames {
if name == n {
// state exists, nothing to do
return nil
err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(DefaultEnvDir, name), 0755)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// currentStateName returns the name of the current named state as set in the
// configuration files.
// If there are no configured environments, currentStateName returns "default"
func (b *Local) currentStateName() (string, error) {
contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(DefaultDataDir, DefaultEnvFile))
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return backend.DefaultStateName, nil
if err != nil {
return "", err
if fromFile := strings.TrimSpace(string(contents)); fromFile != "" {
return fromFile, nil
return backend.DefaultStateName, nil