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package getproviders
import (
svchost "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-svchost"
// MultiSource is a Source that wraps a series of other sources and combines
// their sets of available providers and provider versions.
// A MultiSource consists of a sequence of selectors that each specify an
// underlying source to query and a set of matching patterns to decide which
// providers can be retrieved from which sources. If multiple selectors find
// a given provider version then the earliest one in the sequence takes
// priority for deciding the package metadata for the provider.
// For underlying sources that make network requests, consider wrapping each
// one in a MemoizeSource so that availability information retrieved in
// AvailableVersions can be reused in PackageMeta.
type MultiSource []MultiSourceSelector
var _ Source = MultiSource(nil)
// AvailableVersions retrieves all of the versions of the given provider
// that are available across all of the underlying selectors, while respecting
// each selector's matching patterns.
func (s MultiSource) AvailableVersions(provider addrs.Provider) (VersionList, error) {
// TODO: Implement
panic("MultiSource.AvailableVersions not yet implemented")
// PackageMeta retrieves the package metadata for the given provider from the
// first selector that indicates support for it.
func (s MultiSource) PackageMeta(provider addrs.Provider, version Version, target Platform) (PackageMeta, error) {
// TODO: Implement
panic("MultiSource.PackageMeta not yet implemented")
// MultiSourceSelector is an element of the source selection configuration on
// MultiSource. A MultiSource has zero or more of these to configure which
// underlying sources it should consult for a given provider.
type MultiSourceSelector struct {
// Source is the underlying source that this selector applies to.
Source Source
// Include and Exclude are sets of provider matching patterns that
// together define which providers are eligible to be potentially
// installed from the corresponding Source.
Include, Exclude MultiSourceMatchingPatterns
// MultiSourceMatchingPatterns is a set of patterns that together define a
// set of providers by matching on the segments of the provider FQNs.
// The Provider address values in a MultiSourceMatchingPatterns are special in
// that any of Hostname, Namespace, or Type can be getproviders.Wildcard
// to indicate that any concrete value is permitted for that segment.
type MultiSourceMatchingPatterns []addrs.Provider
// ParseMultiSourceMatchingPatterns parses a slice of strings containing the
// string form of provider matching patterns and, if all the given strings
// are valid, returns the corresponding MultiSourceMatchingPatterns value.
func ParseMultiSourceMatchingPatterns(strs []string) (MultiSourceMatchingPatterns, error) {
if len(strs) == 0 {
return nil, nil
ret := make(MultiSourceMatchingPatterns, len(strs))
for i, str := range strs {
parts := strings.Split(str, "/")
if len(parts) < 2 || len(parts) > 3 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid provider matching pattern %q: must have either two or three slash-separated segments", str)
host := defaultRegistryHost
explicitHost := len(parts) == 3
if explicitHost {
givenHost := parts[0]
if givenHost == "*" {
host = svchost.Hostname(Wildcard)
} else {
normalHost, err := svchost.ForComparison(givenHost)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid hostname in provider matching pattern %q: %s", str, err)
// The remaining code below deals only with the namespace/type portions.
host = normalHost
parts = parts[1:]
if !validProviderNamePattern.MatchString(parts[1]) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid provider type %q in provider matching pattern %q: must either be the wildcard * or a provider type name", parts[1], str)
if !validProviderNamePattern.MatchString(parts[0]) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid registry namespace %q in provider matching pattern %q: must either be the wildcard * or a literal namespace", parts[1], str)
ret[i] = addrs.Provider{
Hostname: host,
Namespace: parts[0],
Type: parts[1],
if ret[i].Hostname == svchost.Hostname(Wildcard) && !(ret[i].Namespace == Wildcard && ret[i].Type == Wildcard) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid provider matching pattern %q: hostname can be a wildcard only if both namespace and provider type are also wildcards", str)
if ret[i].Namespace == Wildcard && ret[i].Type != Wildcard {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid provider matching pattern %q: namespace can be a wildcard only if the provider type is also a wildcard", str)
return ret, nil
// MatchesProvider tests whether the receiving matching patterns match with
// the given concrete provider address.
func (ps MultiSourceMatchingPatterns) MatchesProvider(addr addrs.Provider) bool {
for _, pattern := range ps {
hostMatch := (pattern.Hostname == svchost.Hostname(Wildcard) || pattern.Hostname == addr.Hostname)
namespaceMatch := (pattern.Namespace == Wildcard || pattern.Namespace == addr.Namespace)
typeMatch := (pattern.Type == Wildcard || pattern.Type == addr.Type)
if hostMatch && namespaceMatch && typeMatch {
return true
return false
// Wildcard is a string value representing a wildcard element in the Include
// and Exclude patterns used with MultiSource. It is not valid to use Wildcard
// anywhere else.
const Wildcard string = "*"
// We'll read the default registry host from over in the addrs package, to
// avoid duplicating it. A "default" provider uses the default registry host
// by definition.
var defaultRegistryHost = addrs.NewDefaultProvider("placeholder").Hostname
var validProviderNamePattern = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+|\\*$")