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2021-12-15 03:41:17 +01:00
page_title: Dynamic Blocks - Configuration Language
description: >-
Dynamic blocks automatically construct multi-level, nested block structures.
Learn to configure dynamic blocks and understand their behavior.
# `dynamic` Blocks
Within top-level block constructs like resources, expressions can usually be
used only when assigning a value to an argument using the `name = expression`
form. This covers many uses, but some resource types include repeatable _nested
blocks_ in their arguments, which typically represent separate objects that
are related to (or embedded within) the containing object:
resource "aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment" "tfenvtest" {
name = "tf-test-name" # can use expressions here
setting {
# but the "setting" block is always a literal block
You can dynamically construct repeatable nested blocks like `setting` using a
special `dynamic` block type, which is supported inside `resource`, `data`,
`provider`, and `provisioner` blocks:
resource "aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment" "tfenvtest" {
name = "tf-test-name"
application = "${aws_elastic_beanstalk_application.tftest.name}"
solution_stack_name = "64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v2.11.4 running Go 1.12.6"
dynamic "setting" {
for_each = var.settings
content {
namespace = setting.value["namespace"]
name = setting.value["name"]
value = setting.value["value"]
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A `dynamic` block acts much like a [`for` expression](/language/expressions/for), but produces
nested blocks instead of a complex typed value. It iterates over a given
complex value, and generates a nested block for each element of that complex
- The label of the dynamic block (`"setting"` in the example above) specifies
what kind of nested block to generate.
- The `for_each` argument provides the complex value to iterate over.
- The `iterator` argument (optional) sets the name of a temporary variable
that represents the current element of the complex value. If omitted, the name
of the variable defaults to the label of the `dynamic` block (`"setting"` in
the example above).
- The `labels` argument (optional) is a list of strings that specifies the block
labels, in order, to use for each generated block. You can use the temporary
iterator variable in this value.
- The nested `content` block defines the body of each generated block. You can
use the temporary iterator variable inside this block.
Since the `for_each` argument accepts any collection or structural value,
you can use a `for` expression or splat expression to transform an existing
The iterator object (`setting` in the example above) has two attributes:
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- `key` is the map key or list element index for the current element. If the
`for_each` expression produces a _set_ value then `key` is identical to
`value` and should not be used.
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- `value` is the value of the current element.
A `dynamic` block can only generate arguments that belong to the resource type,
data source, provider or provisioner being configured. It is _not_ possible
to generate meta-argument blocks such as `lifecycle` and `provisioner`
blocks, since Terraform must process these before it is safe to evaluate
The `for_each` value must be a collection with one element per desired
nested block. If you need to declare resource instances based on a nested
data structure or combinations of elements from multiple data structures you
can use Terraform expressions and functions to derive a suitable value.
For some common examples of such situations, see the
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2021-12-15 03:41:17 +01:00
## Multi-level Nested Block Structures
Some providers define resource types that include multiple levels of blocks
nested inside one another. You can generate these nested structures dynamically
when necessary by nesting `dynamic` blocks in the `content` portion of other
`dynamic` blocks.
For example, a module might accept a complex data structure like the following:
variable "load_balancer_origin_groups" {
type = map(object({
origins = set(object({
hostname = string
If you were defining a resource whose type expects a block for each origin
group and then nested blocks for each origin within a group, you could ask
Terraform to generate that dynamically using the following nested `dynamic`
dynamic "origin_group" {
for_each = var.load_balancer_origin_groups
content {
name = origin_group.key
dynamic "origin" {
for_each = origin_group.value.origins
content {
hostname = origin.value.hostname
When using nested `dynamic` blocks it's particularly important to pay attention
to the iterator symbol for each block. In the above example,
`origin_group.value` refers to the current element of the outer block, while
`origin.value` refers to the current element of the inner block.
If a particular resource type defines nested blocks that have the same type
name as one of their parents, you can use the `iterator` argument in each of
`dynamic` blocks to choose a different iterator symbol that makes the two
easier to distinguish.
## Best Practices for `dynamic` Blocks
Overuse of `dynamic` blocks can make configuration hard to read and maintain, so
we recommend using them only when you need to hide details in order to build a
clean user interface for a re-usable module. Always write nested blocks out
literally where possible.
If you find yourself defining most or all of a `resource` block's arguments and
nested blocks using directly-corresponding attributes from an input variable
then that might suggest that your module is not creating a useful abstraction.
It may be better for the calling module to define the resource itself then
pass information about it into your module. For more information on this design
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tradeoff, see [When to Write a Module](/language/modules/develop#when-to-write-a-module)
and [Module Composition](/language/modules/develop/composition).