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package openstack
import (
// LogRoundTripper satisfies the http.RoundTripper interface and is used to
// customize the default http client RoundTripper to allow for logging.
type LogRoundTripper struct {
Rt http.RoundTripper
OsDebug bool
MaxRetries int
// RoundTrip performs a round-trip HTTP request and logs relevant information about it.
func (lrt *LogRoundTripper) RoundTrip(request *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
defer func() {
if request.Body != nil {
// for future reference, this is how to access the Transport struct:
//tlsconfig := lrt.Rt.(*http.Transport).TLSClientConfig
var err error
if lrt.OsDebug {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] OpenStack Request URL: %s %s", request.Method, request.URL)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] OpenStack Request Headers:\n%s", FormatHeaders(request.Header, "\n"))
if request.Body != nil {
request.Body, err = lrt.logRequest(request.Body, request.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response, err := lrt.Rt.RoundTrip(request)
// If the first request didn't return a response, retry up to `max_retries`.
retry := 1
for response == nil {
if retry > lrt.MaxRetries {
if lrt.OsDebug {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] OpenStack connection error, retries exhausted. Aborting")
err = fmt.Errorf("OpenStack connection error, retries exhausted. Aborting. Last error was: %s", err)
return nil, err
if lrt.OsDebug {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] OpenStack connection error, retry number %d: %s", retry, err)
response, err = lrt.Rt.RoundTrip(request)
retry += 1
if lrt.OsDebug {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] OpenStack Response Code: %d", response.StatusCode)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] OpenStack Response Headers:\n%s", FormatHeaders(response.Header, "\n"))
response.Body, err = lrt.logResponse(response.Body, response.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
return response, err
// logRequest will log the HTTP Request details.
// If the body is JSON, it will attempt to be pretty-formatted.
func (lrt *LogRoundTripper) logRequest(original io.ReadCloser, contentType string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
defer original.Close()
var bs bytes.Buffer
_, err := io.Copy(&bs, original)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Handle request contentType
if strings.HasPrefix(contentType, "application/json") {
debugInfo := lrt.formatJSON(bs.Bytes())
log.Printf("[DEBUG] OpenStack Request Body: %s", debugInfo)
return ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(bs.String())), nil
// logResponse will log the HTTP Response details.
// If the body is JSON, it will attempt to be pretty-formatted.
func (lrt *LogRoundTripper) logResponse(original io.ReadCloser, contentType string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(contentType, "application/json") {
var bs bytes.Buffer
defer original.Close()
_, err := io.Copy(&bs, original)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
debugInfo := lrt.formatJSON(bs.Bytes())
if debugInfo != "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] OpenStack Response Body: %s", debugInfo)
return ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(bs.String())), nil
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Not logging because OpenStack response body isn't JSON")
return original, nil
// formatJSON will try to pretty-format a JSON body.
// It will also mask known fields which contain sensitive information.
func (lrt *LogRoundTripper) formatJSON(raw []byte) string {
var data map[string]interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Unable to parse OpenStack JSON: %s", err)
return string(raw)
// Mask known password fields
if v, ok := data["auth"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if v, ok := v["identity"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if v, ok := v["password"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if v, ok := v["user"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
v["password"] = "***"
if v, ok := v["application_credential"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
v["secret"] = "***"
if v, ok := v["token"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
v["id"] = "***"
// Ignore the catalog
if v, ok := data["token"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if _, ok := v["catalog"]; ok {
return ""
pretty, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Unable to re-marshal OpenStack JSON: %s", err)
return string(raw)
return string(pretty)
// Firewall is an OpenStack firewall.
type Firewall struct {
// FirewallCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new firewall.
type FirewallCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// ToFirewallCreateMap casts a CreateOptsExt struct to a map.
// It overrides firewalls.ToFirewallCreateMap to add the ValueSpecs field.
func (opts FirewallCreateOpts) ToFirewallCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return BuildRequest(opts, "firewall")
type FirewallUpdateOpts struct {
func (opts FirewallUpdateOpts) ToFirewallUpdateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return BuildRequest(opts, "firewall")
// FloatingIPCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new floating ip.
type FloatingIPCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// ToFloatingIPCreateMap casts a CreateOpts struct to a map.
// It overrides floatingips.ToFloatingIPCreateMap to add the ValueSpecs field.
func (opts FloatingIPCreateOpts) ToFloatingIPCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return BuildRequest(opts, "floatingip")
// NetworkCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new network.
type NetworkCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// ToNetworkCreateMap casts a CreateOpts struct to a map.
// It overrides networks.ToNetworkCreateMap to add the ValueSpecs field.
func (opts NetworkCreateOpts) ToNetworkCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return BuildRequest(opts, "network")
// PolicyCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new firewall policy.
type PolicyCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// IKEPolicyCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new IKE policy.
type IKEPolicyCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// IKEPolicyLifetimeCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new lifetime for an IKE policy.
type IKEPolicyLifetimeCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// ToPolicyCreateMap casts a CreateOpts struct to a map.
// It overrides policies.ToFirewallPolicyCreateMap to add the ValueSpecs field.
func (opts PolicyCreateOpts) ToFirewallPolicyCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return BuildRequest(opts, "firewall_policy")
// PortCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new port.
type PortCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// ToPortCreateMap casts a CreateOpts struct to a map.
// It overrides ports.ToPortCreateMap to add the ValueSpecs field.
func (opts PortCreateOpts) ToPortCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return BuildRequest(opts, "port")
// RouterCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new router.
type RouterCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// ToRouterCreateMap casts a CreateOpts struct to a map.
// It overrides routers.ToRouterCreateMap to add the ValueSpecs field.
func (opts RouterCreateOpts) ToRouterCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
return BuildRequest(opts, "router")
// RuleCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new firewall rule.
type RuleCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// ToRuleCreateMap casts a CreateOpts struct to a map.
// It overrides rules.ToRuleCreateMap to add the ValueSpecs field.
func (opts RuleCreateOpts) ToRuleCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
b, err := BuildRequest(opts, "firewall_rule")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m := b["firewall_rule"].(map[string]interface{}); m["protocol"] == "any" {
m["protocol"] = nil
return b, nil
// SubnetCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new subnet.
type SubnetCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// ToSubnetCreateMap casts a CreateOpts struct to a map.
// It overrides subnets.ToSubnetCreateMap to add the ValueSpecs field.
func (opts SubnetCreateOpts) ToSubnetCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
b, err := BuildRequest(opts, "subnet")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m := b["subnet"].(map[string]interface{}); m["gateway_ip"] == "" {
m["gateway_ip"] = nil
return b, nil
// SubnetPoolCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new subnet pool.
type SubnetPoolCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// IPSecPolicyCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new IPSec policy.
type IPSecPolicyCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// ServiceCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new VPN service.
type ServiceCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// EndpointGroupCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new endpoint group.
type EndpointGroupCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`
// SiteConnectionCreateOpts represents the attributes used when creating a new IPSec site connection.
type SiteConnectionCreateOpts struct {
ValueSpecs map[string]string `json:"value_specs,omitempty"`