website: document modules

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Hashimoto 2014-09-26 14:23:38 -07:00
parent fdb0239b4e
commit 03f630bdb8
12 changed files with 528 additions and 0 deletions

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layout: "docs"
page_title: "Command: get"
sidebar_current: "docs-commands-get"
# Command: get
The `terraform get` command is used to download and update
## Usage
Usage: `terraform get [options] [dir]`
The modules are downloaded into a local `.terraform` folder. This
folder should not be committed to version control.
If a module is already downloaded and the `-update` flag is _not_ set,
Terraform will do nothing. As a result, it is safe (and fast) to run this
command multiple times.
The command-line flags are all optional. The list of available flags are:
* `-update` - If specified, modules that are already downloaded will be
checked for updates and the updates will be downloaded if present.

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
layout: "docs"
page_title: "Configuring Modules"
sidebar_current: "docs-config-modules"
# Module Configuration
Modules are used in Terraform to modularize and encapsulate groups of
resources in your infrastructure. For more information on modules, see
the dedicated
[modules section](/docs/modules/index.html).
This page assumes you're familiar with the
[configuration syntax](/docs/configuration/syntax.html)
## Example
Module configuration looks like the following:
module "consul" {
source = ""
servers = 5
## Description
The `module` block configures a module and tells Terraform to build
its resources. Multiple module blocks may be used to configure and use
multiple modules.
The NAME of the module is logical: it is used only to reference the
module in other places in the configuration. It has no effect on the
source of the module. Therefore, you may name modules whatever you'd like.
Within the block (the `{ }`) is configuration for the module.
The only required key is `source`, which tells Terraform where this module
can be downloaded from. Valid source values are covered in more detail
in the
[module section](/docs/modules/index.html).
Other configuration within the module are dependent on the module itself.
Because module configuration maps directly to
[variables](/docs/configuration/variables.html) within the module, they
are always simple key and string values. Complex structures are not used
for modules.
## Syntax
The full syntax is:
module NAME {
source = SOURCE_URL
where `CONFIG` is:

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
layout: "docs"
page_title: "Creating Modules"
sidebar_current: "docs-modules-create"
# Creating Modules
Creating modules in Terraform is easy. You may want to do this to better
organize your code, to make a reusable component, or just to learn more about
Terraform. For any reason, if you already know the basics of Terraform,
creating a module is a piece of cake.
Modules in Terraform are just folders with Terraform files. In fact,
when you run `terraform apply`, the current working directory holding
the Terraform files you're applying comprise what is called the
_root module_. It itself is a valid module.
Therefore, you can enter the source of any module, run `terraform apply`,
and expect it to work (assuming you satisfy the required variables, if any).
## An Example
Within a folder containing Terraform configurations, create a subfolder
"child". In this subfolder, make one empty "" file. Then, back in
the root folder containing the "child" folder, add this to one of the
Terraform files:
module "child" {
source = "./child"
This will work. You've created your first module! You can add resources
to the child module to see how that interaction works.
## Inputs/Outputs
To make modules more useful than simple isolated containers of Terraform
configurations, modules can be configured and also have outputs that can be
consumed by the configuration using the module.
Inputs of a module are [variables](/docs/configuration/variables.html)
and outputs are [outputs](/docs/configuration/outputs.html). There is no
special syntax to define these, they're defined just like any other
variables or outputs.
In the "child" module we created above, add the following:
variable "memory" {}
output "received" {
value = "${var.memory}"
This will create a required variable "memory" and then an output "received"
that will simply be the value of the memory variable.
You can then configure the module and use the output like so:
module "child" {
source = "./child"
memory = "1G"
output "child_memory" {
value = "${module.child.received}"
If you run `apply`, you'll again see that this works.
And that is all there is to it. Variables and outputs are used to configure
modules and provide results. Resources within a module are isolated,
and the whole thing is managed as a single unit.
## Nested Modules
You can use a module within a module just like you would anywhere else.
This module will be hidden from the root user, so you'll have re-expose any
variables if you need to, as well as outputs.
The [get command](/docs/commands/get.html) will automatically get all
nested modules as well.
You don't have to worry about conflicting versions of modules, since
Terraform builds isolated subtrees of all dependencies. For example,
one module might use version 1.0 of module "foo" and another module
might use version 2.0 of module "foo", and this would all work fine
within Terraform since the modules are created separately.

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
layout: "docs"
page_title: "Modules"
sidebar_current: "docs-modules"
# Modules
Modules in terraform are self-contained packages of Terraform configurations
that are managed as a group. Modules are used to create reusable components
in Terraform as well as for basic code organization.
Modules are very easy to both use and create. Depending on what you're
looking to do first, use the navigation on the left to dive into how
modules work.

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
layout: "docs"
page_title: "Module Sources"
sidebar_current: "docs-modules-sources"
# Module Sources
As documented in [usage](/docs/modules/usage.html), the only required
parameter when using a module is the `source` paramter which tells Terraform
where the module can be found and what constraints to put on the module
if any (such as branches for git, versions, etc.).
Terraform manages modules for you: it downloads them, organizes them
on disk, checks for updates, etc. Terraform uses this source parameter for
the download/update of modules.
Terraform supports the following sources:
* Local file paths
* GitHub
* BitBucket
* Generic Git, Mercurial repositories
Each is documented further below.
## Local File Paths
The easiest source is the local file path. For maximum portability, this
should be a relative file path into a subdirectory. This allows you to
organize your Terraform configuration into modules within one repository,
for example.
An example is shown below:
module "consul" {
source = "./consul"
Updates for file paths are automatic: when "downloading" the module
using the [get command](/docs/commands/get.html), Terraform will create
a symbolic link to the original directory. Therefore, any changes are
automatically instantly available.
## GitHub
Terraform will automatically recognize GitHub URLs and turn them into
the proper Git repository. The syntax is simple:
module "consul" {
source = ""
Subdirectories within the repository can also be referenced:
module "consul" {
source = ""
GitHub source URLs will require that Git is installed on your system
and that you have the proper access to the repository.
You can use the same parameters to GitHub repositories as you can generic
Git repositories (such as tags or branches). See the documentation for generic
Git repositories for more information.
## BitBucket
Terraform will automatically recognize BitBucket URLs and turn them into
the proper Git or Mercurial repository. An example:
module "consul" {
source = ""
Subdirectories within the repository can also be referenced:
module "consul" {
source = ""
BitBucket URLs will require that Git or Mercurial is installed on your
system, depending on the source URL.
## Generic Git Repository
Generic Git repositories are also supported. The value of `source` in this
case should be a complete Git-compatible URL. Using Git requires that
Git is installed on your system. Example:
module "consul" {
source = "git://"
You can also use protocols such as HTTP or SSH, but you'll have to hint
to Terraform (using the forced source type syntax documented below) to use
module "consul" {
source = "git::"
URLs for Git repositories (of any protocol) support the following query
* `ref` - The ref to checkout. This can be a branch, tag, commit, etc.
An example of using these parameters is shown below:
module "consul" {
source = "git::"
## Generic Mercurial Repository
Generic Mercurial repositories are supported. The value of `source` in this
case should be a complete Mercurial-compatible URL. Using Mercurial requires that
Mercurial is installed on your system. Example:
module "consul" {
source = "hg::"
In the case of above, we used the forced source type syntax documented below.
Mercurial repositories require this.
URLs for Mercurial repositories (of any protocol) support the following query
* `rev` - The rev to checkout. This can be a branch, tag, commit, etc.
Any HTTP endpoint can serve up Terraform modules. For HTTP URLs (SSL is
supported, as well), Terraform will make a GET request to the given URL.
An additional GET parameter `terraform-get=1` will be appended, allowing
you to optionally render the page differently when Terraform is requesting it.
Terraform then looks for the resulting module URL in the following order.
First, if a header `X-Terraform-Get` is present, then it should contain
the source URL of the actual module. This will be used.
If the header isn't present, Terraform will look for a `<meta>` tag
with the name of "terraform-get". The value will be used as the source
## Forced Source Type
In a couple places above, we've referenced "forced source type." Forced
source type is a syntax added to URLs that allow you to force a specific
method for download/updating the module. It is used to disambiguate URLs.
For example, the source "" could just as
easily be a plain HTTP URL as it might be a Git repository speaking the
HTTP protocol. The forced source type syntax is used to force Terraform
one way or the other.
module "consul" {
source = "git::"
The above will force Terraform to get the module using Git, despite it
being an HTTP URL.
If a forced source type isn't specified, Terraform will match the exact
protocol if it supports it. It will not try multiple methods. In the case
above, it would've used the HTTP method.

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
layout: "docs"
page_title: "Using Modules"
sidebar_current: "docs-modules-usage"
# Module Usage
Using modules in Terraform is very similar to defining resources:
module "consul" {
source = ""
servers = 3
You can view the full documentation for the syntax of configuring
modules [here](/docs/configuration/modules.html).
As you can see, it is very similar to defining resources, with the exception
that we don't specify a type, and just a name. This name can be used elsewhere
in the configuration to reference the module and its variables.
The existence of the above configuration will tell Terraform to create
the resources in the "consul" module which can be found on GitHub with the
given URL. Just like a resource, the module configuration can be deleted
to remove the module.
## Source
The only required configuration key is the `source` parameter. The value of
this tells Terraform where the module can be downloaded, updated, etc.
Terraform comes with support for a variety of module sources. These
are documented on a [separate page](/docs/modules/sources.html).
Prior to running any command such as `plan` with a configuration that
uses modules, you'll have to [get](/docs/commands/get.html) the modules.
This is done using the [get command](/docs/commands/get.html).
$ terraform get
This command will download the modules if they haven't been already.
By default, the command will not check for updates, so it is safe (and fast)
to run multiple times. You can use the `-u` flag to check and download
## Configuration
The parameters used to configure modules, such as the `servers` parameter
above, map directly to [variables](/docs/configuration/variables.html) within
the module itself. Therefore, you can quickly discover all the configuration
for a module by inspecting the source of it very easily.
Additionally, because these map directly to variables, they're always simple
key/value pairs. Modules can't have complex variable inputs.
## Outputs
Modules can also specify their own [outputs](/docs/configuration/outputs.html).
These outputs can be referenced in other places in your configuration.
For example:
resource "aws_instance" "client" {
ami = "ami-123456"
instance_type = "m1.small"
availability_zone = "${module.consul.server_availability_zone}"
This purposely is very similar to accessing resource attributes. But instead
of mapping to a resource, the variable in this case maps to an output of
a module.
Just like resources, this will create a dependency from the `aws_instance.client`
resource to the module, so the module will be built first.
## Plans and Graphs
With modules, commands such as the [plan command](/docs/commands/plan.html)
[graph command](/docs/commands/graph.html) will show the module as a single
unit by default. You can use the `-module-depth` parameter to expand this
graph further.
For example, with a configuration similar to what we've built above, here
is what the graph output looks like by default:
<div class="center">
<img src="/images/docs/module_graph.png">
But if we set `-module-depth=-1`, the graph will look like this:
<div class="center">
<img src="/images/docs/module_graph_expand.png">
Other commands work similarly with modules. Note that the `-module-depth`
flag is purely a formatting flag; it doesn't affect what modules are created
or not.

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@ -41,6 +41,10 @@
<a href="/docs/configuration/outputs.html">Outputs</a>
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-config-modules") %>>
<a href="/docs/configuration/modules.html">Modules</a>
@ -51,6 +55,10 @@
<a href="/docs/commands/apply.html">apply</a>
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-commands-get") %>>
<a href="/docs/commands/get.html">get</a>
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-commands-graph") %>>
<a href="/docs/commands/graph.html">graph</a>
@ -131,6 +139,23 @@
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules") %>>
<a href="/docs/modules/index.html">Modules</a>
<ul class="nav">
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules-usage") %>>
<a href="/docs/modules/usage.html">Usage</a>
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules-sources") %>>
<a href="/docs/modules/sources.html">Sources</a>
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules-create") %>>
<a href="/docs/modules/create.html">Creating Modules</a>
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-plugins") %>>
<a href="/docs/plugins/index.html">Plugins</a>
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