website: References to Resource Attributes

Since references to attributes of resources are by far the most common
reference type, and the mapping of resource type config to the attributes
is not always obvious, here we give some real examples of patterns for
accessing different configuration constructs within resource blocks along
with the resource type's exported attributes.

Since we don't have any real examples of labelled nested blocks yet (the
current SDK doesn't support them) I've included a hypothetical example for
now just to establish the patterns around them in preparation for
beginning to introduce them as we roll out this feature in the SDK.
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Martin Atkins 2019-03-08 18:05:12 -08:00
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@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ The following named values are available:
If the resource has the `count` argument set, the value of this expression
is a _list_ of objects representing its instances.
For more information, see
[references to resource attributes](#references-to-resource-attributes) below.
* `var.<NAME>` is the value of the
[input variable](./variables.html) of the given name.
* `local.<NAME>` is the value of the
@ -206,6 +209,81 @@ infer dependencies between objects. For example, an expression in a resource
argument that refers to another managed resource creates an implicit dependency
between the two resources.
### References to Resource Attributes
The most common reference type is a reference to an attribute of a resource
which has been declared either with a `resource` or `data` block. Because
the contents of such blocks can be quite complicated themselves, expressions
referring to these contents can also be complicated.
Consider the following example resource block:
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
ami = "ami-abc123"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
ebs_block_device {
device_name = "sda2"
volume_size = 16
ebs_block_device {
device_name = "sda3"
volume_size = 20
The documentation for [`aws_instance`](/docs/providers/aws/r/instance.html)
lists all of the arguments and nested blocks supported for this resource type,
and also lists a number of attributes that are _exported_ by this resource
type. All of these different resource type schema constructs are available
for use in references, as follows:
* The `ami` argument set in the configuration can be used elsewhere with
the reference expression `aws_instance.example.ami`.
* The `id` attribute exported by this resource type can be read using the
same syntax, giving ``.
* The arguments of the `ebs_block_device` nested blocks can be accessed using
a [splat expression](#splat-expressions). For example, to obtain a list of
all of the `device_name` values, use
* The nested blocks in this particular resource type do not have any exported
attributes, but if `ebs_block_device` were to have a documented `id`
attribute then a list of them could be accessed similarly as
* Sometimes nested blocks are defined as taking a logical key to identify each
block, which serves a similar purpose as the resource's own name by providing
a convenient way to refer to that single block in expressions. If `aws_instance`
had a hypothetical nested block type `device` that accepted such a key, it
would look like this in configuration:
device "foo" {
size = 2
device "bar" {
size = 4
Arguments inside blocks with _keys_ can be accessed using index syntax, such
as `aws_instance.example.device["foo"].size`.
To obtain a map of values of a particular argument for _labelled_ nested
block types, use a [`for` expression](for-expressions):
`[for k, device in aws_instance.example.device : k => device.size]`.
When a particular resource has the special
argument set, the resource itself becomes a list of instance objects rather than
a single object. In that case, access the attributes of the instances using
either [splat expressions](#splat-expressions) or index syntax:
* `aws_instance.example[*].id` returns a list of all of the ids of each of the
* `aws_instance.example[0].id` returns just the id of the first instance.
### Local Named Values
Within the bodies of certain expressions, or in some other specific contexts,