new Diff.Apply

The previous version assumed the diff could be applied verbatim, and
only used the schema at the top level since diffs are "flat". This
turned out to not work reliably with nested blocks. The new Apply method
is driven completely by the schema, and handles nested blocks separately
from other collections.
This commit is contained in:
James Bardin 2019-01-22 17:21:43 -05:00
parent c37147d876
commit 7257258f18
1 changed files with 210 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -416,7 +416,6 @@ func (d *InstanceDiff) Unlock() { }
// This method is intended for shimming old subsystems that still use this
// legacy diff type to work with the new-style types.
func (d *InstanceDiff) ApplyToValue(base cty.Value, schema *configschema.Block) (cty.Value, error) {
// Create an InstanceState attributes from our existing state.
// We can use this to more easily apply the diff changes.
attrs := hcl2shim.FlatmapValueFromHCL2(base)
@ -447,10 +446,6 @@ func (d *InstanceDiff) Apply(attrs map[string]string, schema *configschema.Block
attrs = map[string]string{}
return d.applyDiff(attrs, schema)
func (d *InstanceDiff) applyDiff(attrs map[string]string, schema *configschema.Block) (map[string]string, error) {
// Rather applying the diff to mutate the attrs, we'll copy new values into
// here to avoid the possibility of leaving stale values.
result := map[string]string{}
@ -459,61 +454,195 @@ func (d *InstanceDiff) applyDiff(attrs map[string]string, schema *configschema.B
return result, nil
return d.blockDiff(nil, attrs, schema)
func (d *InstanceDiff) blockDiff(path []string, attrs map[string]string, schema *configschema.Block) (map[string]string, error) {
result := map[string]string{}
name := ""
if len(path) > 0 {
name = path[len(path)-1]
// localPrefix is used to build the local result map
localPrefix := ""
if name != "" {
localPrefix = name + "."
// iterate over the schema rather than the attributes, so we can handle
// blocks separately from plain attributes
for name, attrSchema := range schema.Attributes {
// different block types separately from plain attributes
for n, attrSchema := range schema.Attributes {
var err error
var newAttrs map[string]string
// handle non-block collections
switch ty := attrSchema.Type; {
case ty.IsListType() || ty.IsTupleType() || ty.IsMapType():
newAttrs, err = d.applyCollectionDiff(name, attrs, attrSchema)
case ty.IsSetType():
newAttrs, err = d.applySetDiff(name, attrs, schema)
newAttrs, err = d.applyAttrDiff(name, attrs, attrSchema)
newAttrs, err := d.applyAttrDiff(append(path, n), attrs, attrSchema)
if err != nil {
return result, err
for k, v := range newAttrs {
result[k] = v
result[localPrefix+k] = v
for name, block := range schema.BlockTypes {
newAttrs, err := d.applySetDiff(name, attrs, &block.Block)
blockPrefix := strings.Join(path, ".")
if blockPrefix != "" {
blockPrefix += "."
for n, block := range schema.BlockTypes {
// we need to find the set of all keys that traverse this block
candidateKeys := map[string]bool{}
blockKey := blockPrefix + n + "."
// we can only trust the diff for sets, since the path changes, so don't
// count existing values as candidate keys. If it turns out we're
// keeping the
if block.Nesting != configschema.NestingSet {
for k := range attrs {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, blockKey) {
nextDot := strings.Index(k[len(blockKey):], ".")
if nextDot < 0 {
nextDot += len(blockKey)
candidateKeys[k[len(blockKey):nextDot]] = true
for k, diff := range d.Attributes {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, blockKey) {
nextDot := strings.Index(k[len(blockKey):], ".")
if nextDot < 0 {
if diff.NewRemoved {
nextDot += len(blockKey)
candidateKeys[k[len(blockKey):nextDot]] = true
// check each set candidate to see if it was removed.
// we need to do this, because when entire sets are removed, they may
// have the wrong key, and ony show diffs going to ""
if block.Nesting == configschema.NestingSet {
for k := range candidateKeys {
indexPrefix := strings.Join(append(path, n, k), ".") + "."
keep := false
// now check each set element to see if it's a new diff, or one
// that we're dropping. Since we're only applying the "New"
// portion of the set, we can ignore diffs that only contain "Old"
for attr, diff := range d.Attributes {
if !strings.HasPrefix(attr, indexPrefix) {
// check for empty "count" keys
if strings.HasSuffix(attr, ".#") && diff.New == "0" {
// removed items don't count either
if diff.NewRemoved {
// this must be a diff to keep
keep = true
if !keep {
delete(candidateKeys, k)
for k := range candidateKeys {
newAttrs, err := d.blockDiff(append(path, n, k), attrs, &block.Block)
if err != nil {
return result, err
for k, v := range newAttrs {
result[k] = v
for attr, v := range newAttrs {
result[localPrefix+n+"."+attr] = v
keepBlock := true
// check this block's count diff directly first, since we may not
// have candidates because it was removed and only set to "0"
if diff, ok := d.Attributes[blockKey+"#"]; ok {
if diff.New == "0" || diff.NewRemoved {
keepBlock = false
// if there was no diff at all, then we need to keep the block attributes
if len(candidateKeys) == 0 && keepBlock {
for k, v := range attrs {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, blockKey) {
// we need the key relative to this block, so remove the
// entire prefix, then re-insert the block name.
localKey := n + "." + k[len(blockKey):]
result[localKey] = v
if countDiff, ok := d.Attributes[strings.Join(append(path, n, ".#"), ".")]; ok {
if countDiff.NewComputed {
result[localPrefix+n+".#"] = hcl2shim.UnknownVariableValue
} else {
result[localPrefix+n+".#"] = countDiff.New
} else {
result[localPrefix+n+".#"] = countFlatmapContainerValues(localPrefix+n+".#", result)
return result, nil
func (d *InstanceDiff) applyAttrDiff(attrName string, oldAttrs map[string]string, attrSchema *configschema.Attribute) (map[string]string, error) {
result := map[string]string{}
func (d *InstanceDiff) applyAttrDiff(path []string, attrs map[string]string, attrSchema *configschema.Attribute) (map[string]string, error) {
ty := attrSchema.Type
switch {
case ty.IsListType(), ty.IsTupleType(), ty.IsMapType(), ty.IsSetType():
return d.applyCollectionDiff(path, attrs, attrSchema)
return d.applySingleAttrDiff(path, attrs, attrSchema)
diff := d.Attributes[attrName]
old, exists := oldAttrs[attrName]
func (d *InstanceDiff) applySingleAttrDiff(path []string, attrs map[string]string, attrSchema *configschema.Attribute) (map[string]string, error) {
currentKey := strings.Join(path, ".")
attr := path[len(path)-1]
result := map[string]string{}
diff := d.Attributes[currentKey]
old, exists := attrs[currentKey]
if diff != nil && diff.NewComputed {
result[attrName] = config.UnknownVariableValue
result[attr] = config.UnknownVariableValue
return result, nil
if attrName == "id" {
// "id" must exist and not be an empty string, or it must be unknown
if attr == "id" {
if old == "" {
result["id"] = config.UnknownVariableValue
result[attr] = config.UnknownVariableValue
} else {
result["id"] = old
result[attr] = old
return result, nil
@ -522,16 +651,28 @@ func (d *InstanceDiff) applyAttrDiff(attrName string, oldAttrs map[string]string
// old value
if diff == nil {
if exists {
result[attrName] = old
result[attr] = old
} else {
// We need required values, so set those with an empty value. It
// must be set in the config, since if it were missing it would have
// failed validation.
if attrSchema.Required {
result[attrName] = ""
// we only set a missing string here, since bool or number types
// would have distinct zero value which shouldn't have been
// lost.
if attrSchema.Type == cty.String {
result[attr] = ""
return result, nil
if diff.Old == diff.New && diff.New == "" {
// this can only be a valid empty string
if attrSchema.Type == cty.String {
result[attr] = ""
return result, nil
@ -540,11 +681,11 @@ func (d *InstanceDiff) applyAttrDiff(attrName string, oldAttrs map[string]string
old != diff.Old &&
old != config.UnknownVariableValue &&
diff.Old != config.UnknownVariableValue {
return result, fmt.Errorf("diff apply conflict for %s: diff expects %q, but prior value has %q", attrName, diff.Old, old)
return result, fmt.Errorf("diff apply conflict for %s: diff expects %q, but prior value has %q", attr, diff.Old, old)
if attrSchema.Computed && diff.NewComputed {
result[attrName] = config.UnknownVariableValue
result[attr] = config.UnknownVariableValue
return result, nil
@ -553,29 +694,42 @@ func (d *InstanceDiff) applyAttrDiff(attrName string, oldAttrs map[string]string
return result, nil
result[attrName] = diff.New
result[attr] = diff.New
return result, nil
func (d *InstanceDiff) applyCollectionDiff(attrName string, oldAttrs map[string]string, attrSchema *configschema.Attribute) (map[string]string, error) {
func (d *InstanceDiff) applyCollectionDiff(path []string, attrs map[string]string, attrSchema *configschema.Attribute) (map[string]string, error) {
result := map[string]string{}
prefix := ""
if len(path) > 1 {
prefix = strings.Join(path[:len(path)-1], ".") + "."
name := ""
if len(path) > 0 {
name = path[len(path)-1]
currentKey := prefix + name
// check the index first for special handling
for k, diff := range d.Attributes {
// check the index value, which can be set, and 0
if k == attrName+".#" || k == attrName+".%" || k == attrName {
if k == currentKey+".#" || k == currentKey+".%" || k == currentKey {
if diff.NewRemoved {
return result, nil
if diff.NewComputed {
result[k] = config.UnknownVariableValue
result[k[len(prefix):]] = config.UnknownVariableValue
return result, nil
// do what the diff tells us to here, so that it's consistent with applies
if diff.New == "0" {
result[k] = "0"
result[k[len(prefix):]] = "0"
return result, nil
@ -586,93 +740,38 @@ func (d *InstanceDiff) applyCollectionDiff(attrName string, oldAttrs map[string]
for k := range d.Attributes {
keys[k] = true
for k := range oldAttrs {
for k := range attrs {
keys[k] = true
idx := attrName + ".#"
idx := "#"
if attrSchema.Type.IsMapType() {
idx = attrName + ".%"
idx = "%"
for k := range keys {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, attrName+".") {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, currentKey+".") {
res, err := d.applyAttrDiff(k, oldAttrs, attrSchema)
// generate an schema placeholder for the values
elSchema := &configschema.Attribute{
Type: attrSchema.Type.ElementType(),
res, err := d.applySingleAttrDiff(append(path, k[len(currentKey)+1:]), attrs, elSchema)
if err != nil {
return result, err
for k, v := range res {
result[k] = v
result[name+"."+k] = v
// Don't trust helper/schema to return a valid count, or even have one at
// all.
result[idx] = countFlatmapContainerValues(idx, result)
return result, nil
func (d *InstanceDiff) applySetDiff(attrName string, oldAttrs map[string]string, block *configschema.Block) (map[string]string, error) {
result := map[string]string{}
idx := attrName + ".#"
// first find the index diff
for k, diff := range d.Attributes {
if k != idx {
if diff.NewComputed {
result[k] = config.UnknownVariableValue
return result, nil
// Flag if there was a diff used in the set at all.
// If not, take the pre-existing set values
setDiff := false
// here we're trusting the diff to supply all the known items
for k, diff := range d.Attributes {
if !strings.HasPrefix(k, attrName+".") {
setDiff = true
if diff.NewRemoved {
// no longer in the set
if diff.NewComputed {
result[k] = config.UnknownVariableValue
// helper/schema doesn't list old removed values, but since the set
// exists NewRemoved may not be true.
if diff.New == "" && diff.Old == "" {
result[k] = diff.New
// use the existing values if there was no set diff at all
if !setDiff {
for k, v := range oldAttrs {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, attrName+".") {
result[k] = v
result[idx] = countFlatmapContainerValues(idx, result)
result[idx] = countFlatmapContainerValues(name+"."+idx, result)
return result, nil