website: Revamped module-authoring docs for Terraform v0.12

As well as some general consolidation and reorganizing, this also includes
some updated advice for making the best use of new Terraform v0.12
features to create infrastructure building-blocks.

In particular, the "Module Usage" documentation is now consolidated into
the configuration section in order to bring all of our general language
documentation together, and the top-level "Modules" section is now
primarily focused on module _authors_ as an audience, covering topics such
as publishing modules and designing them for reuse.
This commit is contained in:
Martin Atkins 2019-03-05 12:18:40 -08:00
parent 3600f59bb7
commit 9336c7fba3
8 changed files with 818 additions and 663 deletions

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@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ calling module can use to refer to this instance of the module.
Within the block body (between `{` and `}`) are the arguments for the module. Within the block body (between `{` and `}`) are the arguments for the module.
Most of the arguments correspond to [input variables](./variables.html) Most of the arguments correspond to [input variables](./variables.html)
defined by the module, including the `servers` argument in the above example. defined by the module, including the `servers` argument in the above example.
Terraform also defines a few meta-arguments that are reserved by Terraform
and used for its own purposes; we will discuss those throughout the rest of
this section.
All modules require a `source` argument, which is a meta-argument defined by All modules require a `source` argument, which is a meta-argument defined by
Terraform CLI. Its value is either the path to a local directory of the Terraform CLI. Its value is either the path to a local directory of the
@ -65,6 +68,11 @@ The same source address can be specified in multiple `module` blocks to create
multiple copies of the resources defined within, possibly with different multiple copies of the resources defined within, possibly with different
variable values. variable values.
After adding, removing, or modifying `module` blocks, you must re-run
`terraform init` to allow Terraform the opportunity to adjust the installed
modules. By default this command will not upgrade an already-installed module;
use the `-upgrade` option to instead upgrade to the newest available version.
## Accessing Module Output Values ## Accessing Module Output Values
The resources defined in a module are encapsulated, so the calling module The resources defined in a module are encapsulated, so the calling module
@ -87,6 +95,48 @@ resource "aws_elb" "example" {
For more information about referring to named values, see For more information about referring to named values, see
[Expressions](./expressions.html). [Expressions](./expressions.html).
## Module Versions
We recommend explicitly constraining the acceptable version numbers for
each external module to avoid unexpected or unwanted changes.
Use the `version` attribute in the `module` block to specify versions:
module "consul" {
source = "hashicorp/consul/aws"
version = "0.0.5"
servers = 3
The `version` attribute value may either be a single explicit version or
a version constraint expression. Constraint expressions use the following
syntax to specify a _range_ of versions that are acceptable:
* `>= 1.2.0`: version 1.2.0 or newer
* `<= 1.2.0`: version 1.2.0 or older
* `~> 1.2.0`: any non-beta version `>= 1.2.0` and `< 1.3.0`, e.g. `1.2.X`
* `~> 1.2`: any non-beta version `>= 1.2.0` and `< 2.0.0`, e.g. `1.X.Y`
* `>= 1.0.0, <= 2.0.0`: any version between 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 inclusive
When depending on third-party modules, references to specific versions are
recommended since this ensures that updates only happen when convenient to you.
For modules maintained within your organization, a version range strategy
may be appropriate if a semantic versioning methodology is used consistently
or if there is a well-defined release process that avoids unwanted updates.
Version constraints are supported only for modules installed from a module
registry, such as the [Terraform Registry]( or
[Terraform Enterprise's private module registry](/docs/enterprise/registry/index.html).
Other module sources can provide their own versioning mechanisms within the
source string itself, or might not support versions at all. In particular,
modules sourced from local file paths do not support `version`; since
they're loaded from the same source repository, they always share the same
version as their caller.
## Other Meta-arguments ## Other Meta-arguments
Along with the `source` meta-argument described above, module blocks have Along with the `source` meta-argument described above, module blocks have
@ -112,3 +162,255 @@ future features.
Since modules are a complex feature in their own right, further detail Since modules are a complex feature in their own right, further detail
about how modules can be used, created, and published is included in about how modules can be used, created, and published is included in
[the dedicated section on modules](/docs/modules/index.html). [the dedicated section on modules](/docs/modules/index.html).
## Providers within Modules
In a configuration with multiple modules, there are some special considerations
for how resources are associated with provider configurations.
While in principle `provider` blocks can appear in any module, it is recommended
that they be placed only in the _root_ module of a configuration, since this
approach allows users to configure providers just once and re-use them across
all descendent modules.
Each resource in the configuration must be associated with one provider
configuration, which may either be within the same module as the resource
or be passed from the parent module. Providers can be passed down to descendent
modules in two ways: either _implicitly_ through inheritance, or _explicitly_
via the `providers` argument within a `module` block. These two options are
discussed in more detail in the following sections.
In all cases it is recommended to keep explicit provider configurations only in
the root module and pass them (whether implicitly or explicitly) down to
descendent modules. This avoids the provider configurations from being "lost"
when descendent modules are removed from the configuration. It also allows
the user of a configuration to determine which providers require credentials
by inspecting only the root module.
Provider configurations are used for all operations on associated resources,
including destroying remote objects and refreshing state. Terraform retains, as
part of its state, a reference to the provider configuration that was most
recently used to apply changes to each resource. When a `resource` block is
removed from the configuration, this record in the state is used to locate the
appropriate configuration because the resource's `provider` argument (if any)
is no longer present in the configuration.
As a consequence, it is required that all resources created for a particular
provider configuration must be destroyed before that provider configuration is
removed, unless the related resources are re-configured to use a different
provider configuration first.
### Implicit Provider Inheritance
For convenience in simple configurations, a child module automatically inherits
default (un-aliased) provider configurations from its parent. This means that
explicit `provider` blocks appear only in the root module, and downstream
modules can simply declare resources for that provider and have them
automatically associated with the root provider configurations.
For example, the root module might contain only a `provider` block and a
`module` block to instantiate a child module:
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-1"
module "child" {
source = "./child"
The child module can then use any resource from this provider with no further
provider configuration required:
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
bucket = "provider-inherit-example"
This approach is recommended in the common case where only a single
configuration is needed for each provider across the entire configuration.
In more complex situations there may be [multiple provider instances](/docs/configuration/providers.html#multiple-provider-instances),
or a child module may need to use different provider settings than
its parent. For such situations, it's necessary to pass providers explicitly
as we will see in the next section.
## Passing Providers Explicitly
When child modules each need a different configuration of a particular
provider, or where the child module requires a different provider configuration
than its parent, the `providers` argument within a `module` block can be
used to define explicitly which provider configs are made available to the
child module. For example:
# The default "aws" configuration is used for AWS resources in the root
# module where no explicit provider instance is selected.
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-1"
# A non-default, or "aliased" configuration is also defined for a different
# region.
provider "aws" {
alias = "usw2"
region = "us-west-2"
# An example child module is instantiated with the _aliased_ configuration,
# so any AWS resources it defines will use the us-west-2 region.
module "example" {
source = "./example"
providers = {
aws = "aws.usw2"
The `providers` argument within a `module` block is similar to
the `provider` argument within a resource as described for
[multiple provider instances](/docs/configuration/providers.html#multiple-provider-instances),
but is a map rather than a single string because a module may contain resources
from many different providers.
Once the `providers` argument is used in a `module` block, it overrides all of
the default inheritance behavior, so it is necessary to enumerate mappings
for _all_ of the required providers. This is to avoid confusion and surprises
that may result when mixing both implicit and explicit provider passing.
Additional provider configurations (those with the `alias` argument set) are
_never_ inherited automatically by child modules, and so must always be passed
explicitly using the `providers` map. For example, a module
that configures connectivity between networks in two AWS regions is likely
to need both a source and a destination region. In that case, the root module
may look something like this:
provider "aws" {
alias = "usw1"
region = "us-west-1"
provider "aws" {
alias = "usw2"
region = "us-west-2"
module "tunnel" {
source = "./tunnel"
providers = {
aws.src = "aws.usw1"
aws.dst = "aws.usw2"
In the `providers` map, the keys are provider names as expected by the child
module, while the values are the names of corresponding configurations in
the _current_ module. The subdirectory `./tunnel` must then contain
_proxy configuration blocks_ like the following, to declare that it
requires configurations to be passed with these from the `providers` block in
the parent's `module` block:
provider "aws" {
alias = "src"
provider "aws" {
alias = "dst"
Each resource should then have its own `provider` attribute set to either
`"aws.src"` or `"aws.dst"` to choose which of the two provider instances to use.
At this time it is required to write an explicit proxy configuration block
even for default (un-aliased) provider configurations when they will be passed
via an explicit `providers` block:
provider "aws" {
If such a block is not present, the child module will behave as if it has no
configurations of this type at all, which may cause input prompts to supply
any required provider configuration arguments. This limitation will be
addressed in a future version of Terraform.
## Multiple Instances of a Module
A particular module source can be instantiated multiple times:
module "assets_bucket" {
source = "./publish_bucket"
name = "assets"
module "media_bucket" {
source = "./publish_bucket"
name = "media"
# publish_bucket/
variable "name" {} # this is the input parameter of the module
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
# ...
resource "aws_iam_user" "deploy_user" {
# ...
This example defines a local child module in the `./publish_bucket`
subdirectory. That module has configuration to create an S3 bucket. The module
wraps the bucket and all the other implementation details required to configure
a bucket.
We can then instantiate the module multiple times in our configuration by
giving each instance a unique name -- here `module "assets_bucket"` and
`module "media_bucket"` -- whilst specifying the same `source` value.
Resources from child modules are prefixed with `module.<module-instance-name>`
when displayed in plan output and elsewhere in the UI. For example, the
`./publish_bucket` module contains `aws_s3_bucket.example`, and so the two
instances of this module produce S3 bucket resources with [_resource addresses_](/docs/internals/resource-addressing.html)
`module.assets_bucket.aws_s3_bucket.example` and `module.media_bucket.aws_s3_bucket.example`
respectively. These full addresses are used within the UI and on the command
line, but are not valid within interpolation expressions due to the
encapsulation behavior described above.
When refactoring an existing configuration to introduce modules, moving
resource blocks between modules causes Terraform to see the new location
as an entirely separate resource to the old. Always check the execution plan
after performing such actions to ensure that no resources are surprisingly
Each instance of a module may optionally have different providers passed to it
using the `providers` argument described above. This can be useful in situations
where, for example, a duplicated set of resources must be created across
several regions or datacenters.
## Tainting resources within a module
The [taint command](/docs/commands/taint.html) can be used to _taint_ specific
resources within a module:
$ terraform taint -module=salt_master aws_instance.salt_master
It is not possible to taint an entire module. Instead, each resource within
the module must be tainted separately.

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@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
layout: "docs"
page_title: "Module Composition"
sidebar_current: "docs-modules-composition"
description: |-
Module composition allows infrastructure to be described from modular
building blocks.
# Module Composition
In a simple Terraform configuration with only one root module, we create a
flat set of resources and use Terraform's expression syntax to describe the
relationships between these resources:
resource "aws_vpc" "example" {
cidr_block = ""
resource "aws_subnet" "example" {
vpc_id =
availability_zone = "us-west-2b"
cidr_block = cidrsubnet(aws_vpc.example.cidr_block, 4, 1)
When we introduce `module` blocks, our configuration becomes heirarchical
rather than flat: each module contains its own set of resources, and possibly
its own child modules, which can potentially create a deep, complex tree of
resource configurations.
However, in most cases we strongly recommend keeping the module tree flat,
with only one level of child modules, and use a technique similar to the
above of using expressions to describe the relationships between the modules:
module "network" {
source = "./modules/aws-network"
base_cidr_block = ""
module "consul_cluster" {
source = "./modules/aws-consul-cluster"
vpc_id =
subnet_ids =
We call this flat style of module usage _module composition_, because it
takes multiple [composable](
building-block modules and assembles them together to produce a larger system.
Instead of a module _embedding_ its dependencies, creating and managing its
own copy, the module _receives_ its dependencies from the root module, which
can therefore connect the same modules in different ways to produce different
The rest of this page discusses some more specific composition patterns that
may be useful when describing larger systems with Terraform.
## Dependency Inversion
In the example above, we saw a `consul_cluster` module that presumably describes
a cluster of [HashiCorp Consul]( servers running in
an AWS VPC network, and thus it requires as arguments the identifiers of both
the VPC itself and of the subnets within that VPC.
An alternative design would be to have the `consul_cluster` module describe
its _own_ network resources, but if we did that then it would be hard for
the Consul cluster to coexist with other infrastructure in the same network,
and so where possible we prefer to keep modules relatively small and pass in
their dependencies.
This [dependency inversion](
approach also improves flexibility for future
refactoring, because the `consul_cluster` module doesn't know or care how
those identifiers are obtained by the calling module. A future refactor may
separate the network creation into its own configuration, and thus we may
pass those values into the module from data sources instead:
data "aws_vpc" "main" {
tags {
Environment = "production"
data "aws_subnet_ids" "main" {
vpc_id =
module "consul_cluster" {
source = "./modules/aws-consul-cluster"
vpc_id =
subnet_ids = data.aws_subnet_ids.main.ids
This technique is also an answer to the common situation where in one
configuration a particular object already exists and just needs to be queried,
while in another configuration the equivalent object must be managed directly.
This commonly arises, for example, in development environment scenarios where
certain infrastructure may be shared across development environments for cost
reasons but managed directly inline in production for isolation.
This is the best way to model such situations in Terraform. We do not recommend
attempting to construct "if this already exists then use it, otherwise create it"
conditional configurations; instead, decompose your system into modules and
decide for each configuration whether each modular object is directly managed or
merely used by reference. This makes each configuration a more direct description
of your intent, allowing Terraform to produce a more accurate plan, and making
it clearer to future maintainers how each configuration is expected to behave.
## Multi-cloud Abstractions
Terraform itself intentionally does not attempt to abstract over similar
services offered by different vendors, because we want to expose the full
functionality in each offering and yet unifying multiple offerings behind a
single interface will tend to require a "lowest common denominator" approach.
However, through composition of Terraform modules it is possible to create
your own lightweight multi-cloud abstractions by making your own tradeoffs
about which platform features are important to you.
Opportunities for such abstractions arise in any situation where multiple
vendors implement the same concept, protocol, or open standard. For example,
the basic capabilities of the domain name system are common across all vendors,
and although some vendors differentiate themselves with unique features such
as geolocation and smart load balancing, you may conclude that in your use-case
you are willing to eschew those features in return for creating modules that
abstract the common DNS concepts across multiple vendors:
module "webserver" {
source = "./modules/webserver"
locals {
fixed_recordsets = [
name = "www"
type = "CNAME"
ttl = 3600
records = [
server_recordsets = [
for i, addr in module.webserver.public_ip_addrs : {
name = format("webserver%02d", i)
type = "A"
records = [addr]
module "dns_records" {
source = "./modules/route53-dns-records"
route53_zone_id = var.route53_zone_id
recordsets = concat(local.fixed_recordsets, local.server_recordsets)
In the above example, we've created a lightweight abstraction in the form of
a "recordset" object. This contains the attributes that describe the general
idea of a DNS recordset that should be mappable onto any DNS provider.
We then instantiate one specific _implementation_ of that abstraction as a
module, in this case deploying our recordsets to Amazon Route53.
If we later wanted to switch to a different DNS provider, we'd need only to
replace the `dns_records` module with a new implementation targeting that
provider, and all of the configuration that _produces_ the recordset
definitions can remain unchanged.
We can create lightweight abstractions like these by defining Terraform object
types representing the concepts involved and then using these object types
for module input variables. In this case, all of our "DNS records"
implementations would have the following variable declared:
variable "recordsets" {
type = object({
name = string
type = string
ttl = number
records = list(string)
While DNS serves as a simple example, there are many more opportunities to
exploit common elements across vendors. A more complex example is Kubernetes,
where there are now many different vendors offering hosted Kubernetes clusters
and even more ways to run Kubernetes yourself.
If the common functionality across all of these implementations is sufficient
for your needs, you may choose to implement a set of different modules that
describe a particular Kubernetes cluster implementation and all have the common
trait of exporting the hostname of the cluster as an output value:
output "hostname" {
value = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.main.fqdn
You can then write _other_ modules that expect only a Kubernetes cluster
hostname as input and use them interchangably with any of your Kubernetes
cluster modules:
module "k8s_cluster" {
source = "modules/azurerm-k8s-cluster"
# (Azure-specific configuration arguments)
module "monitoring_tools" {
source = "modules/monitoring_tools"
cluster_hostname = module.k8s_cluster.hostname
## Data-only Modules
Most modules contain `resource` blocks and thus describe infrastructure to be
created and managed. It may sometimes be useful to write modules that do not
describe any new infrastructure at all, but merely retrieve information about
existing infrastructure that was created elsewhere using
[data sources](/docs/configuration/data-sources.html).
As with conventional modules, we suggest using this technique only when the
module raises the level of abstraction in some way, in this case by
encapsulating exactly how the data is retrieved.
A common use of this technique is when a system has been decomposed into several
subsystem configurations but there is certain infrastructure that is shared
across all of the subsystems, such as a common IP network. In this situation,
we might write a shared module called `join-network-aws` which can be called
by any configuration that needs information about the shared network when
deployed in AWS:
module "network" {
source = "./modules/join-network-aws"
environment = "production"
module "k8s_cluster" {
source = "./modules/aws-k8s-cluster"
subnet_ids =
The `network` module itself could retrieve this data in a number of different
ways: it could query the AWS API directly using
data sources, or it could read saved information from a Consul cluster using
or it might read the outputs directly from the state of the configuration that
manages the network using
The key benefit of this approach is that the source of this information can
change over time without updating every configuration that depends on it.
Furthermore, if you design your data-only module with a similar set of outputs
as a corresponding management module, you can swap between the two relatively
easily when refactoring.

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@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
layout: "docs"
page_title: "Creating Modules"
sidebar_current: "docs-modules-create"
description: How to create modules.
# Creating Modules
Creating modules in Terraform is easy. You may want to do this to better organize your code, to make a reusable component, or just to learn more about Terraform. For any reason, if you already know the basics of Terraform, then creating a module is a piece of cake.
Modules in Terraform are folders with Terraform files. In fact, when you run `terraform apply`, the current working directory holding
the Terraform files you're applying comprise what is called the _root module_. This itself is a valid module.
Therefore, you can enter the source of any module, satisfy any required variables, run `terraform apply`, and expect it to work.
Modules that are created for reuse should follow the
[standard structure](#standard-module-structure). This structure enables tooling
such as the [Terraform Registry](/docs/registry/index.html) to inspect and
generate documentation, read examples, and more.
## An Example Module
Within a folder containing Terraform configurations, create a subfolder called `child`. In this subfolder, make one empty `` file. Then, back in the root folder containing the `child` folder, add this to one of your Terraform configuration files:
module "child" {
source = "./child"
You've now created your first module! You can now add resources to the `child` module.
**Note:** Prior to running the above, you'll have to run [the get command](/docs/commands/get.html) for Terraform to sync
your modules. This should be instant since the module is a local path.
## Inputs/Outputs
To make modules more useful than simple isolated containers of Terraform configurations, modules can be configured and also have outputs that can be consumed by your Terraform configuration.
Inputs of a module are [variables](/docs/configuration/variables.html) and outputs are [outputs](/docs/configuration/outputs.html). There is no special syntax to define these, they're defined just like any other variables or outputs. You can think about these variables and outputs as the API interface to your module.
Let's add a variable and an output to our `child` module.
variable "memory" {}
output "received" {
value = "${var.memory}"
This will create a required variable, `memory`, and then an output, `received`, that will be the value of the `memory` variable.
You can then configure the module and use the output like so:
module "child" {
source = "./child"
memory = "1G"
output "child_memory" {
value = "${module.child.received}"
If you now run `terraform apply`, you see how this works.
## Paths and Embedded Files
It is sometimes useful to embed files within the module that aren't Terraform configuration files, such as a script to provision a resource or a file to upload.
In these cases, you can't use a relative path, since paths in Terraform are generally relative to the working directory from which Terraform was executed. Instead, use a module-relative path, by interpolating `path.module`:
resource "aws_instance" "server" {
# ...
provisioner "remote-exec" {
script = "${path.module}/"
## Nested Modules
You can nest a module within another module. This module will be hidden from your root configuration, so you'll have to re-expose any
variables and outputs you require.
The [get command](/docs/commands/get.html) will automatically get all nested modules.
You don't have to worry about conflicting versions of modules, since Terraform builds isolated subtrees of all dependencies. For example, one module might use version 1.0 of module `foo` and another module might use version 2.0, and this will all work fine within Terraform since the modules are created separately.
## Standard Module Structure
The standard module structure is a file and folder layout we recommend for
reusable modules. Terraform tooling is built to understand the standard
module structure and use that structure to generate documentation, index
modules for the registry, and more.
The standard module expects the structure documented below. The list may appear
long, but everything is optional except for the root module. All items are
documented in detail. Most modules don't need to do any work to follow the
standard structure.
* **Root module**. This is the **only required element** for the standard
module structure. Terraform files must exist in the root directory of
the module. This should be the primary entrypoint for the module and is
expected to be opinionated. For the
[Consul module](
the root module sets up a complete Consul cluster. A lot of assumptions
are made, however, and it is fully expected that advanced users will use
specific nested modules to more carefully control what they want.
* **README**. The root module and any nested modules should have README
files. This file should be named `README` or ``. The latter will
be treated as markdown. There should be a description of the module and
what it should be used for. If you want to include an example for how this
module can be used in combination with other resources, put it in an [examples
directory like this](
Consider including a visual diagram depicting the infrastructure resources
the module may create and their relationship. The README doesn't need to
document inputs or outputs of the module because tooling will automatically
generate this. If you are linking to a file or embedding an image contained
in the repository itself, use a commit-specific absolute URL so the link won't
point to the wrong version of a resource in the future.
* **LICENSE**. The license under which this module is available. If you are
publishing a module publicly, many organizations will not adopt a module
unless a clear license is present. We recommend always having a license
file, even if the license is non-public.
* **,,**. These are the recommended filenames for
a minimal module, even if they're empty. `` should be the primary
entrypoint. For a simple module, this may be where all the resources are
created. For a complex module, resource creation may be split into multiple
files but all nested module usage should be in the main file. ``
and `` should contain the declarations for variables and outputs,
* **Variables and outputs should have descriptions.** All variables and
outputs should have one or two sentence descriptions that explain their
purpose. This is used for documentation. See the documentation for
[variable configuration](/docs/configuration/variables.html) and
[output configuration](/docs/configuration/outputs.html) for more details.
* **Nested modules**. Nested modules should exist under the `modules/`
subdirectory. Any nested module with a `` is considered usable
by an external user. If a README doesn't exist, it is considered for internal
use only. These are purely advisory; Terraform will not actively deny usage
of internal modules. Nested modules should be used to split complex behavior
into multiple small modules that advanced users can carefully pick and
choose. For example, the
[Consul module](
has a nested module for creating the Cluster that is separate from the
module to setup necessary IAM policies. This allows a user to bring in their
own IAM policy choices.
* **Examples**. Examples of using the module should exist under the
`examples/` subdirectory at the root of the repository. Each example may have
a README to explain the goal and usage of the example. Examples for
submodules should also be placed in the root `examples/` directory.
A minimal recommended module following the standard structure is shown below.
While the root module is the only required element, we recommend the structure
below as the minimum:
$ tree minimal-module/
A complete example of a module following the standard structure is shown below.
This example includes all optional elements and is therefore the most
complex a module can become:
$ tree complete-module/
├── ...
├── modules/
│   ├── nestedA/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├── nestedB/
│   ├── .../
├── examples/
│   ├── exampleA/
│   │   ├──
│   ├── exampleB/
│   ├── .../
## Publishing Modules
If you've built a module that you intend to be reused, we recommend
[publishing the module](/docs/registry/modules/publish.html) on the
[Terraform Registry]( This will version
your module, generate documentation, and more.
Published modules can be easily consumed by Terraform, and (from Terraform
0.11) you can also [constrain module versions](usage.html#module-versions) for safe and predictable
updates. The following example shows how easy it is to consume a module
from the registry:
module "consul" {
source = "hashicorp/consul/aws"
You can also gain all the benefits of the registry for private modules
by signing up for a [private registry](/docs/registry/private.html).

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--- ---
layout: "docs" layout: "docs"
page_title: "Modules" page_title: "Creating Modules"
sidebar_current: "docs-modules" sidebar_current: "docs-modules"
description: |- description: |-
Modules in Terraform are self-contained packages of Terraform configurations that are managed as a group. Modules are used to create reusable components in Terraform as well as for basic code organization. A module is a container for multiple resources that are used together.
--- ---
# Modules # Creating Modules
Modules in Terraform are self-contained packages of Terraform configurations A _module_ is a container for multiple resources that are used together.
that are managed as a group. Modules are used to create reusable components Modules can be used to create lightweight abstractions, so that you can
in Terraform as well as for basic code organization. describe your infrastructure in terms of its architecture, rather than
directly in terms of physical objects.
Modules are very easy to both use and create. Depending on what you're The `.tf` files in your working directory when you run [`terraform plan`](/docs/commands/plan.html)
looking to do first, use the navigation on the left to dive into how or [`terraform apply`](/docs/commands/apply.html) together form the _root_
modules work. module. That module may [call other modules](/docs/configuration/modules.html#calling-a-child-module)
and connect them together by passing output values from one to input values
of another.
## Definitions To learn how to _use_ modules, see [the Modules configuration section](/docs/configuration/modules.html).
**Root module** This section is about _creating_ re-usable modules that other configurations
That is the current working directory when you run [`terraform apply`](/docs/commands/apply.html) or [`get`](/docs/commands/get.html), holding the Terraform [configuration files](/docs/configuration/index.html). can include using `module` blocks.
It is itself a valid module.
## Module structure
Re-usable modules are defined using all of the same
[configuration language](/docs/configuration/) concepts we use in root modules.
Most commonly, modules use:
* [Input variables](/docs/configuration/variables.html) to accept values from
the calling module.
* [Output values](/docs/configuration/outputs.html) to return results to the
calling module, which it can then use to populate arguments elsewhere.
* [Resources](/docs/configuration/resources.html) to define one or more
infrastructure objects that the module will manage.
To define a module, create a new directory for it and place one or more `.tf`
files inside just as you would do for a root module. Terraform can load modules
either from local relative paths or from remote repositories; if a module will
be re-used by lots of configurations you may wish to place it in its own
version control repository.
Modules can also call other modules using a `module` block, but we recommend
keeping the module tree relatively flat and using [module composition](./composition.html)
as an alternative to a deeply-nested tree of modules, because this makes
the individual modules easier to re-use in different combinations.
## When to write a module
In principle any combination of resources and other constructs can be factored
out into a module, but over-using modules can make your overall Terraform
configuration harder to understand and maintain, so we recommend moderation.
A good module should raise the level of abstraction by describing a new concept
in your architecture that is constructed from resource types offered by
For example, `aws_instance` and `aws_elb` are both resource types belonging to
the AWS provider. You might use a module to represent the higher-level concept
"[HashiCorp Consul]( cluster running in AWS" which
happens to be constructed from these and other AWS provider resources.
We _do not_ recommend writing modules that are just thin wrappers around single
other resource types. If you have trouble finding a name for your module that
isn't the same as the main resource type inside it, that may be a sign that
your module is not creating any new abstraction and so the module is
adding unnecessary complexity. Just use the resource type directly in the
calling module instead.
## Standard Module Structure
The standard module structure is a file and directory layout we recommend for
reusable modules distributed in separate repositories. Terraform tooling is
built to understand the standard module structure and use that structure to
generate documentation, index modules for the module registry, and more.
The standard module structure expects the layout documented below. The list may
appear long, but everything is optional except for the root module. Most modules
don't need to do any extra work to follow the standard structure.
* **Root module**. This is the **only required element** for the standard
module structure. Terraform files must exist in the root directory of
the repository. This should be the primary entrypoint for the module and is
expected to be opinionated. For the
[Consul module](
the root module sets up a complete Consul cluster. It makes a lot of assumptions
however, and we expect that advanced users will use specific _nested modules_
to more carefully control what they want.
* **README**. The root module and any nested modules should have README
files. This file should be named `README` or ``. The latter will
be treated as markdown. There should be a description of the module and
what it should be used for. If you want to include an example for how this
module can be used in combination with other resources, put it in an [examples
directory like this](
Consider including a visual diagram depicting the infrastructure resources
the module may create and their relationship.
The README doesn't need to document inputs or outputs of the module because
tooling will automatically generate this. If you are linking to a file or
embedding an image contained in the repository itself, use a commit-specific
absolute URL so the link won't point to the wrong version of a resource in the
* **LICENSE**. The license under which this module is available. If you are
publishing a module publicly, many organizations will not adopt a module
unless a clear license is present. We recommend always having a license
file, even if it is not an open source license.
* **``, ``, ``**. These are the recommended filenames for
a minimal module, even if they're empty. `` should be the primary
entrypoint. For a simple module, this may be where all the resources are
created. For a complex module, resource creation may be split into multiple
files but any nested module calls should be in the main file. ``
and `` should contain the declarations for variables and outputs,
* **Variables and outputs should have descriptions.** All variables and
outputs should have one or two sentence descriptions that explain their
purpose. This is used for documentation. See the documentation for
[variable configuration](/docs/configuration/variables.html) and
[output configuration](/docs/configuration/outputs.html) for more details.
* **Nested modules**. Nested modules should exist under the `modules/`
subdirectory. Any nested module with a `` is considered usable
by an external user. If a README doesn't exist, it is considered for internal
use only. These are purely advisory; Terraform will not actively deny usage
of internal modules. Nested modules should be used to split complex behavior
into multiple small modules that advanced users can carefully pick and
choose. For example, the
[Consul module](
has a nested module for creating the Cluster that is separate from the
module to setup necessary IAM policies. This allows a user to bring in their
own IAM policy choices.
If the root module includes calls to nested modules, they should use relative
paths like `./modules/consul-cluster` so that Terraform will consider them
to be part of the same repository or package, rather than downloading them
again separately.
If a repository or package contains multiple nested modules, they should
ideally be [composable](./composition.html) by the caller, rather than
calling directly to each other and creating a deeply-nested tree of modules.
* **Examples**. Examples of using the module should exist under the
`examples/` subdirectory at the root of the repository. Each example may have
a README to explain the goal and usage of the example. Examples for
submodules should also be placed in the root `examples/` directory.
Because examples will often be copied into other repositories for
customization, any `module` blocks should have their `source` set to the
address an external caller would use, not to a relative path.
A minimal recommended module following the standard structure is shown below.
While the root module is the only required element, we recommend the structure
below as the minimum:
$ tree minimal-module/
A complete example of a module following the standard structure is shown below.
This example includes all optional elements and is therefore the most
complex a module can become:
$ tree complete-module/
├── ...
├── modules/
│   ├── nestedA/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├── nestedB/
│   ├── .../
├── examples/
│   ├── exampleA/
│   │   ├──
│   ├── exampleB/
│   ├── .../

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
layout: "docs"
page_title: "Publishing Modules"
sidebar_current: "docs-modules-publish"
description: |-
A module is a container for multiple resources that are used together.
## Publishing Modules
If you've built a module that you intend to be reused, we recommend
[publishing the module](/docs/registry/modules/publish.html) on the
[Terraform Registry]( This will version
your module, generate documentation, and more.
Published modules can be easily consumed by Terraform, and users can
[constrain module versions](/docs/configuration/modules.html#module-versions)
for safe and predictable updates. The following example shows how a caller
might use a module from the Terraform Registry:
module "consul" {
source = "hashicorp/consul/aws"
If you do not wish to publish your modules in the public registry, you can
instead use a [private registry](/docs/registry/private.html) to get
the same benefits.
### Distribution via other sources
Although the registry is the native mechanism for distributing re-usable
modules, Terraform can also install modules from
[various other sources](/docs/modules/sources.html). The alternative sources
do not support the first-class versioning mechanism, but some sources have
their own mechanisms for selecting particular VCS commits, etc.
We recommend that modules distributed via other protocols still use the
[standard module structure](./#standard-module-structure) so that it can
be used in a similar way to a registry module, or even _become_ a registry
module at a later time.

View File

@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ description: The source argument within a module block specifies the location of
# Module Sources # Module Sources
As introduced in [the _Usage_ section](/docs/modules/usage.html), the `source` The `source` argument in [a `module` block](/docs/configuration/modules.html)
argument in a `module` block tells Terraform where to find the source code tells Terraform where to find the source code for the desired child module.
for the desired child module.
Terraform uses this during the module installation step of `terraform init` Terraform uses this during the module installation step of `terraform init`
to download the source code to a directory on local disk so that it can be to download the source code to a directory on local disk so that it can be

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@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
layout: "docs"
page_title: "Using Modules"
sidebar_current: "docs-modules-usage"
description: Using modules in Terraform is very similar to defining resources.
# Module Usage
Using child modules in Terraform is very similar to defining resources:
module "consul" {
source = "hashicorp/consul/aws"
servers = 3
You can view the full documentation for configuring modules in the [Module Configuration](/docs/configuration/modules.html) section.
In modules we only specify a name, rather than a name and a type as for resources.
This name is used elsewhere in the configuration to reference the module and
its outputs.
The source tells Terraform what to create. In this example, we instantiate
the [Consul module for AWS](
from the [Terraform Registry]( Other source
types are supported, as described in the following section.
Just like a resource, a module's configuration can be deleted to destroy the
resources belonging to the module.
## Source
The only required configuration key for a module is the `source` parameter. The
value of this tells Terraform where to download the module's source code.
Terraform comes with support for a variety of module sources.
We recommend using modules from the public [Terraform Registry](/docs/registry/index.html)
or from [Terraform Enterprise's private module registry](/docs/enterprise/registry/index.html).
These sources support version constraints for a more reliable experience, and
provide a searchable marketplace for finding the modules you need.
Registry modules are specified using a simple slash-separated path like the
`hashicorp/consul/aws` path used in the above example. The full source string
for each registry module can be found from the registry website.
Terraform also supports modules in local directories, identified by a relative
path starting with either `./` or `../`. Such local modules are useful to
organize code in more complex repositories, and are described in more detail
in [_Creating Modules_](/docs/modules/create.html).
Finally, Terraform can download modules directly from various storage providers
and version control systems. These sources do not support versioning and other
registry benefits, but can be convenient for getting started when already
available within an organization. The full list of available sources
are documented in [the module sources documentation](/docs/modules/sources.html).
When a configuration uses modules, they must first be installed by running
[`terraform init`](/docs/commands/init.html):
$ terraform init
This command will download any modules that haven't been updated already,
as well as performing other Terraform working directory initialization such
as installing providers.
By default the command will not check for available updates to already-installed
modules, but you can use the `-upgrade` option to check for available upgrades.
When version constraints are specified (as described in the following section)
a newer version will be used only if it is within the given constraint.
## Module Versions
We recommend explicitly constraining the acceptable version numbers for
each external module to avoid unexpected or unwanted changes.
Use the `version` attribute in the `module` block to specify versions:
module "consul" {
source = "hashicorp/consul/aws"
version = "0.0.5"
servers = 3
The `version` attribute value may either be a single explicit version or
a version constraint expression. Constraint expressions use the following
syntax to specify a _range_ of versions that are acceptable:
* `>= 1.2.0`: version 1.2.0 or newer
* `<= 1.2.0`: version 1.2.0 or older
* `~> 1.2.0`: any non-beta version `>= 1.2.0` and `< 1.3.0`, e.g. `1.2.X`
* `~> 1.2`: any non-beta version `>= 1.2.0` and `< 2.0.0`, e.g. `1.X.Y`
* `>= 1.0.0, <= 2.0.0`: any version between 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 inclusive
When depending on third-party modules, references to specific versions are
recommended since this ensures that updates only happen when convenient to you.
For modules maintained within your organization, a version range strategy
may be appropriate if a semantic versioning methodology is used consistently
or if there is a well-defined release process that avoids unwanted updates.
Version constraints are supported only for modules installed from a module
registry, such as the [Terraform Registry]( or
[Terraform Enterprise's private module registry](/docs/enterprise/registry/index.html).
Other module sources can provide their own versioning mechanisms within the
source string itself, or might not support versions at all. In particular,
modules sourced from local file paths do not support `version`; since
they're loaded from the same source repository, they always share the same
version as their caller.
## Configuration
The arguments used in a `module` block, such as the `servers` parameter above,
correspond to [variables](/docs/configuration/variables.html) within the module
itself. You can therefore discover all the available variables for a module by
inspecting the source of it.
The special arguments `source`, `version` and `providers` are exceptions. These
are used for special purposes by Terraform and should therefore not be used
as variable names within a module.
## Outputs
Modules encapsulate their resources. A resource in one module cannot directly depend on resources or attributes in other modules, unless those are exported through [outputs](/docs/configuration/outputs.html). These outputs can be referenced in other places in your configuration, for example:
resource "aws_instance" "client" {
ami = "ami-408c7f28"
instance_type = "t1.micro"
availability_zone = "${module.consul.server_availability_zone}"
This is deliberately very similar to accessing resource attributes. Instead of
referencing a resource attribute, however, the expression in this case
references an output of the module.
Just like with resources, interpolation expressions can create implicit
dependencies on resources and other modules. Since modules encapsulate
other resources, however, the dependency is not on the module as a whole
but rather on the `server_availability_zone` output specifically, which
allows Terraform to work on resources in different modules concurrently rather
than waiting for the entire module to be complete before proceeding.
## Providers within Modules
In a configuration with multiple modules, there are some special considerations
for how resources are associated with provider configurations.
While in principle `provider` blocks can appear in any module, it is recommended
that they be placed only in the _root_ module of a configuration, since this
approach allows users to configure providers just once and re-use them across
all descendent modules.
Each resource in the configuration must be associated with one provider
configuration, which may either be within the same module as the resource
or be passed from the parent module. Providers can be passed down to descendent
modules in two ways: either _implicitly_ through inheritance, or _explicitly_
via the `providers` argument within a `module` block. These two options are
discussed in more detail in the following sections.
In all cases it is recommended to keep explicit provider configurations only in
the root module and pass them (whether implicitly or explicitly) down to
descendent modules. This avoids the provider configurations from being "lost"
when descendent modules are removed from the configuration. It also allows
the user of a configuration to determine which providers require credentials
by inspecting only the root module.
Provider configurations are used for all operations on associated resources,
including destroying remote objects and refreshing state. Terraform retains, as
part of its state, a reference to the provider configuration that was most
recently used to apply changes to each resource. When a `resource` block is
removed from the configuration, this record in the state is used to locate the
appropriate configuration because the resource's `provider` argument (if any)
is no longer present in the configuration.
As a consequence, it is required that all resources created for a particular
provider configuration must be destroyed before that provider configuration is
removed, unless the related resources are re-configured to use a different
provider configuration first.
### Implicit Provider Inheritance
For convenience in simple configurations, a child module automatically inherits
default (un-aliased) provider configurations from its parent. This means that
explicit `provider` blocks appear only in the root module, and downstream
modules can simply declare resources for that provider and have them
automatically associated with the root provider configurations.
For example, the root module might contain only a `provider` block and a
`module` block to instantiate a child module:
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-1"
module "child" {
source = "./child"
The child module can then use any resource from this provider with no further
provider configuration required:
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
bucket = "provider-inherit-example"
This approach is recommended in the common case where only a single
configuration is needed for each provider across the entire configuration.
In more complex situations there may be [multiple provider instances](/docs/configuration/providers.html#multiple-provider-instances),
or a child module may need to use different provider settings than
its parent. For such situations, it's necessary to pass providers explicitly
as we will see in the next section.
## Passing Providers Explicitly
When child modules each need a different configuration of a particular
provider, or where the child module requires a different provider configuration
than its parent, the `providers` argument within a `module` block can be
used to define explicitly which provider configs are made available to the
child module. For example:
# The default "aws" configuration is used for AWS resources in the root
# module where no explicit provider instance is selected.
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-1"
# A non-default, or "aliased" configuration is also defined for a different
# region.
provider "aws" {
alias = "usw2"
region = "us-west-2"
# An example child module is instantiated with the _aliased_ configuration,
# so any AWS resources it defines will use the us-west-2 region.
module "example" {
source = "./example"
providers = {
aws = "aws.usw2"
The `providers` argument within a `module` block is similar to
the `provider` argument within a resource as described for
[multiple provider instances](/docs/configuration/providers.html#multiple-provider-instances),
but is a map rather than a single string because a module may contain resources
from many different providers.
Once the `providers` argument is used in a `module` block, it overrides all of
the default inheritance behavior, so it is necessary to enumerate mappings
for _all_ of the required providers. This is to avoid confusion and surprises
that may result when mixing both implicit and explicit provider passing.
Additional provider configurations (those with the `alias` argument set) are
_never_ inherited automatically by child modules, and so must always be passed
explicitly using the `providers` map. For example, a module
that configures connectivity between networks in two AWS regions is likely
to need both a source and a destination region. In that case, the root module
may look something like this:
provider "aws" {
alias = "usw1"
region = "us-west-1"
provider "aws" {
alias = "usw2"
region = "us-west-2"
module "tunnel" {
source = "./tunnel"
providers = {
aws.src = "aws.usw1"
aws.dst = "aws.usw2"
In the `providers` map, the keys are provider names as expected by the child
module, while the values are the names of corresponding configurations in
the _current_ module. The subdirectory `./tunnel` must then contain
_proxy configuration blocks_ like the following, to declare that it
requires configurations to be passed with these from the `providers` block in
the parent's `module` block:
provider "aws" {
alias = "src"
provider "aws" {
alias = "dst"
Each resource should then have its own `provider` attribute set to either
`"aws.src"` or `"aws.dst"` to choose which of the two provider instances to use.
At this time it is required to write an explicit proxy configuration block
even for default (un-aliased) provider configurations when they will be passed
via an explicit `providers` block:
provider "aws" {
If such a block is not present, the child module will behave as if it has no
configurations of this type at all, which may cause input prompts to supply
any required provider configuration arguments. This limitation will be
addressed in a future version of Terraform.
## Multiple Instances of a Module
A particular module source can be instantiated multiple times:
module "assets_bucket" {
source = "./publish_bucket"
name = "assets"
module "media_bucket" {
source = "./publish_bucket"
name = "media"
# publish_bucket/
variable "name" {} # this is the input parameter of the module
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
# ...
resource "aws_iam_user" "deploy_user" {
# ...
This example defines a local child module in the `./publish_bucket`
subdirectory. That module has configuration to create an S3 bucket. The module
wraps the bucket and all the other implementation details required to configure
a bucket.
We can then instantiate the module multiple times in our configuration by
giving each instance a unique name -- here `module "assets_bucket"` and
`module "media_bucket"` -- whilst specifying the same `source` value.
Resources from child modules are prefixed with `module.<module-instance-name>`
when displayed in plan output and elsewhere in the UI. For example, the
`./publish_bucket` module contains `aws_s3_bucket.example`, and so the two
instances of this module produce S3 bucket resources with [_resource addresses_](/docs/internals/resource-addressing.html)
`module.assets_bucket.aws_s3_bucket.example` and `module.media_bucket.aws_s3_bucket.example`
respectively. These full addresses are used within the UI and on the command
line, but are not valid within interpolation expressions due to the
encapsulation behavior described above.
When refactoring an existing configuration to introduce modules, moving
resource blocks between modules causes Terraform to see the new location
as an entirely separate resource to the old. Always check the execution plan
after performing such actions to ensure that no resources are surprisingly
Each instance of a module may optionally have different providers passed to it
using the `providers` argument described above. This can be useful in situations
where, for example, a duplicated set of resources must be created across
several regions or datacenters.
## Summarizing Modules in the UI
By default the [graph command](/docs/commands/graph.html) will show each resource
in a nested module to represent the full scope of the configuration. For more complex
configurations, the `-module-depth` option may be useful to summarize some or all
of the modules as single objects.
For example, with a configuration similar to what we've built above, the default
graph output looks like the following:
![Terraform Expanded Module Graph](docs/module_graph_expand.png)
If we instead set `-module-depth=0`, the graph will look like this:
![Terraform Module Graph](docs/module_graph.png)
## Tainting resources within a module
The [taint command](/docs/commands/taint.html) can be used to _taint_ specific
resources within a module:
$ terraform taint -module=salt_master aws_instance.salt_master
It is not possible to taint an entire module. Instead, each resource within
the module must be tainted separately.

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<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules") %>> <li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules") %>>
<a href="/docs/modules/index.html">Modules</a> <a href="/docs/modules/index.html">Modules</a>
<ul class="nav"> <ul class="nav">
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules-usage") %>> <li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules-publish") %>>
<a href="/docs/modules/usage.html">Usage</a> <a href="/docs/modules/create.html">Publishing Modules</a>
</li> </li>
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules-sources") %>> <li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules-sources") %>>
<a href="/docs/modules/sources.html">Sources</a> <a href="/docs/modules/sources.html">Source Types</a>
</li> </li>
<li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules-create") %>> <li<%= sidebar_current("docs-modules-composition") %>>
<a href="/docs/modules/create.html">Creating Modules</a> <a href="/docs/modules/composition.html">Module Composition</a>
</li> </li>
</ul> </ul>
</li> </li>