command: Minimal integration of new provider installer in "init"

There's still a lot of work to do here around both the UX and the
follow-up steps that need to happen after installation completes, but this
is enough to faciliate some initial end-to-end testing of the new-style
install process.
This commit is contained in:
Martin Atkins 2020-03-24 14:51:55 -07:00
parent 3ac0410fe2
commit 94e1ac2d07
1 changed files with 132 additions and 174 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
package command
import (
@ -12,19 +11,19 @@ import (
backendInit ""
// InitCommand is a Command implementation that takes a Terraform
@ -444,191 +443,150 @@ the backend configuration is present and valid.
// Load the complete module tree, and fetch any missing providers.
// This method outputs its own Ui.
func (c *InitCommand) getProviders(earlyConfig *earlyconfig.Config, state *states.State, upgrade bool) (output bool, diags tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var available discovery.PluginMetaSet
if upgrade {
// If we're in upgrade mode, we ignore any auto-installed plugins
// in "available", causing us to reinstall and possibly upgrade them.
available = c.providerPluginManuallyInstalledSet()
} else {
available = c.providerPluginSet()
// First we'll collect all the provider dependencies we can see in the
// configuration and the state.
reqs := make(map[addrs.Provider]getproviders.VersionConstraints)
configDeps, depsDiags := earlyConfig.ProviderDependencies()
diags = diags.Append(depsDiags)
if depsDiags.HasErrors() {
return false, diags
configReqs := configDeps.AllProviderRequirements()
// FIXME: This is weird because ConfigTreeDependencies was written before
// we switched over to using earlyConfig as the main source of dependencies.
// In future we should clean this up to be a more reasonable API.
stateReqs := terraform.ConfigTreeDependencies(nil, state).AllProviderRequirements()
requirements := configReqs.Merge(stateReqs)
if len(requirements) == 0 {
// nothing to initialize
return false, nil
"\n[reset][bold]Initializing provider plugins...",
missing := c.missingProviders(available, requirements)
if c.getPlugins {
if len(missing) > 0 {
c.Ui.Output("- Checking for available provider plugins...")
for provider, reqd := range missing {
pty := addrs.NewLegacyProvider(provider)
_, providerDiags, err := c.providerInstaller.Get(pty, reqd.Versions)
diags = diags.Append(providerDiags)
err := configDeps.WalkTree(func(path []string, parent *moduledeps.Module, current *moduledeps.Module) error {
for addr, dep := range current.Providers {
// Our moduledeps API is still using the older model for capturing
// version constraints, so we need some light conversion here until
// we get everything else updated to use getproviders.VersionConstraints.
// This is gross but avoids doing lots of cross-cutting rework
// all at once.
constraintsStr := dep.Constraints.String()
constraints, err := getproviders.ParseVersionConstraints(constraintsStr)
if err != nil {
constraint := reqd.Versions.String()
if constraint == "" {
constraint = "(any version)"
switch {
case err == discovery.ErrorServiceUnreachable, err == discovery.ErrorPublicRegistryUnreachable:
case err == discovery.ErrorNoSuchProvider:
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf(errProviderNotFound, provider, DefaultPluginVendorDir))
case err == discovery.ErrorNoSuitableVersion:
if reqd.Versions.Unconstrained() {
// This should never happen, but might crop up if we catch
// the releases server in a weird state where the provider's
// directory is present but does not yet contain any
// versions. We'll treat it like ErrorNoSuchProvider, then.
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf(errProviderNotFound, provider, DefaultPluginVendorDir))
} else {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf(errProviderVersionsUnsuitable, provider, reqd.Versions))
case errwrap.Contains(err, discovery.ErrorVersionIncompatible.Error()):
// Attempt to fetch nested error to display to the user which versions
// we considered and which versions might be compatible. Otherwise,
// we'll just display a generic version incompatible msg
incompatErr := errwrap.GetType(err, fmt.Errorf(""))
if incompatErr != nil {
} else {
// Generic version incompatible msg
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf(errProviderIncompatible, provider, constraint))
// Reset nested errors
err = discovery.ErrorVersionIncompatible
case err == discovery.ErrorNoVersionCompatible:
// Generic version incompatible msg
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf(errProviderIncompatible, provider, constraint))
case err == discovery.ErrorSignatureVerification:
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf(errSignatureVerification, provider, version.SemVer))
case err == discovery.ErrorChecksumVerification,
err == discovery.ErrorMissingChecksumVerification:
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf(errChecksumVerification, provider))
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf(errProviderInstallError, provider, err.Error(), DefaultPluginVendorDir))
diags = diags.Append(err)
return err
reqs[addr] = append(reqs[addr], constraints...)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return true, diags
} else if len(missing) > 0 {
// we have missing providers, but aren't going to try and download them
var lines []string
for provider, reqd := range missing {
if reqd.Versions.Unconstrained() {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("* %s (any version)\n", provider))
} else {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("* %s (%s)\n", provider, reqd.Versions))
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("missing provider %q", provider))
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf(errMissingProvidersNoInstall, strings.Join(lines, ""), DefaultPluginVendorDir))
return true, diags
// With all the providers downloaded, we'll generate our lock file
// that ensures the provider binaries remain unchanged until we init
// again. If anything changes, other commands that use providers will
// fail with an error instructing the user to re-run this command.
available = c.providerPluginSet() // re-discover to see newly-installed plugins
// internal providers were already filtered out, since we don't need to get them.
chosen := chooseProviders(available, nil, requirements)
digests := map[string][]byte{}
for name, meta := range chosen {
digest, err := meta.SHA256()
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("Failed to read provider plugin %s: %s", meta.Path, err))
return true, diags
digests[name] = digest
if c.ignorePluginChecksum {
digests[name] = nil
err := c.providerPluginsLock().Write(digests)
return nil
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("failed to save provider manifest: %s", err))
return true, diags
// This should never happen: indicates that our old version model
// produced a string representation of constraints that our new
// one couldn't parse. That's a bug.
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("internal error handling provider version constraints (this is a bug): %s", err))
return false, diags
// Purge any auto-installed plugins that aren't being used.
purged, err := c.providerInstaller.PurgeUnused(chosen)
if err != nil {
// Failure to purge old plugins is not a fatal error
c.Ui.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("failed to purge unused plugins: %s", err))
if purged != nil {
for meta := range purged {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Purged unused %s plugin %s", meta.Name, meta.Path)
if state != nil {
for _, configAddr := range state.ProviderAddrs() {
if _, ok := reqs[configAddr.Provider]; !ok {
reqs[configAddr.Provider] = nil // just needs to be present, unconstrained
// If any providers have "floating" versions (completely unconstrained)
// we'll suggest the user constrain with a pessimistic constraint to
// avoid implicitly adopting a later major release.
constraintSuggestions := make(map[string]discovery.ConstraintStr)
for name, meta := range chosen {
req := requirements[name]
if req == nil {
// should never happen, but we don't want to crash here, so we'll
// be cautious.
if req.Versions.Unconstrained() && meta.Version != discovery.VersionZero {
// meta.Version.MustParse is safe here because our "chosen" metas
// were already filtered for validity of versions.
constraintSuggestions[name] = meta.Version.MustParse().MinorUpgradeConstraintStr()
if len(constraintSuggestions) != 0 {
names := make([]string, 0, len(constraintSuggestions))
for name := range constraintSuggestions {
names = append(names, name)
for _, name := range names {
c.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("* provider.%s: version = %q", name, constraintSuggestions[name]))
// TODO: If the user gave at least one -plugin-dir option on the command
// line, we should construct a one-off getproviders.Source that consults
// only those directories and use that instead of c.providerInstallSource()
// here.
targetDir := c.providerLocalCacheDir()
globalCacheDir := c.providerGlobalCacheDir()
source := c.providerInstallSource()
inst := providercache.NewInstaller(targetDir, source)
if globalCacheDir != nil {
return true, diags
mode := providercache.InstallNewProvidersOnly
if upgrade {
mode = providercache.InstallUpgrades
// TODO: Use the context-based InstallerEvents API to get notifications
// about ongoing progress here, so we can update the UI along the way.
_, err = inst.EnsureProviderVersions(context.TODO(), reqs, mode)
if err != nil {
// Temporary clumsy error handling, because we'll replace this with
// ongoing progress via InstallerEvents before we ship it.
diags = diags.Append(err)
return false, diags
// TODO: Write the selections into the plugins lock file so we can be
// sure that future commands will use exactly those provider packages.
// TODO: Emit constraint suggestions for unconstrained providers.
// With all the providers downloaded, we'll generate our lock file
// that ensures the provider binaries remain unchanged until we init
// again. If anything changes, other commands that use providers will
// fail with an error instructing the user to re-run this command.
available = c.providerPluginSet() // re-discover to see newly-installed plugins
// internal providers were already filtered out, since we don't need to get them.
chosen := chooseProviders(available, nil, requirements)
digests := map[string][]byte{}
for name, meta := range chosen {
digest, err := meta.SHA256()
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("Failed to read provider plugin %s: %s", meta.Path, err))
return true, diags
digests[name] = digest
if c.ignorePluginChecksum {
digests[name] = nil
err := c.providerPluginsLock().Write(digests)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("failed to save provider manifest: %s", err))
return true, diags
// Purge any auto-installed plugins that aren't being used.
purged, err := c.providerInstaller.PurgeUnused(chosen)
if err != nil {
// Failure to purge old plugins is not a fatal error
c.Ui.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("failed to purge unused plugins: %s", err))
if purged != nil {
for meta := range purged {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Purged unused %s plugin %s", meta.Name, meta.Path)
// If any providers have "floating" versions (completely unconstrained)
// we'll suggest the user constrain with a pessimistic constraint to
// avoid implicitly adopting a later major release.
constraintSuggestions := make(map[string]discovery.ConstraintStr)
for name, meta := range chosen {
req := requirements[name]
if req == nil {
// should never happen, but we don't want to crash here, so we'll
// be cautious.
if req.Versions.Unconstrained() && meta.Version != discovery.VersionZero {
// meta.Version.MustParse is safe here because our "chosen" metas
// were already filtered for validity of versions.
constraintSuggestions[name] = meta.Version.MustParse().MinorUpgradeConstraintStr()
if len(constraintSuggestions) != 0 {
names := make([]string, 0, len(constraintSuggestions))
for name := range constraintSuggestions {
names = append(names, name)
for _, name := range names {
c.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("* provider.%s: version = %q", name, constraintSuggestions[name]))
return true, diags
// backendConfigOverrideBody interprets the raw values of -backend-config