package command import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "" ) func TestProvidersLock(t *testing.T) { t.Run("noop", func(t *testing.T) { // in the most basic case, running providers lock in a directory with no configuration at all should succeed. // create an empty working directory td := tempDir(t) os.MkdirAll(td, 0755) defer os.RemoveAll(td) defer testChdir(t, td)() ui := new(cli.MockUi) c := &ProvidersLockCommand{ Meta: Meta{ Ui: ui, }, } code := c.Run([]string{}) if code != 0 { t.Fatalf("wrong exit code; expected 0, got %d", code) } }) // This test depends on the -fs-mirror argument, so we always know what results to expect t.Run("basic", func(t *testing.T) { td := tempDir(t) testCopyDir(t, testFixturePath("providers-lock/basic"), td) defer os.RemoveAll(td) defer testChdir(t, td)() // Our fixture dir has a generic os_arch dir, which we need to customize // to the actual OS/arch where this test is running in order to get the // desired result. fixtMachineDir := filepath.Join(td, "fs-mirror/") wantMachineDir := filepath.Join(td, "fs-mirror/", fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)) err := os.Rename(fixtMachineDir, wantMachineDir) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err) } p := testProvider() ui := new(cli.MockUi) c := &ProvidersLockCommand{ Meta: Meta{ Ui: ui, testingOverrides: metaOverridesForProvider(p), }, } args := []string{"-fs-mirror=fs-mirror"} code := c.Run(args) if code != 0 { t.Fatalf("wrong exit code; expected 0, got %d", code) } lockfile, err := os.ReadFile(".terraform.lock.hcl") if err != nil { t.Fatal("error reading lockfile") } expected := `# This file is maintained automatically by "terraform init". # Manual edits may be lost in future updates. provider "" { version = "1.0.0" hashes = [ "h1:7MjN4eFisdTv4tlhXH5hL4QQd39Jy4baPhFxwAd/EFE=", ] } ` if string(lockfile) != expected { t.Fatalf("wrong lockfile content") } }) } func TestProvidersLock_args(t *testing.T) { t.Run("mirror collision", func(t *testing.T) { ui := new(cli.MockUi) c := &ProvidersLockCommand{ Meta: Meta{ Ui: ui, }, } // only one of these arguments can be used at a time args := []string{ "-fs-mirror=/foo/", "", } code := c.Run(args) if code != 1 { t.Fatalf("wrong exit code; expected 1, got %d", code) } output := ui.ErrorWriter.String() if !strings.Contains(output, "The -fs-mirror and -net-mirror command line options are mutually-exclusive.") { t.Fatalf("missing expected error message: %s", output) } }) t.Run("invalid platform", func(t *testing.T) { ui := new(cli.MockUi) c := &ProvidersLockCommand{ Meta: Meta{ Ui: ui, }, } // not a valid platform args := []string{"-platform=arbitrary_nonsense_that_isnt_valid"} code := c.Run(args) if code != 1 { t.Fatalf("wrong exit code; expected 1, got %d", code) } output := ui.ErrorWriter.String() if !strings.Contains(output, "must be two words separated by an underscore.") { t.Fatalf("missing expected error message: %s", output) } }) t.Run("invalid provider argument", func(t *testing.T) { ui := new(cli.MockUi) c := &ProvidersLockCommand{ Meta: Meta{ Ui: ui, }, } // There is no configuration, so it's not valid to use any provider argument args := []string{"hashicorp/random"} code := c.Run(args) if code != 1 { t.Fatalf("wrong exit code; expected 1, got %d", code) } output := ui.ErrorWriter.String() if !strings.Contains(output, "The provider is not required by the\ncurrent configuration.") { t.Fatalf("missing expected error message: %s", output) } }) }