# Terraform Documentation This directory contains the portions of [the Terraform website](https://www.terraform.io/) that pertain to the core functionality, excluding providers and the overall configuration. The files in this directory are intended to be used in conjunction with [the `terraform-website` repository](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-website), which brings all of the different documentation sources together and contains the scripts for testing and building the site as a whole. ## Previewing Changes You should preview all of your changes locally before creating a pull request. The build includes content from this repository and the `terraform-website` repository, allowing you to preview the entire Terraform documentation site. **Set Up Local Environment** 1. [Install Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/). 2. Create a ~/go directory manually or by [installing Go](https://golang.org/doc/install). 3. Set GOPATH as an environment variable: Bash: `export $GOPATH=~/go`(bash) Zsh: `echo -n 'export GOPATH=~/go' >> ~/.zshrc` 4. Restart your terminal or command line session. **Launch Site Locally** Navigate into your local `terraform` top-level directory and run `make website`. Preview the site at http://localhost:4567.