/* Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds. The library has a three-level hierarchy: providers, services, and resources. Provider structs represent the service providers that offer and manage a collection of services. Examples of providers include: OpenStack, Rackspace, HP. These are defined like so: opts := gophercloud.AuthOptions{ IdentityEndpoint: "https://my-openstack.com:5000/v2.0", Username: "{username}", Password: "{password}", TenantID: "{tenant_id}", } provider, err := openstack.AuthenticatedClient(opts) Service structs are specific to a provider and handle all of the logic and operations for a particular OpenStack service. Examples of services include: Compute, Object Storage, Block Storage. In order to define one, you need to pass in the parent provider, like so: opts := gophercloud.EndpointOpts{Region: "RegionOne"} client := openstack.NewComputeV2(provider, opts) Resource structs are the domain models that services make use of in order to work with and represent the state of API resources: server, err := servers.Get(client, "{serverId}").Extract() Intermediate Result structs are returned for API operations, which allow generic access to the HTTP headers, response body, and any errors associated with the network transaction. To turn a result into a usable resource struct, you must call the Extract method which is chained to the response, or an Extract function from an applicable extension: result := servers.Get(client, "{serverId}") // Attempt to extract the disk configuration from the OS-DCF disk config // extension: config, err := diskconfig.ExtractGet(result) All requests that enumerate a collection return a Pager struct that is used to iterate through the results one page at a time. Use the EachPage method on that Pager to handle each successive Page in a closure, then use the appropriate extraction method from that request's package to interpret that Page as a slice of results: err := servers.List(client, nil).EachPage(func (page pagination.Page) (bool, error) { s, err := servers.ExtractServers(page) if err != nil { return false, err } // Handle the []servers.Server slice. // Return "false" or an error to prematurely stop fetching new pages. return true, nil }) This top-level package contains utility functions and data types that are used throughout the provider and service packages. Of particular note for end users are the AuthOptions and EndpointOpts structs. */ package gophercloud