### ECS In VPC Example The example launches ECS in VPC, vswitch_id parameter is the vswitch id from VPC. It also create disk, and attached the disk on ECS. The variables.tf can let you create specify parameter instances, such as image_id, ecs_type, count etc. ### Get up and running * Planning phase terraform plan var.availability_zones Enter a value: {var.availability_zones} /*cn-beijing-b*/ var.datacenter Enter a value: {datacenter} var.vswitch_id Enter a value: {vswitch_id} .... * Apply phase terraform apply var.availability_zones Enter a value: {var.availability_zones} /*cn-beijing-b*/ var.datacenter Enter a value: {datacenter} var.vswitch_id Enter a value: {vswitch_id} .... * Destroy terraform destroy