--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Configuring Outputs" sidebar_current: "docs-config-outputs" --- # Output Configuration Outputs define values that will be highlighted to the user when Terraform applies, and can be queried easily using the [output command](/docs/commands/output.html). Output usage is covered in more detail in the [getting started guide](/intro/getting-started/outputs.html). This page covers configuration syntax for outputs. Terraform knows a lot about the infrastructure it manages. Most resources have a handful or even a dozen or more attributes associated with it. Outputs are a way to easily extract information. This page assumes you're familiar with the [configuration syntax](/docs/configuration/syntax.html) already. ## Example An output configuration looks like the following: ``` output "address" { value = "${aws_instance.web.public_dns}" } ``` ## Description The `output` block configures a single output variable. Multiple output variables can be configured with multiple output blocks. The `NAME` given to the output block is the name used to reference the output variable. Within the block (the `{ }`) is configuration for the output. These are the parameters that can be set: * `value` (required, string) - The value of the output. This must be a string. This usually includes an interpolation since outputs that are static aren't usually useful. ## Syntax The full syntax is: ``` output NAME { value = VALUE } ```