--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Configuring Variables" sidebar_current: "docs-config-variables" --- # Variable Configuration Variables define the parameterization of Terraform configurations. Variables can be overridden via the CLI. Variable usage is covered in more detail in the [getting started guide](/intro/getting-started/variables.html). This page covers configuration syntax for variables. This page assumes you're familiar with the [configuration syntax](/docs/configuration/syntax.html) already. ## Example A variable configuration looks like the following: ``` variable "key" {} variable "images" { default = { "us-east-1": "image-1234", "us-west-2": "image-4567", } } ``` ## Description The `variable` block configures a single input variable for a Terraform configuration. Multiple variables blocks can be used to add multiple variables. The `NAME` given to the variable block is the name used to set the variable via the CLI as well as reference the variable throughout the Terraform configuration. Within the block (the `{ }`) is configuration for the variable. These are the parameters that can be set: * `default` (optional) - If set, this sets a default value for the variable. If this isn't set, the variable is required and Terraform will error if not set. The default value can be a string or a mapping. This is covered in more detail below. * `description` (optional) - A human-friendly description for the variable. This is primarily for documentation for users using your Terraform configuration. A future version of Terraform will expose these descriptions as part of some Terraform CLI command. ------ **Default values** can be either strings or maps. If a default value is omitted and the variable is required, the value assigned via the CLI must be a string. String values are simple and represent a basic key to value mapping where the key is the variable name. An example is: ``` variable "key" { default = "value" } ``` A map allows a key to contain a lookup table. This is useful for some values that change depending on some external pivot. A common use case for this is mapping cloud images to regions. An example: ``` variable "images" { default = { "us-east-1": "image-1234", "us-west-2": "image-4567", } } ``` The usage of maps, strings, etc. is documented fully in the [interpolation syntax](/docs/configuration/interpolation.html) page. ## Syntax The full syntax is: ``` variable NAME { [default = DEFAULT] [description = DESCRIPTION] } ``` where `DEFAULT` is: ``` VALUE { KEY: VALUE, ... } ```