package aws import ( "reflect" "testing" "" "" ) func defaultCacheBehaviorConf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "viewer_protocol_policy": "allow-all", "target_origin_id": "myS3Origin", "forwarded_values": schema.NewSet(forwardedValuesHash, []interface{}{forwardedValuesConf()}), "min_ttl": 86400, "trusted_signers": trustedSignersConf(), "max_ttl": 365000000, "smooth_streaming": false, "default_ttl": 86400, "allowed_methods": allowedMethodsConf(), "cached_methods": cachedMethodsConf(), "compress": true, } } func cacheBehaviorConf1() map[string]interface{} { cb := defaultCacheBehaviorConf() cb["path_pattern"] = "/path1" return cb } func cacheBehaviorConf2() map[string]interface{} { cb := defaultCacheBehaviorConf() cb["path_pattern"] = "/path2" return cb } func cacheBehaviorsConf() *schema.Set { return schema.NewSet(cacheBehaviorHash, []interface{}{cacheBehaviorConf1(), cacheBehaviorConf2()}) } func trustedSignersConf() []interface{} { return []interface{}{"1234567890EX", "1234567891EX"} } func forwardedValuesConf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "query_string": true, "query_string_cache_keys": queryStringCacheKeysConf(), "cookies": schema.NewSet(cookiePreferenceHash, []interface{}{cookiePreferenceConf()}), "headers": headersConf(), } } func headersConf() []interface{} { return []interface{}{"X-Example1", "X-Example2"} } func queryStringCacheKeysConf() []interface{} { return []interface{}{"foo", "bar"} } func cookiePreferenceConf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "forward": "whitelist", "whitelisted_names": cookieNamesConf(), } } func cookieNamesConf() []interface{} { return []interface{}{"Example1", "Example2"} } func allowedMethodsConf() []interface{} { return []interface{}{"DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"} } func cachedMethodsConf() []interface{} { return []interface{}{"GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"} } func originCustomHeadersConf() *schema.Set { return schema.NewSet(originCustomHeaderHash, []interface{}{originCustomHeaderConf1(), originCustomHeaderConf2()}) } func originCustomHeaderConf1() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "name": "X-Custom-Header1", "value": "samplevalue", } } func originCustomHeaderConf2() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "name": "X-Custom-Header2", "value": "samplevalue", } } func customOriginConf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "origin_protocol_policy": "http-only", "http_port": 80, "https_port": 443, "origin_ssl_protocols": customOriginSslProtocolsConf(), } } func customOriginSslProtocolsConf() []interface{} { return []interface{}{"SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2"} } func s3OriginConf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "origin_access_identity": "origin-access-identity/cloudfront/E127EXAMPLE51Z", } } func originWithCustomConf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "origin_id": "CustomOrigin", "domain_name": "", "origin_path": "/", "custom_origin_config": schema.NewSet(customOriginConfigHash, []interface{}{customOriginConf()}), "custom_header": originCustomHeadersConf(), } } func originWithS3Conf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "origin_id": "S3Origin", "domain_name": "", "origin_path": "/", "s3_origin_config": schema.NewSet(s3OriginConfigHash, []interface{}{s3OriginConf()}), "custom_header": originCustomHeadersConf(), } } func multiOriginConf() *schema.Set { return schema.NewSet(originHash, []interface{}{originWithCustomConf(), originWithS3Conf()}) } func geoRestrictionWhitelistConf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "restriction_type": "whitelist", "locations": []interface{}{"CA", "GB", "US"}, } } func geoRestrictionsConf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "geo_restriction": schema.NewSet(geoRestrictionHash, []interface{}{geoRestrictionWhitelistConf()}), } } func geoRestrictionConfNoItems() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "restriction_type": "none", } } func customErrorResponsesConf() []interface{} { return []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "error_code": 404, "error_caching_min_ttl": 30, "response_code": 200, "response_page_path": "/error-pages/404.html", }, map[string]interface{}{ "error_code": 403, "error_caching_min_ttl": 15, "response_code": 404, "response_page_path": "/error-pages/404.html", }, } } func aliasesConf() *schema.Set { return schema.NewSet(aliasesHash, []interface{}{"", ""}) } func loggingConfigConf() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "include_cookies": false, "bucket": "", "prefix": "myprefix", } } func customErrorResponsesConfSet() *schema.Set { return schema.NewSet(customErrorResponseHash, customErrorResponsesConf()) } func customErrorResponsesConfFirst() map[string]interface{} { return customErrorResponsesConf()[0].(map[string]interface{}) } func customErrorResponseConfNoResponseCode() map[string]interface{} { er := customErrorResponsesConf()[0].(map[string]interface{}) er["response_code"] = 0 er["response_page_path"] = "" return er } func viewerCertificateConfSetCloudFrontDefault() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "acm_certificate_arn": "", "cloudfront_default_certificate": true, "iam_certificate_id": "", "minimum_protocol_version": "", "ssl_support_method": "", } } func viewerCertificateConfSetIAM() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "acm_certificate_arn": "", "cloudfront_default_certificate": false, "iam_certificate_id": "iamcert-01234567", "ssl_support_method": "vip", "minimum_protocol_version": "TLSv1", } } func viewerCertificateConfSetACM() map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "acm_certificate_arn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "cloudfront_default_certificate": false, "iam_certificate_id": "", "ssl_support_method": "sni-only", "minimum_protocol_version": "TLSv1", } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandDefaultCacheBehavior(t *testing.T) { data := defaultCacheBehaviorConf() dcb := expandDefaultCacheBehavior(data) if *dcb.Compress != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Compress to be true, got %v", *dcb.Compress) } if *dcb.ViewerProtocolPolicy != "allow-all" { t.Fatalf("Expected ViewerProtocolPolicy to be allow-all, got %v", *dcb.ViewerProtocolPolicy) } if *dcb.TargetOriginId != "myS3Origin" { t.Fatalf("Expected TargetOriginId to be allow-all, got %v", *dcb.TargetOriginId) } if reflect.DeepEqual(dcb.ForwardedValues.Headers.Items, expandStringList(headersConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be %v, got %v", headersConf(), dcb.ForwardedValues.Headers.Items) } if *dcb.MinTTL != 86400 { t.Fatalf("Expected MinTTL to be 86400, got %v", *dcb.MinTTL) } if reflect.DeepEqual(dcb.TrustedSigners.Items, expandStringList(trustedSignersConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected TrustedSigners.Items to be %v, got %v", trustedSignersConf(), dcb.TrustedSigners.Items) } if *dcb.MaxTTL != 365000000 { t.Fatalf("Expected MaxTTL to be 86400, got %v", *dcb.MaxTTL) } if *dcb.SmoothStreaming != false { t.Fatalf("Expected SmoothStreaming to be false, got %v", *dcb.SmoothStreaming) } if *dcb.DefaultTTL != 86400 { t.Fatalf("Expected DefaultTTL to be 86400, got %v", *dcb.DefaultTTL) } if reflect.DeepEqual(dcb.AllowedMethods.Items, expandStringList(allowedMethodsConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected TrustedSigners.Items to be %v, got %v", allowedMethodsConf(), dcb.AllowedMethods.Items) } if reflect.DeepEqual(dcb.AllowedMethods.CachedMethods.Items, expandStringList(cachedMethodsConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected TrustedSigners.Items to be %v, got %v", cachedMethodsConf(), dcb.AllowedMethods.CachedMethods.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenDefaultCacheBehavior(t *testing.T) { in := defaultCacheBehaviorConf() dcb := expandDefaultCacheBehavior(in) out := flattenDefaultCacheBehavior(dcb) diff := schema.NewSet(defaultCacheBehaviorHash, []interface{}{in}).Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCacheBehavior(t *testing.T) { data := cacheBehaviorConf1() cb := expandCacheBehavior(data) if *cb.Compress != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Compress to be true, got %v", *cb.Compress) } if *cb.ViewerProtocolPolicy != "allow-all" { t.Fatalf("Expected ViewerProtocolPolicy to be allow-all, got %v", *cb.ViewerProtocolPolicy) } if *cb.TargetOriginId != "myS3Origin" { t.Fatalf("Expected TargetOriginId to be myS3Origin, got %v", *cb.TargetOriginId) } if reflect.DeepEqual(cb.ForwardedValues.Headers.Items, expandStringList(headersConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be %v, got %v", headersConf(), cb.ForwardedValues.Headers.Items) } if *cb.MinTTL != 86400 { t.Fatalf("Expected MinTTL to be 86400, got %v", *cb.MinTTL) } if reflect.DeepEqual(cb.TrustedSigners.Items, expandStringList(trustedSignersConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected TrustedSigners.Items to be %v, got %v", trustedSignersConf(), cb.TrustedSigners.Items) } if *cb.MaxTTL != 365000000 { t.Fatalf("Expected MaxTTL to be 365000000, got %v", *cb.MaxTTL) } if *cb.SmoothStreaming != false { t.Fatalf("Expected SmoothStreaming to be false, got %v", *cb.SmoothStreaming) } if *cb.DefaultTTL != 86400 { t.Fatalf("Expected DefaultTTL to be 86400, got %v", *cb.DefaultTTL) } if reflect.DeepEqual(cb.AllowedMethods.Items, expandStringList(allowedMethodsConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected AllowedMethods.Items to be %v, got %v", allowedMethodsConf(), cb.AllowedMethods.Items) } if reflect.DeepEqual(cb.AllowedMethods.CachedMethods.Items, expandStringList(cachedMethodsConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected AllowedMethods.CachedMethods.Items to be %v, got %v", cachedMethodsConf(), cb.AllowedMethods.CachedMethods.Items) } if *cb.PathPattern != "/path1" { t.Fatalf("Expected PathPattern to be /path1, got %v", *cb.PathPattern) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCacheBehavior(t *testing.T) { in := cacheBehaviorConf1() cb := expandCacheBehavior(in) out := flattenCacheBehavior(cb) var diff *schema.Set if out["compress"] != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out[compress] to be true, got %v", out["compress"]) } if out["viewer_protocol_policy"] != "allow-all" { t.Fatalf("Expected out[viewer_protocol_policy] to be allow-all, got %v", out["viewer_protocol_policy"]) } if out["target_origin_id"] != "myS3Origin" { t.Fatalf("Expected out[target_origin_id] to be myS3Origin, got %v", out["target_origin_id"]) } diff = out["forwarded_values"].(*schema.Set).Difference(in["forwarded_values"].(*schema.Set)) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out[forwarded_values] to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", out["forwarded_values"], in["forwarded_values"], diff) } if out["min_ttl"] != int(86400) { t.Fatalf("Expected out[min_ttl] to be 86400 (int), got %v", out["forwarded_values"]) } if reflect.DeepEqual(out["trusted_signers"], in["trusted_signers"]) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out[trusted_signers] to be %v, got %v", in["trusted_signers"], out["trusted_signers"]) } if out["max_ttl"] != int(365000000) { t.Fatalf("Expected out[max_ttl] to be 365000000 (int), got %v", out["max_ttl"]) } if out["smooth_streaming"] != false { t.Fatalf("Expected out[smooth_streaming] to be false, got %v", out["smooth_streaming"]) } if out["default_ttl"] != int(86400) { t.Fatalf("Expected out[default_ttl] to be 86400 (int), got %v", out["default_ttl"]) } if reflect.DeepEqual(out["allowed_methods"], in["allowed_methods"]) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out[allowed_methods] to be %v, got %v", in["allowed_methods"], out["allowed_methods"]) } if reflect.DeepEqual(out["cached_methods"], in["cached_methods"]) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out[cached_methods] to be %v, got %v", in["cached_methods"], out["cached_methods"]) } if out["path_pattern"] != "/path1" { t.Fatalf("Expected out[path_pattern] to be /path1, got %v", out["path_pattern"]) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCacheBehaviors(t *testing.T) { data := cacheBehaviorsConf() cbs := expandCacheBehaviors(data) if *cbs.Quantity != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *cbs.Quantity) } if *cbs.Items[0].TargetOriginId != "myS3Origin" { t.Fatalf("Expected first Item's TargetOriginId to be myS3Origin, got %v", *cbs.Items[0].TargetOriginId) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCacheBehaviors(t *testing.T) { in := cacheBehaviorsConf() cbs := expandCacheBehaviors(in) out := flattenCacheBehaviors(cbs) diff := in.Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandTrustedSigners(t *testing.T) { data := trustedSignersConf() ts := expandTrustedSigners(data) if *ts.Quantity != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *ts.Quantity) } if *ts.Enabled != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Enabled to be true, got %v", *ts.Enabled) } if reflect.DeepEqual(ts.Items, expandStringList(data)) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be %v, got %v", data, ts.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenTrustedSigners(t *testing.T) { in := trustedSignersConf() ts := expandTrustedSigners(in) out := flattenTrustedSigners(ts) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandTrustedSigners_empty(t *testing.T) { data := []interface{}{} ts := expandTrustedSigners(data) if *ts.Quantity != 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *ts.Quantity) } if *ts.Enabled != false { t.Fatalf("Expected Enabled to be true, got %v", *ts.Enabled) } if ts.Items != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be nil, got %v", ts.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandForwardedValues(t *testing.T) { data := forwardedValuesConf() fv := expandForwardedValues(data) if *fv.QueryString != true { t.Fatalf("Expected QueryString to be true, got %v", *fv.QueryString) } if reflect.DeepEqual(fv.Cookies.WhitelistedNames.Items, expandStringList(cookieNamesConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Cookies.WhitelistedNames.Items to be %v, got %v", cookieNamesConf(), fv.Cookies.WhitelistedNames.Items) } if reflect.DeepEqual(fv.Headers.Items, expandStringList(headersConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Headers.Items to be %v, got %v", headersConf(), fv.Headers.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenForwardedValues(t *testing.T) { in := forwardedValuesConf() fv := expandForwardedValues(in) out := flattenForwardedValues(fv) if out["query_string"] != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out[query_string] to be true, got %v", out["query_string"]) } if out["cookies"].(*schema.Set).Equal(in["cookies"].(*schema.Set)) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out[cookies] to be %v, got %v", in["cookies"], out["cookies"]) } if reflect.DeepEqual(out["headers"], in["headers"]) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out[headers] to be %v, got %v", in["headers"], out["headers"]) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandHeaders(t *testing.T) { data := headersConf() h := expandHeaders(data) if *h.Quantity != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *h.Quantity) } if reflect.DeepEqual(h.Items, expandStringList(data)) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be %v, got %v", data, h.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenHeaders(t *testing.T) { in := headersConf() h := expandHeaders(in) out := flattenHeaders(h) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandQueryStringCacheKeys(t *testing.T) { data := queryStringCacheKeysConf() k := expandQueryStringCacheKeys(data) if *k.Quantity != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *k.Quantity) } if reflect.DeepEqual(k.Items, expandStringList(data)) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be %v, got %v", data, k.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenQueryStringCacheKeys(t *testing.T) { in := queryStringCacheKeysConf() k := expandQueryStringCacheKeys(in) out := flattenQueryStringCacheKeys(k) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCookiePreference(t *testing.T) { data := cookiePreferenceConf() cp := expandCookiePreference(data) if *cp.Forward != "whitelist" { t.Fatalf("Expected Forward to be whitelist, got %v", *cp.Forward) } if reflect.DeepEqual(cp.WhitelistedNames.Items, expandStringList(cookieNamesConf())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected WhitelistedNames.Items to be %v, got %v", cookieNamesConf(), cp.WhitelistedNames.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCookiePreference(t *testing.T) { in := cookiePreferenceConf() cp := expandCookiePreference(in) out := flattenCookiePreference(cp) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCookieNames(t *testing.T) { data := cookieNamesConf() cn := expandCookieNames(data) if *cn.Quantity != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *cn.Quantity) } if reflect.DeepEqual(cn.Items, expandStringList(data)) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be %v, got %v", data, cn.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCookieNames(t *testing.T) { in := cookieNamesConf() cn := expandCookieNames(in) out := flattenCookieNames(cn) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandAllowedMethods(t *testing.T) { data := allowedMethodsConf() am := expandAllowedMethods(data) if *am.Quantity != 7 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 3, got %v", *am.Quantity) } if reflect.DeepEqual(am.Items, expandStringList(data)) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be %v, got %v", data, am.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenAllowedMethods(t *testing.T) { in := allowedMethodsConf() am := expandAllowedMethods(in) out := flattenAllowedMethods(am) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCachedMethods(t *testing.T) { data := cachedMethodsConf() cm := expandCachedMethods(data) if *cm.Quantity != 3 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 3, got %v", *cm.Quantity) } if reflect.DeepEqual(cm.Items, expandStringList(data)) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be %v, got %v", data, cm.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCachedMethods(t *testing.T) { in := cachedMethodsConf() cm := expandCachedMethods(in) out := flattenCachedMethods(cm) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandOrigins(t *testing.T) { data := multiOriginConf() origins := expandOrigins(data) if *origins.Quantity != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *origins.Quantity) } if *origins.Items[0].OriginPath != "/" { t.Fatalf("Expected first Item's OriginPath to be /, got %v", *origins.Items[0].OriginPath) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenOrigins(t *testing.T) { in := multiOriginConf() origins := expandOrigins(in) out := flattenOrigins(origins) diff := in.Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandOrigin(t *testing.T) { data := originWithCustomConf() or := expandOrigin(data) if *or.Id != "CustomOrigin" { t.Fatalf("Expected Id to be CustomOrigin, got %v", *or.Id) } if *or.DomainName != "" { t.Fatalf("Expected DomainName to be, got %v", *or.DomainName) } if *or.OriginPath != "/" { t.Fatalf("Expected OriginPath to be /, got %v", *or.OriginPath) } if *or.CustomOriginConfig.OriginProtocolPolicy != "http-only" { t.Fatalf("Expected CustomOriginConfig.OriginProtocolPolicy to be http-only, got %v", *or.CustomOriginConfig.OriginProtocolPolicy) } if *or.CustomHeaders.Items[0].HeaderValue != "samplevalue" { t.Fatalf("Expected CustomHeaders.Items[0].HeaderValue to be samplevalue, got %v", *or.CustomHeaders.Items[0].HeaderValue) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenOrigin(t *testing.T) { in := originWithCustomConf() or := expandOrigin(in) out := flattenOrigin(or) if out["origin_id"] != "CustomOrigin" { t.Fatalf("Expected out[origin_id] to be CustomOrigin, got %v", out["origin_id"]) } if out["domain_name"] != "" { t.Fatalf("Expected out[domain_name] to be, got %v", out["domain_name"]) } if out["origin_path"] != "/" { t.Fatalf("Expected out[origin_path] to be /, got %v", out["origin_path"]) } if out["custom_origin_config"].(*schema.Set).Equal(in["custom_origin_config"].(*schema.Set)) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out[custom_origin_config] to be %v, got %v", in["custom_origin_config"], out["custom_origin_config"]) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCustomHeaders(t *testing.T) { in := originCustomHeadersConf() chs := expandCustomHeaders(in) if *chs.Quantity != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *chs.Quantity) } if *chs.Items[0].HeaderValue != "samplevalue" { t.Fatalf("Expected first Item's HeaderValue to be samplevalue, got %v", *chs.Items[0].HeaderValue) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCustomHeaders(t *testing.T) { in := originCustomHeadersConf() chs := expandCustomHeaders(in) out := flattenCustomHeaders(chs) diff := in.Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenOriginCustomHeader(t *testing.T) { in := originCustomHeaderConf1() och := expandOriginCustomHeader(in) out := flattenOriginCustomHeader(och) if out["name"] != "X-Custom-Header1" { t.Fatalf("Expected out[name] to be X-Custom-Header1, got %v", out["name"]) } if out["value"] != "samplevalue" { t.Fatalf("Expected out[value] to be samplevalue, got %v", out["value"]) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandOriginCustomHeader(t *testing.T) { in := originCustomHeaderConf1() och := expandOriginCustomHeader(in) if *och.HeaderName != "X-Custom-Header1" { t.Fatalf("Expected HeaderName to be X-Custom-Header1, got %v", *och.HeaderName) } if *och.HeaderValue != "samplevalue" { t.Fatalf("Expected HeaderValue to be samplevalue, got %v", *och.HeaderValue) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCustomOriginConfig(t *testing.T) { data := customOriginConf() co := expandCustomOriginConfig(data) if *co.OriginProtocolPolicy != "http-only" { t.Fatalf("Expected OriginProtocolPolicy to be http-only, got %v", *co.OriginProtocolPolicy) } if *co.HTTPPort != 80 { t.Fatalf("Expected HTTPPort to be 80, got %v", *co.HTTPPort) } if *co.HTTPSPort != 443 { t.Fatalf("Expected HTTPSPort to be 443, got %v", *co.HTTPSPort) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCustomOriginConfig(t *testing.T) { in := customOriginConf() co := expandCustomOriginConfig(in) out := flattenCustomOriginConfig(co) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCustomOriginConfigSSL(t *testing.T) { in := customOriginSslProtocolsConf() ocs := expandCustomOriginConfigSSL(in) if *ocs.Quantity != 4 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 4, got %v", *ocs.Quantity) } if *ocs.Items[0] != "SSLv3" { t.Fatalf("Expected first Item to be SSLv3, got %v", *ocs.Items[0]) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCustomOriginConfigSSL(t *testing.T) { in := customOriginSslProtocolsConf() ocs := expandCustomOriginConfigSSL(in) out := flattenCustomOriginConfigSSL(ocs) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandS3OriginConfig(t *testing.T) { data := s3OriginConf() s3o := expandS3OriginConfig(data) if *s3o.OriginAccessIdentity != "origin-access-identity/cloudfront/E127EXAMPLE51Z" { t.Fatalf("Expected OriginAccessIdentity to be origin-access-identity/cloudfront/E127EXAMPLE51Z, got %v", *s3o.OriginAccessIdentity) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenS3OriginConfig(t *testing.T) { in := s3OriginConf() s3o := expandS3OriginConfig(in) out := flattenS3OriginConfig(s3o) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCustomErrorResponses(t *testing.T) { data := customErrorResponsesConfSet() ers := expandCustomErrorResponses(data) if *ers.Quantity != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *ers.Quantity) } if *ers.Items[0].ResponsePagePath != "/error-pages/404.html" { t.Fatalf("Expected ResponsePagePath in first Item to be /error-pages/404.html, got %v", *ers.Items[0].ResponsePagePath) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCustomErrorResponses(t *testing.T) { in := customErrorResponsesConfSet() ers := expandCustomErrorResponses(in) out := flattenCustomErrorResponses(ers) if in.Equal(out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCustomErrorResponse(t *testing.T) { data := customErrorResponsesConfFirst() er := expandCustomErrorResponse(data) if *er.ErrorCode != 404 { t.Fatalf("Expected ErrorCode to be 404, got %v", *er.ErrorCode) } if *er.ErrorCachingMinTTL != 30 { t.Fatalf("Expected ErrorCachingMinTTL to be 30, got %v", *er.ErrorCachingMinTTL) } if *er.ResponseCode != "200" { t.Fatalf("Expected ResponseCode to be 200 (as string), got %v", *er.ResponseCode) } if *er.ResponsePagePath != "/error-pages/404.html" { t.Fatalf("Expected ResponsePagePath to be /error-pages/404.html, got %v", *er.ResponsePagePath) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandCustomErrorResponse_emptyResponseCode(t *testing.T) { data := customErrorResponseConfNoResponseCode() er := expandCustomErrorResponse(data) if *er.ResponseCode != "" { t.Fatalf("Expected ResponseCode to be empty string, got %v", *er.ResponseCode) } if *er.ResponsePagePath != "" { t.Fatalf("Expected ResponsePagePath to be empty string, got %v", *er.ResponsePagePath) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenCustomErrorResponse(t *testing.T) { in := customErrorResponsesConfFirst() er := expandCustomErrorResponse(in) out := flattenCustomErrorResponse(er) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandLoggingConfig(t *testing.T) { data := loggingConfigConf() lc := expandLoggingConfig(data) if *lc.Enabled != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Enabled to be true, got %v", *lc.Enabled) } if *lc.Prefix != "myprefix" { t.Fatalf("Expected Prefix to be myprefix, got %v", *lc.Prefix) } if *lc.Bucket != "" { t.Fatalf("Expected Bucket to be, got %v", *lc.Bucket) } if *lc.IncludeCookies != false { t.Fatalf("Expected IncludeCookies to be false, got %v", *lc.IncludeCookies) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandLoggingConfig_nilValue(t *testing.T) { lc := expandLoggingConfig(nil) if *lc.Enabled != false { t.Fatalf("Expected Enabled to be false, got %v", *lc.Enabled) } if *lc.Prefix != "" { t.Fatalf("Expected Prefix to be blank, got %v", *lc.Prefix) } if *lc.Bucket != "" { t.Fatalf("Expected Bucket to be blank, got %v", *lc.Bucket) } if *lc.IncludeCookies != false { t.Fatalf("Expected IncludeCookies to be false, got %v", *lc.IncludeCookies) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenLoggingConfig(t *testing.T) { in := loggingConfigConf() lc := expandLoggingConfig(in) out := flattenLoggingConfig(lc) diff := schema.NewSet(loggingConfigHash, []interface{}{in}).Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandAliases(t *testing.T) { data := aliasesConf() a := expandAliases(data) if *a.Quantity != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 2, got %v", *a.Quantity) } if reflect.DeepEqual(a.Items, expandStringList(data.List())) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to be [], got %v", a.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenAliases(t *testing.T) { in := aliasesConf() a := expandAliases(in) out := flattenAliases(a) diff := in.Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandRestrictions(t *testing.T) { data := geoRestrictionsConf() r := expandRestrictions(data) if *r.GeoRestriction.RestrictionType != "whitelist" { t.Fatalf("Expected GeoRestriction.RestrictionType to be whitelist, got %v", *r.GeoRestriction.RestrictionType) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenRestrictions(t *testing.T) { in := geoRestrictionsConf() r := expandRestrictions(in) out := flattenRestrictions(r) diff := schema.NewSet(restrictionsHash, []interface{}{in}).Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandGeoRestriction_whitelist(t *testing.T) { data := geoRestrictionWhitelistConf() gr := expandGeoRestriction(data) if *gr.RestrictionType != "whitelist" { t.Fatalf("Expected RestrictionType to be whitelist, got %v", *gr.RestrictionType) } if *gr.Quantity != 3 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 3, got %v", *gr.Quantity) } if reflect.DeepEqual(gr.Items, aws.StringSlice([]string{"CA", "GB", "US"})) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected Items be [CA, GB, US], got %v", gr.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenGeoRestriction_whitelist(t *testing.T) { in := geoRestrictionWhitelistConf() gr := expandGeoRestriction(in) out := flattenGeoRestriction(gr) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandGeoRestriction_no_items(t *testing.T) { data := geoRestrictionConfNoItems() gr := expandGeoRestriction(data) if *gr.RestrictionType != "none" { t.Fatalf("Expected RestrictionType to be none, got %v", *gr.RestrictionType) } if *gr.Quantity != 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected Quantity to be 0, got %v", *gr.Quantity) } if gr.Items != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected Items to not be set, got %v", gr.Items) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenGeoRestriction_no_items(t *testing.T) { in := geoRestrictionConfNoItems() gr := expandGeoRestriction(in) out := flattenGeoRestriction(gr) if reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) != true { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v", in, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandViewerCertificate_cloudfront_default_certificate(t *testing.T) { data := viewerCertificateConfSetCloudFrontDefault() vc := expandViewerCertificate(data) if vc.ACMCertificateArn != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected ACMCertificateArn to be unset, got %v", *vc.ACMCertificateArn) } if *vc.CloudFrontDefaultCertificate != true { t.Fatalf("Expected CloudFrontDefaultCertificate to be true, got %v", *vc.CloudFrontDefaultCertificate) } if vc.IAMCertificateId != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected IAMCertificateId to not be set, got %v", *vc.IAMCertificateId) } if vc.SSLSupportMethod != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected IAMCertificateId to not be set, got %v", *vc.SSLSupportMethod) } if vc.MinimumProtocolVersion != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected IAMCertificateId to not be set, got %v", *vc.MinimumProtocolVersion) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_flattenViewerCertificate_cloudfront_default_certificate(t *testing.T) { in := viewerCertificateConfSetCloudFrontDefault() vc := expandViewerCertificate(in) out := flattenViewerCertificate(vc) diff := schema.NewSet(viewerCertificateHash, []interface{}{in}).Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandViewerCertificate_iam_certificate_id(t *testing.T) { data := viewerCertificateConfSetIAM() vc := expandViewerCertificate(data) if vc.ACMCertificateArn != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected ACMCertificateArn to be unset, got %v", *vc.ACMCertificateArn) } if vc.CloudFrontDefaultCertificate != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected CloudFrontDefaultCertificate to be unset, got %v", *vc.CloudFrontDefaultCertificate) } if *vc.IAMCertificateId != "iamcert-01234567" { t.Fatalf("Expected IAMCertificateId to be iamcert-01234567, got %v", *vc.IAMCertificateId) } if *vc.SSLSupportMethod != "vip" { t.Fatalf("Expected IAMCertificateId to be vip, got %v", *vc.SSLSupportMethod) } if *vc.MinimumProtocolVersion != "TLSv1" { t.Fatalf("Expected IAMCertificateId to be TLSv1, got %v", *vc.MinimumProtocolVersion) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_expandViewerCertificate_acm_certificate_arn(t *testing.T) { data := viewerCertificateConfSetACM() vc := expandViewerCertificate(data) if *vc.ACMCertificateArn != "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" { t.Fatalf("Expected ACMCertificateArn to be arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012, got %v", *vc.ACMCertificateArn) } if vc.CloudFrontDefaultCertificate != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected CloudFrontDefaultCertificate to be unset, got %v", *vc.CloudFrontDefaultCertificate) } if vc.IAMCertificateId != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected IAMCertificateId to be unset, got %v", *vc.IAMCertificateId) } if *vc.SSLSupportMethod != "sni-only" { t.Fatalf("Expected IAMCertificateId to be sni-only, got %v", *vc.SSLSupportMethod) } if *vc.MinimumProtocolVersion != "TLSv1" { t.Fatalf("Expected IAMCertificateId to be TLSv1, got %v", *vc.MinimumProtocolVersion) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_falttenViewerCertificate_iam_certificate_id(t *testing.T) { in := viewerCertificateConfSetIAM() vc := expandViewerCertificate(in) out := flattenViewerCertificate(vc) diff := schema.NewSet(viewerCertificateHash, []interface{}{in}).Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_falttenViewerCertificate_acm_certificate_arn(t *testing.T) { in := viewerCertificateConfSetACM() vc := expandViewerCertificate(in) out := flattenViewerCertificate(vc) diff := schema.NewSet(viewerCertificateHash, []interface{}{in}).Difference(out) if len(diff.List()) > 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected out to be %v, got %v, diff: %v", in, out, diff) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_viewerCertificateHash_IAM(t *testing.T) { in := viewerCertificateConfSetIAM() out := viewerCertificateHash(in) expected := 1157261784 if expected != out { t.Fatalf("Expected %v, got %v", expected, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_viewerCertificateHash_ACM(t *testing.T) { in := viewerCertificateConfSetACM() out := viewerCertificateHash(in) expected := 2883600425 if expected != out { t.Fatalf("Expected %v, got %v", expected, out) } } func TestCloudFrontStructure_viewerCertificateHash_default(t *testing.T) { in := viewerCertificateConfSetCloudFrontDefault() out := viewerCertificateHash(in) expected := 69840937 if expected != out { t.Fatalf("Expected %v, got %v", expected, out) } }