package remote import ( "bufio" "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "math" "time" tfe "" "" "" "" ) var ( errApplyDiscarded = errors.New("Apply discarded.") errDestroyDiscarded = errors.New("Destroy discarded.") errRunApproved = errors.New("approved using the UI or API") errRunDiscarded = errors.New("discarded using the UI or API") errRunOverridden = errors.New("overridden using the UI or API") ) // backoff will perform exponential backoff based on the iteration and // limited by the provided min and max (in milliseconds) durations. func backoff(min, max float64, iter int) time.Duration { backoff := math.Pow(2, float64(iter)/5) * min if backoff > max { backoff = max } return time.Duration(backoff) * time.Millisecond } func (b *Remote) waitForRun(stopCtx, cancelCtx context.Context, op *backend.Operation, opType string, r *tfe.Run, w *tfe.Workspace) (*tfe.Run, error) { started := time.Now() updated := started for i := 0; ; i++ { select { case <-stopCtx.Done(): return r, stopCtx.Err() case <-cancelCtx.Done(): return r, cancelCtx.Err() case <-time.After(backoff(1000, 3000, i)): // Timer up, show status } // Retrieve the run to get its current status. r, err := b.client.Runs.Read(stopCtx, r.ID) if err != nil { return r, generalError("Failed to retrieve run", err) } // Return if the run is no longer pending. if r.Status != tfe.RunPending && r.Status != tfe.RunConfirmed { if i == 0 && opType == "plan" && b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for the %s to start...\n", opType))) } if i > 0 && b.CLI != nil { // Insert a blank line to separate the ouputs. b.CLI.Output("") } return r, nil } // Check if 30 seconds have passed since the last update. current := time.Now() if b.CLI != nil && (i == 0 || current.Sub(updated).Seconds() > 30) { updated = current position := 0 elapsed := "" // Calculate and set the elapsed time. if i > 0 { elapsed = fmt.Sprintf( " (%s elapsed)", current.Sub(started).Truncate(30*time.Second)) } // Retrieve the workspace used to run this operation in. w, err = b.client.Workspaces.Read(stopCtx, b.organization, w.Name) if err != nil { return nil, generalError("Failed to retrieve workspace", err) } // If the workspace is locked the run will not be queued and we can // update the status without making any expensive calls. if w.Locked && w.CurrentRun != nil { cr, err := b.client.Runs.Read(stopCtx, w.CurrentRun.ID) if err != nil { return r, generalError("Failed to retrieve current run", err) } if cr.Status == tfe.RunPending { b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color( "Waiting for the manually locked workspace to be unlocked..." + elapsed)) continue } } // Skip checking the workspace queue when we are the current run. if w.CurrentRun == nil || w.CurrentRun.ID != r.ID { found := false options := tfe.RunListOptions{} runlist: for { rl, err := b.client.Runs.List(stopCtx, w.ID, options) if err != nil { return r, generalError("Failed to retrieve run list", err) } // Loop through all runs to calculate the workspace queue position. for _, item := range rl.Items { if !found { if r.ID == item.ID { found = true } continue } // If the run is in a final state, ignore it and continue. switch item.Status { case tfe.RunApplied, tfe.RunCanceled, tfe.RunDiscarded, tfe.RunErrored: continue case tfe.RunPlanned: if op.Type == backend.OperationTypePlan { continue } } // Increase the workspace queue position. position++ // Stop searching when we reached the current run. if w.CurrentRun != nil && w.CurrentRun.ID == item.ID { break runlist } } // Exit the loop when we've seen all pages. if rl.CurrentPage >= rl.TotalPages { break } // Update the page number to get the next page. options.PageNumber = rl.NextPage } if position > 0 { b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color(fmt.Sprintf( "Waiting for %d run(s) to finish before being queued...%s", position, elapsed, ))) continue } } options := tfe.RunQueueOptions{} search: for { rq, err := b.client.Organizations.RunQueue(stopCtx, b.organization, options) if err != nil { return r, generalError("Failed to retrieve queue", err) } // Search through all queued items to find our run. for _, item := range rq.Items { if r.ID == item.ID { position = item.PositionInQueue break search } } // Exit the loop when we've seen all pages. if rq.CurrentPage >= rq.TotalPages { break } // Update the page number to get the next page. options.PageNumber = rq.NextPage } if position > 0 { c, err := b.client.Organizations.Capacity(stopCtx, b.organization) if err != nil { return r, generalError("Failed to retrieve capacity", err) } b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color(fmt.Sprintf( "Waiting for %d queued run(s) to finish before starting...%s", position-c.Running, elapsed, ))) continue } b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color(fmt.Sprintf( "Waiting for the %s to start...%s", opType, elapsed))) } } } func (b *Remote) parseVariableValues(op *backend.Operation) (terraform.InputValues, tfdiags.Diagnostics) { var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics result := make(terraform.InputValues) // Load the configuration using the caller-provided configuration loader. config, _, configDiags := op.ConfigLoader.LoadConfigWithSnapshot(op.ConfigDir) diags = diags.Append(configDiags) if diags.HasErrors() { return nil, diags } variables, varDiags := backend.ParseVariableValues(op.Variables, config.Module.Variables) diags = diags.Append(varDiags) if diags.HasErrors() { return nil, diags } // Save only the explicitly defined variables. for k, v := range variables { switch v.SourceType { case terraform.ValueFromCLIArg, terraform.ValueFromNamedFile: result[k] = v } } return result, diags } func (b *Remote) costEstimation(stopCtx, cancelCtx context.Context, op *backend.Operation, r *tfe.Run) error { if r.CostEstimation == nil { return nil } if b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") } logs, err := b.client.CostEstimations.Logs(stopCtx, r.CostEstimation.ID) if err != nil { return generalError("Failed to retrieve cost estimation logs", err) } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(logs) // Retrieve the cost estimation to get its current status. ce, err := b.client.CostEstimations.Read(stopCtx, r.CostEstimation.ID) if err != nil { return generalError("Failed to retrieve cost estimation", err) } msgPrefix := "Cost estimation" if b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color(msgPrefix + ":\n")) } for scanner.Scan() { if b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color(scanner.Text())) } } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { return generalError("Failed to read logs", err) } switch ce.Status { case tfe.CostEstimationFinished: if len(r.PolicyChecks) == 0 && r.HasChanges && op.Type == backend.OperationTypeApply && b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------") } return nil case tfe.CostEstimationErrored: return fmt.Errorf(msgPrefix + " errored.") case tfe.CostEstimationCanceled: return fmt.Errorf(msgPrefix + " canceled.") default: return fmt.Errorf("Unknown or unexpected cost estimation state: %s", ce.Status) } } func (b *Remote) checkPolicy(stopCtx, cancelCtx context.Context, op *backend.Operation, r *tfe.Run) error { if b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") } for i, pc := range r.PolicyChecks { logs, err := b.client.PolicyChecks.Logs(stopCtx, pc.ID) if err != nil { return generalError("Failed to retrieve policy check logs", err) } reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(logs, 64*1024) // Retrieve the policy check to get its current status. pc, err := b.client.PolicyChecks.Read(stopCtx, pc.ID) if err != nil { return generalError("Failed to retrieve policy check", err) } var msgPrefix string switch pc.Scope { case tfe.PolicyScopeOrganization: msgPrefix = "Organization policy check" case tfe.PolicyScopeWorkspace: msgPrefix = "Workspace policy check" default: msgPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown policy check (%s)", pc.Scope) } if b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color(msgPrefix + ":\n")) } if b.CLI != nil { for next := true; next; { var l, line []byte for isPrefix := true; isPrefix; { l, isPrefix, err = reader.ReadLine() if err != nil { if err != io.EOF { return generalError("Failed to read logs", err) } next = false } line = append(line, l...) } if next || len(line) > 0 { b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color(string(line))) } } } switch pc.Status { case tfe.PolicyPasses: if (r.HasChanges && op.Type == backend.OperationTypeApply || i < len(r.PolicyChecks)-1) && b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------") } continue case tfe.PolicyErrored: return fmt.Errorf(msgPrefix + " errored.") case tfe.PolicyHardFailed: return fmt.Errorf(msgPrefix + " hard failed.") case tfe.PolicySoftFailed: if op.Type == backend.OperationTypePlan || op.UIOut == nil || op.UIIn == nil || op.AutoApprove || !pc.Actions.IsOverridable || !pc.Permissions.CanOverride { return fmt.Errorf(msgPrefix + " soft failed.") } default: return fmt.Errorf("Unknown or unexpected policy state: %s", pc.Status) } opts := &terraform.InputOpts{ Id: "override", Query: "\nDo you want to override the soft failed policy check?", Description: "Only 'override' will be accepted to override.", } err = b.confirm(stopCtx, op, opts, r, "override") if err != nil && err != errRunOverridden { return err } if err != errRunOverridden { if _, err = b.client.PolicyChecks.Override(stopCtx, pc.ID); err != nil { return generalError("Failed to override policy check", err) } } if b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output("------------------------------------------------------------------------") } } return nil } func (b *Remote) confirm(stopCtx context.Context, op *backend.Operation, opts *terraform.InputOpts, r *tfe.Run, keyword string) error { doneCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(stopCtx) result := make(chan error, 2) go func() { // Make sure we cancel doneCtx before we return // so the input command is also canceled. defer cancel() for { select { case <-doneCtx.Done(): return case <-stopCtx.Done(): return case <-time.After(3 * time.Second): // Retrieve the run again to get its current status. r, err := b.client.Runs.Read(stopCtx, r.ID) if err != nil { result <- generalError("Failed to retrieve run", err) return } switch keyword { case "override": if r.Status != tfe.RunPolicyOverride { if r.Status == tfe.RunDiscarded { err = errRunDiscarded } else { err = errRunOverridden } } case "yes": if !r.Actions.IsConfirmable { if r.Status == tfe.RunDiscarded { err = errRunDiscarded } else { err = errRunApproved } } } if err != nil { if b.CLI != nil { b.CLI.Output(b.Colorize().Color( fmt.Sprintf("[reset][yellow]%s[reset]", err.Error()))) } if err == errRunDiscarded { if op.Destroy { err = errDestroyDiscarded } err = errApplyDiscarded } result <- err return } } } }() result <- func() error { v, err := op.UIIn.Input(doneCtx, opts) if err != nil && err != context.Canceled && stopCtx.Err() != context.Canceled { return fmt.Errorf("Error asking %s: %v", opts.Id, err) } // We return the error of our parent channel as we don't // care about the error of the doneCtx which is only used // within this function. So if the doneCtx was canceled // because stopCtx was canceled, this will properly return // a context.Canceled error and otherwise it returns nil. if doneCtx.Err() == context.Canceled || stopCtx.Err() == context.Canceled { return stopCtx.Err() } // Make sure we cancel the context here so the loop that // checks for external changes to the run is ended before // we start to make changes ourselves. cancel() if v != keyword { // Retrieve the run again to get its current status. r, err = b.client.Runs.Read(stopCtx, r.ID) if err != nil { return generalError("Failed to retrieve run", err) } // Make sure we discard the run if possible. if r.Actions.IsDiscardable { err = b.client.Runs.Discard(stopCtx, r.ID, tfe.RunDiscardOptions{}) if err != nil { if op.Destroy { return generalError("Failed to discard destroy", err) } return generalError("Failed to discard apply", err) } } // Even if the run was discarded successfully, we still // return an error as the apply command was canceled. if op.Destroy { return errDestroyDiscarded } return errApplyDiscarded } return nil }() return <-result }