--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Command: apply" sidebar_current: "docs-commands-apply" description: |- The `terraform apply` command is used to apply the changes required to reach the desired state of the configuration, or the pre-determined set of actions generated by a `terraform plan` execution plan. --- # Command: apply > For a hands-on tutorial, try the [Get Started](https://learn.hashicorp.com/terraform/getting-started/intro?utm_source=WEBSITE&utm_medium=WEB_IO&utm_offer=ARTICLE_PAGE&utm_content=DOCS) track on HashiCorp Learn. The `terraform apply` command is used to apply the changes required to reach the desired state of the configuration, or the pre-determined set of actions generated by a `terraform plan` execution plan. ## Usage Usage: `terraform apply [options] [dir-or-plan]` By default, `apply` scans the current directory for the configuration and applies the changes appropriately. However, a path to another configuration or an execution plan can be provided. Explicit execution plan files can be used to split plan and apply into separate steps within [automation systems](https://learn.hashicorp.com/terraform/development/running-terraform-in-automation). If no explicit plan file is given on the command line, `terraform apply` will create a new plan automatically and prompt for approval to apply it. If the created plan does not include any changes to resources or to root module output values then `terraform apply` will exit immediately, without prompting. The command-line flags are all optional. The list of available flags are: * `-backup=path` - Path to the backup file. Defaults to `-state-out` with the ".backup" extension. Disabled by setting to "-". * `-compact-warnings` - If Terraform produces any warnings that are not accompanied by errors, show them in a more compact form that includes only the summary messages. * `-lock=true` - Lock the state file when locking is supported. * `-lock-timeout=0s` - Duration to retry a state lock. * `-input=true` - Ask for input for variables if not directly set. * `-auto-approve` - Skip interactive approval of plan before applying. * `-no-color` - Disables output with coloring. * `-parallelism=n` - Limit the number of concurrent operation as Terraform [walks the graph](/docs/internals/graph.html#walking-the-graph). Defaults to 10. * `-refresh=true` - Update the state for each resource prior to planning and applying. This has no effect if a plan file is given directly to apply. * `-state=path` - Path to the state file. Defaults to "terraform.tfstate". Ignored when [remote state](/docs/state/remote.html) is used. This setting does not persist and other commands, such as init, may not be aware of the alternate statefile. To configure an alternate statefile path which is available to all terraform commands, use the [local backend](/docs/state/local.html). * `-state-out=path` - Path to write updated state file. By default, the `-state` path will be used. Ignored when [remote state](/docs/state/remote.html) is used. * `-target=resource` - A [Resource Address](/docs/internals/resource-addressing.html) to target. For more information, see [the targeting docs from `terraform plan`](/docs/commands/plan.html#resource-targeting). * `-var 'foo=bar'` - Set a variable in the Terraform configuration. This flag can be set multiple times. Variable values are interpreted as [HCL](/docs/configuration/syntax.html#HCL), so list and map values can be specified via this flag. * `-var-file=foo` - Set variables in the Terraform configuration from a [variable file](/docs/configuration/variables.html#variable-files). If a `terraform.tfvars` or any `.auto.tfvars` files are present in the current directory, they will be automatically loaded. `terraform.tfvars` is loaded first and the `.auto.tfvars` files after in alphabetical order. Any files specified by `-var-file` override any values set automatically from files in the working directory. This flag can be used multiple times.