--- layout: "oracleopc" page_title: "Oracle: opc_compute_security_application" sidebar_current: "docs-oracleopc-resource-security-application" description: |- Creates and manages a security application in an OPC identity domain. --- # opc\_compute\_security\_application The ``opc_compute_security_application`` resource creates and manages a security application in an OPC identity domain. ## Example Usage ``` resource "opc_compute_security_application" "tomcat" { name = "tomcat" protocol = "tcp" dport = "8080" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) The unique (within the identity domain) name of the application * `protocol` - (Required) The protocol to enable for this application. Must be either one of `tcp`, `udp`, `icmp`, `igmp`, `ipip`, `rdp`, `esp`, `ah`, `gre`, `icmpv6`, `ospf`, `pim`, `sctp`, `mplsip` or `all`, or the corresponding integer in the range 0-254 from the list of [assigned protocol numbers](http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml) * `dport` - (Required) The port, or range of ports, to enable for this application, e.g `8080`, `6000-7000`. * `icmptype` - (Optional) The ICMP type to enable for this application, if the `protocol` is `icmp`. Must be one of `echo`, `reply`, `ttl`, `traceroute`, `unreachable`. * `icmpcode` - (Optional) The ICMP code to enable for this application, if the `protocol` is `icmp`. Must be one of `network`, `host`, `protocol`, `port`, `df`, `admin`.