name: Build Terraform CLI Packages # If you want to test changes to this file before merging to a main branch, # push them up to a branch whose name has the prefix "build-workflow-dev/", # which is a special prefix that triggers this workflow even though it's not # actually a release branch. on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - main - 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+' - build-workflow-dev/* tags: - 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+*' env: PKG_NAME: "terraform" jobs: get-product-version: name: "Determine intended Terraform version" runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: product-version: ${{ steps.get-product-version.outputs.product-version }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 # Need all commits and tags to find a reasonable version number - name: Git Describe id: git-describe run: | git describe --first-parent echo "::set-output name=raw-version::$(git describe --first-parent)" - name: Decide version number id: get-product-version shell: bash env: RAW_VERSION: ${{ steps.git-describe.outputs.raw-version }} run: | echo "::set-output name=product-version::${RAW_VERSION#v}" - name: Report chosen version number run: | [ -n "${{steps.get-product-version.outputs.product-version}}" ] echo "::notice title=Terraform CLI Version::${{ steps.get-product-version.outputs.product-version }}" get-go-version: name: "Determine Go toolchain version" runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: go-version: ${{ steps.get-go-version.outputs.go-version }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Determine Go version id: get-go-version # We use .go-version as our source of truth for current Go # version, because "goenv" can react to it automatically. run: | echo "Building with Go $(cat .go-version)" echo "::set-output name=go-version::$(cat .go-version)" generate-metadata-file: name: "Generate release metadata" runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: get-product-version outputs: filepath: ${{ steps.generate-metadata-file.outputs.filepath }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Generate package metadata id: generate-metadata-file uses: hashicorp/actions-generate-metadata@main with: version: ${{ needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version }} product: ${{ env.PKG_NAME }} - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: metadata.json path: ${{ steps.generate-metadata-file.outputs.filepath }} build: name: Build for ${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.runson }} needs: - get-product-version - get-go-version strategy: matrix: include: - {goos: "freebsd", goarch: "386", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "freebsd", goarch: "amd64", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "freebsd", goarch: "arm", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "linux", goarch: "386", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "linux", goarch: "amd64", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "linux", goarch: "arm", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "linux", goarch: "arm64", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "openbsd", goarch: "386", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "openbsd", goarch: "amd64", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "solaris", goarch: "amd64", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "windows", goarch: "386", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "windows", goarch: "amd64", runson: "ubuntu-latest"} - {goos: "darwin", goarch: "amd64", runson: "macos-latest"} - {goos: "darwin", goarch: "arm64", runson: "macos-latest"} fail-fast: false steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install Go toolchain uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ needs.get-go-version.outputs.go-version }} # FIXME: We're not currently setting the hard-coded version string in # version/version.go at any point here, which means that the packages # this process builds are not suitable for release. Once we're using # Go 1.18 we may begin using the version information automatically # embedded by the Go toolchain, at which point we won't need any # special steps during build, but failing that we'll need to rework # the version/version.go package so we can more readily update it # using linker flags rather than direct code modification. - name: Build env: GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }} GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }} run: | mkdir dist out go build -ldflags "-w -s" -o dist/ . zip -r -j out/${{ env.PKG_NAME }}_${{ needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version }}_${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.zip dist/ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: ${{ env.PKG_NAME }}_${{ needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version }}_${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.zip path: out/${{ env.PKG_NAME }}_${{ needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version }}_${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.zip - name: Linux distribution packages if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'linux' }} uses: hashicorp/package@v1 with: name: "terraform" description: "Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned." arch: ${{ matrix.goarch }} version: ${{ needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version }} maintainer: "HashiCorp" homepage: "" license: "MPL-2.0" binary: "dist/${{ env.PKG_NAME }}" deb_depends: "git" rpm_depends: "git" - name: Gather Linux distribution package filenames if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'linux' }} run: | echo "RPM_PACKAGE=$(basename out/*.rpm)" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "DEB_PACKAGE=$(basename out/*.deb)" >> $GITHUB_ENV # FIXME: Generate homebrew packages when targeting macOS. - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'linux' }} with: name: ${{ env.RPM_PACKAGE }} path: out/${{ env.RPM_PACKAGE }} - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: ${{ matrix.goos == 'linux' }} with: name: ${{ env.DEB_PACKAGE }} path: out/${{ env.DEB_PACKAGE }} build-docker: name: Build Docker image for linux_${{ matrix.arch }} needs: - get-product-version - build runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: arch: ["amd64"] fail-fast: false env: repo: ${{}} version: ${{needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Build Docker images uses: hashicorp/actions-docker-build@v1 with: version: ${{env.version}} target: default arch: ${{matrix.arch}} dockerfile: .github/workflows/build-Dockerfile tags: |${{env.repo}}:${{env.version}}${{env.repo}}:${{env.version}} e2etest-build: name: Build e2etest for ${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }} needs: ["get-go-version"] runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: # We build test harnesses only for the v1.0 Compatibility Promises # supported platforms. Even within that set, we can only run on # architectures for which we have GitHub Actions runners available, # which is currently only amd64 (x64). # TODO: GitHub Actions does support _self-hosted_ arm and arm64 # runners, so we could potentially run some ourselves to run our # tests there, but at the time of writing there is no documented # support for darwin_arm64 (macOS on Apple Silicon). include: - {goos: "darwin", goarch: "amd64"} #- {goos: "darwin", goarch: "arm64"} - {goos: "windows", goarch: "amd64"} - {goos: "linux", goarch: "amd64"} #- {goos: "linux", goarch: "arm"} #- {goos: "linux", goarch: "arm64"} fail-fast: false env: build_script: ./internal/command/e2etest/ steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install Go toolchain uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ${{ needs.get-go-version.outputs.go-version }} - name: Build test harness package env: GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }} GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }} run: | bash ./internal/command/e2etest/ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: terraform-e2etest_${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.zip path: internal/command/e2etest/build/terraform-e2etest_${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.zip if-no-files-found: error e2etest-linux: name: e2etest for linux_${{ matrix.goarch }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: - get-product-version - build - e2etest-build strategy: matrix: include: - {goarch: "amd64"} #- {goarch: "arm64"} #- {goarch: "arm"} fail-fast: false env: os: linux arch: ${{ matrix.goarch }} version: ${{needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version}} steps: # NOTE: This intentionally _does not_ check out the source code # for the commit/tag we're building, because by now we should # have everything we need in the combination of CLI release package # and e2etest package for this platform. (This helps ensure that we're # really testing the release package and not inadvertently testing a # fresh build from source.) - name: "Download e2etest package" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 id: e2etestpkg with: name: terraform-e2etest_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip path: . - name: "Download Terraform CLI package" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 id: clipkg with: name: terraform_${{env.version}}_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip path: . - name: Extract packages run: | unzip "./terraform-e2etest_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip" unzip "./terraform_${{env.version}}_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip" - name: Run E2E Tests run: | TF_ACC=1 ./e2etest -test.v e2etest-darwin: name: e2etest for darwin_${{ matrix.goarch }} runs-on: macos-latest needs: - get-product-version - build - e2etest-build strategy: matrix: include: - {goarch: "amd64"} #- {goarch: "arm64"} fail-fast: false env: os: darwin arch: ${{ matrix.goarch }} version: ${{needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version}} steps: # NOTE: This intentionally _does not_ check out the source code # for the commit/tag we're building, because by now we should # have everything we need in the combination of CLI release package # and e2etest package for this platform. (This helps ensure that we're # really testing the release package and not inadvertently testing a # fresh build from source.) - name: "Download e2etest package" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 id: e2etestpkg with: name: terraform-e2etest_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip path: . - name: "Download Terraform CLI package" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 id: clipkg with: name: terraform_${{env.version}}_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip path: . - name: Extract packages run: | unzip "./terraform-e2etest_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip" unzip "./terraform_${{env.version}}_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip" - name: Run E2E Tests run: | TF_ACC=1 ./e2etest -test.v e2etest-windows: name: e2etest for windows_${{ matrix.goarch }} runs-on: windows-latest needs: - get-product-version - build - e2etest-build strategy: matrix: include: - {goarch: "amd64"} fail-fast: false env: os: windows arch: ${{ matrix.goarch }} version: ${{needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version}} steps: # NOTE: This intentionally _does not_ check out the source code # for the commit/tag we're building, because by now we should # have everything we need in the combination of CLI release package # and e2etest package for this platform. (This helps ensure that we're # really testing the release package and not inadvertently testing a # fresh build from source.) - name: "Download e2etest package" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 id: e2etestpkg with: name: terraform-e2etest_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip path: . - name: "Download Terraform CLI package" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 id: clipkg with: name: terraform_${{env.version}}_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip path: . - name: Extract packages shell: pwsh run: | Expand-Archive -LiteralPath 'terraform-e2etest_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip' -DestinationPath '.' Expand-Archive -LiteralPath 'terraform_${{env.version}}_${{ env.os }}_${{ env.arch }}.zip' -DestinationPath '.' - name: Run E2E Tests env: TF_ACC: 1 shell: cmd run: | e2etest.exe -test.v docs-source-package: name: "Build documentation bundle" runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: - get-product-version env: version: ${{needs.get-product-version.outputs.product-version}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # FIXME: We should include some sort of pre-validation step here, to # confirm that the doc content is mechanically valid so that the # publishing pipeline will be able to render all content without errors. - name: "Create documentation source bundle" run: | (cd website && zip -9 -r ../terraform-cli-docs-source_${{ env.version }}.zip .) - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: terraform-cli-docs-source_${{ env.version }}.zip path: terraform-cli-docs-source_${{ env.version }}.zip if-no-files-found: error