package github import ( "fmt" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" ) func TestAccGithubRepository_basic(t *testing.T) { var repo github.Repository resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckGithubRepositoryDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ resource.TestStep{ Config: testAccGithubRepositoryConfig, Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccCheckGithubRepositoryExists("", &repo), testAccCheckGithubRepositoryAttributes(&repo, &testAccGithubRepositoryExpectedAttributes{ Name: "foo", Description: "Terraform acceptance tests", Homepage: "", HasIssues: true, HasWiki: true, HasDownloads: true, DefaultBranch: "master", }), ), }, resource.TestStep{ Config: testAccGithubRepositoryUpdateConfig, Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( testAccCheckGithubRepositoryExists("", &repo), testAccCheckGithubRepositoryAttributes(&repo, &testAccGithubRepositoryExpectedAttributes{ Name: "foo", Description: "Terraform acceptance tests!", Homepage: "", DefaultBranch: "master", }), ), }, }, }) } func TestAccGithubRepository_importBasic(t *testing.T) { resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckGithubRepositoryDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ resource.TestStep{ Config: testAccGithubRepositoryConfig, }, resource.TestStep{ ResourceName: "", ImportState: true, ImportStateVerify: true, }, }, }) } func testAccCheckGithubRepositoryExists(n string, repo *github.Repository) resource.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { rs, ok := s.RootModule().Resources[n] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("Not Found: %s", n) } repoName := rs.Primary.ID if repoName == "" { return fmt.Errorf("No repository name is set") } org := testAccProvider.Meta().(*Organization) conn := org.client gotRepo, _, err := conn.Repositories.Get(, repoName) if err != nil { return err } *repo = *gotRepo return nil } } type testAccGithubRepositoryExpectedAttributes struct { Name string Description string Homepage string Private bool HasIssues bool HasWiki bool HasDownloads bool DefaultBranch string } func testAccCheckGithubRepositoryAttributes(repo *github.Repository, want *testAccGithubRepositoryExpectedAttributes) resource.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { if *repo.Name != want.Name { return fmt.Errorf("got repo %q; want %q", *repo.Name, want.Name) } if *repo.Description != want.Description { return fmt.Errorf("got description %q; want %q", *repo.Description, want.Description) } if *repo.Homepage != want.Homepage { return fmt.Errorf("got homepage URL %q; want %q", *repo.Homepage, want.Homepage) } if *repo.Private != want.Private { return fmt.Errorf("got private %#v; want %#v", *repo.Private, want.Private) } if *repo.HasIssues != want.HasIssues { return fmt.Errorf("got has issues %#v; want %#v", *repo.HasIssues, want.HasIssues) } if *repo.HasWiki != want.HasWiki { return fmt.Errorf("got has wiki %#v; want %#v", *repo.HasWiki, want.HasWiki) } if *repo.HasDownloads != want.HasDownloads { return fmt.Errorf("got has downloads %#v; want %#v", *repo.HasDownloads, want.HasDownloads) } if *repo.DefaultBranch != want.DefaultBranch { return fmt.Errorf("got default branch %q; want %q", *repo.DefaultBranch, want.DefaultBranch) } // For the rest of these, we just want to make sure they've been // populated with something that seems somewhat reasonable. if !strings.HasSuffix(*repo.FullName, "/"+want.Name) { return fmt.Errorf("got full name %q; want to end with '/%s'", *repo.FullName, want.Name) } if !strings.HasSuffix(*repo.CloneURL, "/"+want.Name+".git") { return fmt.Errorf("got Clone URL %q; want to end with '/%s.git'", *repo.CloneURL, want.Name) } if !strings.HasPrefix(*repo.CloneURL, "https://") { return fmt.Errorf("got Clone URL %q; want to start with 'https://'", *repo.CloneURL) } if !strings.HasSuffix(*repo.SSHURL, "/"+want.Name+".git") { return fmt.Errorf("got SSH URL %q; want to end with '/%s.git'", *repo.SSHURL, want.Name) } if !strings.HasPrefix(*repo.SSHURL, "") { return fmt.Errorf("got SSH URL %q; want to start with ''", *repo.SSHURL) } if !strings.HasSuffix(*repo.GitURL, "/"+want.Name+".git") { return fmt.Errorf("got git URL %q; want to end with '/%s.git'", *repo.GitURL, want.Name) } if !strings.HasPrefix(*repo.GitURL, "git://") { return fmt.Errorf("got git URL %q; want to start with 'git://'", *repo.GitURL) } if !strings.HasSuffix(*repo.SVNURL, "/"+want.Name) { return fmt.Errorf("got svn URL %q; want to end with '/%s'", *repo.SVNURL, want.Name) } if !strings.HasPrefix(*repo.SVNURL, "https://") { return fmt.Errorf("got svn URL %q; want to start with 'https://'", *repo.SVNURL) } return nil } } func testAccCheckGithubRepositoryDestroy(s *terraform.State) error { conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*Organization).client orgName := testAccProvider.Meta().(*Organization).name for _, rs := range s.RootModule().Resources { if rs.Type != "github_repository" { continue } gotRepo, resp, err := conn.Repositories.Get(orgName, rs.Primary.ID) if err == nil { if gotRepo != nil && *gotRepo.Name == rs.Primary.ID { return fmt.Errorf("Repository still exists") } } if resp.StatusCode != 404 { return err } return nil } return nil } const testAccGithubRepositoryConfig = ` resource "github_repository" "foo" { name = "foo" description = "Terraform acceptance tests" homepage_url = "" # So that acceptance tests can be run in a github organization # with no billing private = false has_issues = true has_wiki = true has_downloads = true } ` const testAccGithubRepositoryUpdateConfig = ` resource "github_repository" "foo" { name = "foo" description = "Terraform acceptance tests!" homepage_url = "" # So that acceptance tests can be run in a github organization # with no billing private = false has_issues = false has_wiki = false has_downloads = false } `