--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Configuring Providers" sidebar_current: "docs-config-providers" --- # Provider Configuration Providers are responsible in Terraform for managing the lifecycle of a [resource](/docs/configuration/resource.html): create, read, update, delete. Every resource in Terraform is mapped to a provider based on longest-prefix matching. For example the `aws_instance` resource type would map to the `aws` provider (if that exists). Most providers require some sort of configuration to provide authentication information, endpoint URLs, etc. Provider configuration blocks are a way to set this information globally for all matching resources. This page assumes you're familiar with the [configuration syntax](/docs/configuration/syntax.html) already. ## Example A provider configuration looks like the following: ``` provider "aws" { access_key = "foo" secret_key = "bar" region = "us-east-1" } ``` ## Description The `provider` block configures the provider of the given `NAME`. Multiple provider blocks can be used to configure multiple providers. Terraform matches providers to resources by matching two criteria. Both criteria must be matched for a provider to manage a resource: * They must share a common prefix. Longest matching prefixes are tried first. For example, `aws_instance` would choose the `aws` provider. * The provider must report that it supports the given resource type. Providers internally tell Terraform the list of resources they support. Within the block (the `{ }`) is configuration for the resource. The configuration is dependent on the type, and is documented [for each provider](/docs/providers/index.html). ## Syntax The full syntax is: ``` provider NAME { CONFIG ... } ``` where `CONFIG` is: ``` KEY = VALUE KEY { CONFIG } ```