variable "count" { default = "1" } variable "count_format" { default = "%02d" } variable "image_id" { default = "ubuntu_140405_64_40G_cloudinit_20161115.vhd" } variable "role" { } variable "datacenter" { } variable "short_name" { default = "hi" } variable "ecs_type" { } variable "ecs_password" { default = "Test12345" } variable "availability_zones" { } variable "security_groups" { type = "list" } variable "ssh_username" { default = "root" } //if instance_charge_type is "PrePaid", then must be set period, the value is 1 to 30, unit is month variable "instance_charge_type" { default = "PostPaid" } variable "system_disk_category" { default = "cloud_efficiency" } variable "internet_charge_type" { default = "PayByTraffic" } variable "internet_max_bandwidth_out" { default = 5 } variable "io_optimized" { default = "optimized" } variable "allocate_public_ip" { default = true } variable "disk_category" { default = "cloud_ssd" } variable "disk_size" { default = "40" } variable "device_name" { default = "/dev/xvdb" } variable "vswitch_id" { default = "" }