VERSION?="0.3.44" # generate runs `go generate` to build the dynamically generated # source files, except the protobuf stubs which are built instead with # "make protobuf". generate: go generate ./... # We separate the protobuf generation because most development tasks on # Terraform do not involve changing protobuf files and protoc is not a # go-gettable dependency and so getting it installed can be inconvenient. # # If you are working on changes to protobuf interfaces, run this Makefile # target to be sure to regenerate all of the protobuf stubs using the expected # versions of protoc and the protoc Go plugins. protobuf: go run ./tools/protobuf-compile . fmtcheck: @sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" website: ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GOPATH)/src/$(WEBSITE_REPO))) echo "$(WEBSITE_REPO) not found in your GOPATH (necessary for layouts and assets), get-ting..." git clone https://$(WEBSITE_REPO) $(GOPATH)/src/$(WEBSITE_REPO) endif $(eval WEBSITE_PATH := $(GOPATH)/src/$(WEBSITE_REPO)) @echo "==> Starting core website in Docker..." @docker run \ --interactive \ --rm \ --tty \ --publish "4567:4567" \ --publish "35729:35729" \ --volume "$(shell pwd)/website:/website" \ --volume "$(shell pwd):/ext/terraform" \ --volume "$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content:/terraform-website" \ --volume "$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content/source/assets:/website/docs/assets" \ --volume "$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content/source/layouts:/website/docs/layouts" \ --workdir /terraform-website \ hashicorp/middleman-hashicorp:${VERSION} # disallow any parallelism (-j) for Make. This is necessary since some # commands during the build process create temporary files that collide # under parallel conditions. .NOTPARALLEL: .PHONY: fmtcheck generate protobuf website website-test