--- layout: "chef" page_title: "Provider: Chef" sidebar_current: "docs-chef-index" description: |- Chef is a systems and cloud infrastructure automation framework. --- # Chef Provider [Chef](https://www.chef.io/) is a systems and cloud infrastructure automation framework. The Chef provider allows Terraform to manage various resources that exist within [Chef Server](http://docs.chef.io/chef_server.html). Use the navigation to the left to read about the available resources. ## Example Usage ``` # Configure the Chef provider provider "chef" { server_url = "https://api.chef.io/organizations/example/" // You can set up a "Client" within the Chef Server management console. client_name = "terraform" private_key_pem = "${file(\"chef-terraform.pem\")}" } # Create a Chef Environment resource "chef_environment" "production" { name = "production" } # Create a Chef Role resource "chef_role" "app_server" { name = "app_server" run_list = [ "recipe[terraform]" ] } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `server_url` - (Required) The HTTP(S) API URL of the Chef server to use. If the target Chef server supports organizations, use the full URL of the organization you wish to configure. May be provided instead via the ``CHEF_SERVER_URL`` environment variable. * `client_name` - (Required) The name of the client account to use when making requests. This must have been already configured on the Chef server. May be provided instead via the ``CHEF_CLIENT_NAME`` environment variable. * `private_key_pem` - (Required) The PEM-formatted private key belonging to the configured client. This is issued by the server when a new client object is created. May be provided instead in a file whose path is in the ``CHEF_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE`` environment variable. * `allow_unverified_ssl` - (Optional) Boolean indicating whether to make requests to a Chef server whose SSL certicate cannot be verified. Defaults to ``false``.