--- layout: "docker" page_title: "Docker: docker_network" sidebar_current: "docs-docker-resource-network" description: |- Manages a Docker Network. --- # docker\_network Manages a Docker Network. This can be used alongside [docker\_container](/docs/providers/docker/r/container.html) to create virtual networks within the docker environment. ## Example Usage ``` # Find the latest Ubuntu precise image. resource "docker_network" "private_network" { name = "my_network" } # Access it somewhere else with ${docker_network.private_network.name} ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required, string) The name of the Docker network. * `check_duplicate` - (Optional, boolean) Requests daemon to check for networks with same name. * `driver` - (Optional, string) Name of the network driver to use. Defaults to `bridge` driver. * `options` - (Optional, map of strings) Network specific options to be used by the drivers. * `ipam_driver` - (Optional, string) Driver used by the custom IP scheme of the network. * `ipam_config` - (Optional, block) See [IPAM config](#ipam_config) below for details. ### IPAM config Configuration of the custom IP scheme of the network. The `ipam_config` block supports: * `subnet` - (Optional, string) * `ip_range` - (Optional, string) * `gateway` - (Optional, string) * `aux_address` - (Optional, map of string) ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported in addition to the above configuration: * `id` (string) * `scope` (string)