package consul import ( "fmt" "os" "testing" "time" "" "" "" ) func TestRemoteClient_impl(t *testing.T) { var _ remote.Client = new(RemoteClient) } func TestRemoteClient(t *testing.T) { addr := os.Getenv("CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR") if addr == "" { t.Log("consul tests require CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR") t.Skip() } // Get the backend b := backend.TestBackendConfig(t, New(), map[string]interface{}{ "address": addr, "path": fmt.Sprintf("tf-unit/%s", time.Now().String()), }) // Test remotestate.TestClient(t, b) } func TestConsul_stateLock(t *testing.T) { addr := os.Getenv("CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR") if addr == "" { t.Log("consul lock tests require CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR") t.Skip() } path := fmt.Sprintf("tf-unit/%s", time.Now().String()) // create 2 instances to get 2 remote.Clients sA, err := backend.TestBackendConfig(t, New(), map[string]interface{}{ "address": addr, "path": path, }).State() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } sB, err := backend.TestBackendConfig(t, New(), map[string]interface{}{ "address": addr, "path": path, }).State() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } remote.TestRemoteLocks(t, sA.(*remote.State).Client, sB.(*remote.State).Client) }