# Building Terraform This document contains details about the process for building binaries for Terraform. ## Versioning As a pre-1.0 project, we use the MINOR and PATCH versions as follows: * a `MINOR` version increment indicates a release that may contain backwards incompatible changes * a `PATCH` version increment indicates a release that may contain bugfixes as well as additive (backwards compatible) features and enhancements ## Process If only need to build binaries for the platform you're running (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X etc..), you can follow the instructions in the README for [Developing Terraform][1]. The guide below outlines the steps HashiCorp takes to build the official release binaries for Terraform. This process will generate a set of binaries for each supported platform, using the [gox](https://github.com/mitchellh/gox) tool. A Vagrant virtual machine is used to provide a consistent envirornment with the pre-requisite tools in place. The specifics of this VM are defined in the [Vagrantfile](Vagrantfile). ```sh # clone the repository if needed git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform.git cd terraform # Spin up a fresh build VM vagrant destroy -f vagrant up vagrant ssh # The Vagrantfile installs Go and configures the $GOPATH at /opt/gopath # The current "terraform" directory is then sync'd into the gopath cd /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hashicorp/terraform/ # Fetch dependencies make updatedeps # Verify unit tests pass make test # Build the release # This generates binaries for each platform and places them in the pkg folder make release ``` After running these commands, you should have binaries for all supported platforms in the `pkg` folder. [1]: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform#developing-terraform