package aws import ( "fmt" "testing" "" "" ) // These tests assume the existence of predefined Opsworks IAM roles named `aws-opsworks-ec2-role` // and `aws-opsworks-service-role`. func TestAccAwsOpsworksCustomLayer(t *testing.T) { resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckAwsOpsworksCustomLayerDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ resource.TestStep{ Config: testAccAwsOpsworksCustomLayerConfigCreate, Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "name", "tf-ops-acc-custom-layer", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "auto_assign_elastic_ips", "false", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "auto_healing", "true", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "drain_elb_on_shutdown", "true", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "instance_shutdown_timeout", "300", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "custom_security_group_ids.#", "2", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "system_packages.#", "2", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "system_packages.1368285564", "git", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "system_packages.2937857443", "golang", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.#", "1", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.3575749636.type", "gp2", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.3575749636.number_of_disks", "2", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.3575749636.mount_point", "/home", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.3575749636.size", "100", ), ), }, resource.TestStep{ Config: testAccAwsOpsworksCustomLayerConfigUpdate, Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "name", "tf-ops-acc-custom-layer", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "drain_elb_on_shutdown", "false", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "instance_shutdown_timeout", "120", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "custom_security_group_ids.#", "3", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "system_packages.#", "3", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "system_packages.1368285564", "git", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "system_packages.2937857443", "golang", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "system_packages.4101929740", "subversion", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.#", "2", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.3575749636.type", "gp2", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.3575749636.number_of_disks", "2", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.3575749636.mount_point", "/home", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.3575749636.size", "100", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.1266957920.type", "io1", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.1266957920.number_of_disks", "4", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.1266957920.mount_point", "/var", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.1266957920.size", "100", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.1266957920.raid_level", "1", ), resource.TestCheckResourceAttr( "", "ebs_volume.1266957920.iops", "3000", ), ), }, }, }) } func testAccCheckAwsOpsworksCustomLayerDestroy(s *terraform.State) error { if len(s.RootModule().Resources) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Expected all resources to be gone, but found: %#v", s.RootModule().Resources) } return nil } var testAccAwsOpsworksCustomLayerSecurityGroups = ` resource "aws_security_group" "tf-ops-acc-layer1" { name = "tf-ops-acc-layer1" ingress { from_port = 8 to_port = -1 protocol = "icmp" cidr_blocks = [""] } } resource "aws_security_group" "tf-ops-acc-layer2" { name = "tf-ops-acc-layer2" ingress { from_port = 8 to_port = -1 protocol = "icmp" cidr_blocks = [""] } } ` var testAccAwsOpsworksCustomLayerConfigCreate = testAccAwsOpsworksStackConfigNoVpcCreate + testAccAwsOpsworksCustomLayerSecurityGroups + ` resource "aws_opsworks_custom_layer" "tf-acc" { stack_id = "${}" name = "tf-ops-acc-custom-layer" short_name = "tf-ops-acc-custom-layer" auto_assign_public_ips = true custom_security_group_ids = [ "${}", "${}", ] drain_elb_on_shutdown = true instance_shutdown_timeout = 300 system_packages = [ "git", "golang", ] ebs_volume { type = "gp2" number_of_disks = 2 mount_point = "/home" size = 100 raid_level = 0 } } ` var testAccAwsOpsworksCustomLayerConfigUpdate = testAccAwsOpsworksStackConfigNoVpcCreate + testAccAwsOpsworksCustomLayerSecurityGroups + ` resource "aws_security_group" "tf-ops-acc-layer3" { name = "tf-ops-acc-layer3" ingress { from_port = 8 to_port = -1 protocol = "icmp" cidr_blocks = [""] } } resource "aws_opsworks_custom_layer" "tf-acc" { stack_id = "${}" name = "tf-ops-acc-custom-layer" short_name = "tf-ops-acc-custom-layer" auto_assign_public_ips = true custom_security_group_ids = [ "${}", "${}", "${}", ] drain_elb_on_shutdown = false instance_shutdown_timeout = 120 system_packages = [ "git", "golang", "subversion", ] ebs_volume { type = "gp2" number_of_disks = 2 mount_point = "/home" size = 100 raid_level = 0 } ebs_volume { type = "io1" number_of_disks = 4 mount_point = "/var" size = 100 raid_level = 1 iops = 3000 } } `