package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "os/exec" "strings" "testing" expect "" tfe "" "" tfversion "" ) var terraformBin string var cliConfigFileEnv string var tfeClient *tfe.Client var tfeHostname string var tfeToken string var verboseMode bool func TestMain(m *testing.M) { teardown := setup() code := m.Run() teardown() os.Exit(code) } func accTest() bool { // TF_ACC is set when we want to run acceptance tests, meaning it relies on // network access. return os.Getenv("TF_ACC") != "" } func hasHostname() bool { return os.Getenv("TFE_HOSTNAME") != "" } func hasToken() bool { return os.Getenv("TFE_TOKEN") != "" } func hasRequiredEnvVars() bool { return accTest() && hasHostname() && hasToken() } func skipIfMissingEnvVar(t *testing.T) { if !hasRequiredEnvVars() { t.Skip("Skipping test, required environment variables missing. Use `TF_ACC`, `TFE_HOSTNAME`, `TFE_TOKEN`") } } func setup() func() { tfOutput := flag.Bool("tfoutput", false, "This flag produces the terraform output from tests.") flag.Parse() verboseMode = *tfOutput setTfeClient() teardown := setupBinary() return func() { teardown() } } func testRunner(t *testing.T, cases testCases, orgCount int, tfEnvFlags ...string) { for name, tc := range cases { tc := tc // rebind tc into this lexical scope t.Run(name, func(subtest *testing.T) { subtest.Parallel() orgNames := []string{} for i := 0; i < orgCount; i++ { organization, cleanup := createOrganization(t) t.Cleanup(cleanup) orgNames = append(orgNames, organization.Name) } exp, err := expect.NewConsole(defaultOpts()...) if err != nil { subtest.Fatal(err) } defer exp.Close() tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "terraform-test") if err != nil { subtest.Fatal(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir) tf := e2e.NewBinary(terraformBin, tmpDir) tfEnvFlags = append(tfEnvFlags, "TF_LOG=INFO") tfEnvFlags = append(tfEnvFlags, cliConfigFileEnv) for _, env := range tfEnvFlags { tf.AddEnv(env) } defer tf.Close() var orgName string for index, op := range tc.operations { if orgCount == 1 { orgName = orgNames[0] } else { orgName = orgNames[index] } op.prep(t, orgName, tf.WorkDir()) for _, tfCmd := range op.commands { cmd := tf.Cmd(tfCmd.command...) cmd.Stdin = exp.Tty() cmd.Stdout = exp.Tty() cmd.Stderr = exp.Tty() err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { subtest.Fatal(err) } if tfCmd.expectedCmdOutput != "" { got, err := exp.ExpectString(tfCmd.expectedCmdOutput) if err != nil { subtest.Fatalf("error while waiting for output\nwant: %s\nerror: %s\noutput\n%s", tfCmd.expectedCmdOutput, err, got) } } lenInput := len(tfCmd.userInput) lenInputOutput := len(tfCmd.postInputOutput) if lenInput > 0 { for i := 0; i < lenInput; i++ { input := tfCmd.userInput[i] exp.SendLine(input) // use the index to find the corresponding // output that matches the input. if lenInputOutput-1 >= i { output := tfCmd.postInputOutput[i] _, err := exp.ExpectString(output) if err != nil { subtest.Fatal(err) } } } } err = cmd.Wait() if err != nil && !tfCmd.expectError { subtest.Fatal(err) } } } if tc.validations != nil { tc.validations(t, orgName) } }) } } func setTfeClient() { tfeHostname = os.Getenv("TFE_HOSTNAME") tfeToken = os.Getenv("TFE_TOKEN") cfg := &tfe.Config{ Address: fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", tfeHostname), Token: tfeToken, } if tfeHostname != "" && tfeToken != "" { // Create a new TFE client. client, err := tfe.NewClient(cfg) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not create new tfe client: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } tfeClient = client } } func setupBinary() func() { log.Println("Setting up terraform binary") tmpTerraformBinaryDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "terraform-test") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not create temp directory: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } log.Println(tmpTerraformBinaryDir) currentDir, err := os.Getwd() defer os.Chdir(currentDir) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not change directories: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } // Getting top level dir dirPaths := strings.Split(currentDir, "/") log.Println(currentDir) topLevel := len(dirPaths) - 3 topDir := strings.Join(dirPaths[0:topLevel], "/") if err := os.Chdir(topDir); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not change directories: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } cmd := exec.Command( "go", "build", "-o", tmpTerraformBinaryDir, "-ldflags", fmt.Sprintf("-X \"\"", tfversion.Prerelease), ) err = cmd.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not run exec command: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } credFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/dev.tfrc", tmpTerraformBinaryDir) writeCredRC(credFile) terraformBin = fmt.Sprintf("%s/terraform", tmpTerraformBinaryDir) cliConfigFileEnv = fmt.Sprintf("TF_CLI_CONFIG_FILE=%s", credFile) return func() { os.RemoveAll(tmpTerraformBinaryDir) } } func writeCredRC(file string) { creds := credentialBlock() f, err := os.Create(file) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not create file: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } _, err = f.WriteString(creds) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not write credentials: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } f.Close() } func credentialBlock() string { return fmt.Sprintf(` credentials "%s" { token = "%s" }`, tfeHostname, tfeToken) }