package main import ( "context" "testing" tfe "" tfversion "" ) func Test_migrate_multi_to_tfc_cloud_name_strategy(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() skipIfMissingEnvVar(t) skipWithoutRemoteTerraformVersion(t) ctx := context.Background() cases := testCases{ "migrating multiple workspaces to cloud using name strategy; current workspace is 'default'": { operations: []operationSets{ { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { tfBlock := terraformConfigLocalBackend() writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Successfully configured the backend "local"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "new", "prod"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Created and switched to workspace "prod"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "default"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Switched to workspace "default".`, }, }, }, { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { wsName := "new-workspace" tfBlock := terraformConfigCloudBackendName(orgName, wsName) writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Do you want to copy only your current workspace?`, userInput: []string{"yes"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Terraform Cloud has been successfully initialized!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "show"}, expectedCmdOutput: `new-workspace`, // this comes from the `prep` function }, { command: []string{"output"}, expectedCmdOutput: `val = "default"`, // this was the output of the current workspace selected before migration }, }, }, }, validations: func(t *testing.T, orgName string) { wsList, err := tfeClient.Workspaces.List(ctx, orgName, tfe.WorkspaceListOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(wsList.Items) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expected the number of workspaces to be 1, but got %d", len(wsList.Items)) } ws := wsList.Items[0] // this workspace name is what exists in the cloud backend configuration block if ws.Name != "new-workspace" { t.Fatalf("Expected workspace to be `new-workspace`, but is %s", ws.Name) } }, }, "migrating multiple workspaces to cloud using name strategy; current workspace is 'prod'": { operations: []operationSets{ { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { tfBlock := terraformConfigLocalBackend() writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Successfully configured the backend "local"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "new", "prod"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Created and switched to workspace "prod"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, }, }, { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { wsName := "new-workspace" tfBlock := terraformConfigCloudBackendName(orgName, wsName) writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Do you want to copy only your current workspace?`, userInput: []string{"yes"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Terraform Cloud has been successfully initialized!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "list"}, expectedCmdOutput: `new-workspace`, // this comes from the `prep` function }, { command: []string{"output"}, expectedCmdOutput: `val = "prod"`, }, }, }, }, validations: func(t *testing.T, orgName string) { wsList, err := tfeClient.Workspaces.List(ctx, orgName, tfe.WorkspaceListOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ws := wsList.Items[0] // this workspace name is what exists in the cloud backend configuration block if ws.Name != "new-workspace" { t.Fatalf("Expected workspace to be `new-workspace`, but is %s", ws.Name) } }, }, "migrating multiple workspaces to cloud using name strategy; 'default' workspace is empty": { operations: []operationSets{ { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { tfBlock := terraformConfigLocalBackend() writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Successfully configured the backend "local"!`, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "new", "workspace1"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Created and switched to workspace "workspace1"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "new", "workspace2"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Created and switched to workspace "workspace2"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, }, }, { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { wsName := "new-workspace" tfBlock := terraformConfigCloudBackendName(orgName, wsName) writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Do you want to copy only your current workspace?`, userInput: []string{"yes"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Terraform Cloud has been successfully initialized!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "default"}, expectError: true, }, { command: []string{"output"}, expectedCmdOutput: `val = "workspace2"`, // this was the output of the current workspace selected before migration }, }, }, }, validations: func(t *testing.T, orgName string) { wsList, err := tfeClient.Workspaces.List(ctx, orgName, tfe.WorkspaceListOptions{}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(wsList.Items) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Expected the number of workspaces to be 1, but got %d", len(wsList.Items)) } ws := wsList.Items[0] // this workspace name is what exists in the cloud backend configuration block if ws.Name != "new-workspace" { t.Fatalf("Expected workspace to be `new-workspace`, but is %s", ws.Name) } }, }, } testRunner(t, cases, 1) } func Test_migrate_multi_to_tfc_cloud_tags_strategy(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() skipIfMissingEnvVar(t) skipWithoutRemoteTerraformVersion(t) ctx := context.Background() cases := map[string]struct { operations []operationSets validations func(t *testing.T, orgName string) }{ "migrating multiple workspaces to cloud using tags strategy; pattern is using prefix `app-*`": { operations: []operationSets{ { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { tfBlock := terraformConfigLocalBackend() writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Successfully configured the backend "local"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "new", "prod"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Created and switched to workspace "prod"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "default"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Switched to workspace "default".`, }, { command: []string{"output"}, expectedCmdOutput: `val = "default"`, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "prod"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Switched to workspace "prod".`, }, { command: []string{"output"}, expectedCmdOutput: `val = "prod"`, }, }, }, { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { tag := "app" tfBlock := terraformConfigCloudBackendTags(orgName, tag) writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Terraform Cloud requires all workspaces to be given an explicit name.`, userInput: []string{"dev", "1", "app-*"}, postInputOutput: []string{ `Would you like to rename your workspaces?`, "How would you like to rename your workspaces?", "Terraform Cloud has been successfully initialized!"}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "app-dev"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Switched to workspace "app-dev".`, }, { command: []string{"output"}, expectedCmdOutput: `val = "default"`, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "app-prod"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Switched to workspace "app-prod".`, }, { command: []string{"output"}, expectedCmdOutput: `val = "prod"`, }, }, }, }, validations: func(t *testing.T, orgName string) { wsList, err := tfeClient.Workspaces.List(ctx, orgName, tfe.WorkspaceListOptions{ Tags: tfe.String("app"), }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(wsList.Items) != 2 { t.Fatalf("Expected the number of workspaecs to be 2, but got %d", len(wsList.Items)) } expectedWorkspaceNames := []string{"app-prod", "app-dev"} for _, ws := range wsList.Items { hasName := false for _, expectedNames := range expectedWorkspaceNames { if expectedNames == ws.Name { hasName = true } } if !hasName { t.Fatalf("Worksapce %s is not in the expected list of workspaces", ws.Name) } } }, }, "migrating multiple workspaces to cloud using tags strategy; existing workspaces": { operations: []operationSets{ { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { tfBlock := terraformConfigLocalBackend() writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Successfully configured the backend "local"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "new", "identity"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Created and switched to workspace "identity"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "new", "billing"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Created and switched to workspace "billing"!`, }, { command: []string{"apply", "-auto-approve"}, postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "default"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Switched to workspace "default".`, }, }, }, { prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) { tag := "app" _ = createWorkspace(t, orgName, tfe.WorkspaceCreateOptions{ Name: tfe.String("identity"), TerraformVersion: tfe.String(tfversion.String()), }) _ = createWorkspace(t, orgName, tfe.WorkspaceCreateOptions{ Name: tfe.String("billing"), TerraformVersion: tfe.String(tfversion.String()), }) tfBlock := terraformConfigCloudBackendTags(orgName, tag) writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir) }, commands: []tfCommand{ { command: []string{"init"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Terraform Cloud requires all workspaces to be given an explicit name.`, userInput: []string{"dev", "1", "app-*"}, postInputOutput: []string{ `Would you like to rename your workspaces?`, "How would you like to rename your workspaces?", "Terraform Cloud has been successfully initialized!"}, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "app-billing"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Switched to workspace "app-billing".`, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "app-identity"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Switched to workspace "app-identity".`, }, { command: []string{"workspace", "select", "app-dev"}, expectedCmdOutput: `Switched to workspace "app-dev".`, }, }, }, }, validations: func(t *testing.T, orgName string) { wsList, err := tfeClient.Workspaces.List(ctx, orgName, tfe.WorkspaceListOptions{ Tags: tfe.String("app"), }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(wsList.Items) != 3 { t.Fatalf("Expected the number of workspaecs to be 3, but got %d", len(wsList.Items)) } expectedWorkspaceNames := []string{"app-billing", "app-dev", "app-identity"} for _, ws := range wsList.Items { hasName := false for _, expectedNames := range expectedWorkspaceNames { if expectedNames == ws.Name { hasName = true } } if !hasName { t.Fatalf("Worksapce %s is not in the expected list of workspaces", ws.Name) } } }, }, } testRunner(t, cases, 1) }