{ "format_version": "1.0", "valid": false, "error_count": 2, "warning_count": 0, "diagnostics": [ { "severity": "error", "summary": "Variables not allowed", "detail": "Variables may not be used here.", "range": { "filename": "testdata/validate-invalid/interpolation/main.tf", "start": { "line": 6, "column": 16, "byte": 122 }, "end": { "line": 6, "column": 19, "byte": 125 } }, "snippet": { "context": "variable \"vairable_with_interpolation\"", "code": " default = \"${var.otherresourcename}\"", "start_line": 6, "highlight_start_offset": 15, "highlight_end_offset": 18, "values": [] } }, { "severity": "error", "summary": "Invalid expression", "detail": "A single static variable reference is required: only attribute access and indexing with constant keys. No calculations, function calls, template expressions, etc are allowed here.", "range": { "filename": "testdata/validate-invalid/interpolation/main.tf", "start": { "line": 10, "column": 17, "byte": 197 }, "end": { "line": 10, "column": 44, "byte": 224 } }, "snippet": { "context": "resource \"aws_instance\" \"web\"", "code": " depends_on = [\"${var.otherresourcename}}\"]", "start_line": 10, "highlight_start_offset": 16, "highlight_end_offset": 43, "values": [] } } ] }