package aws import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "strings" ) func resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegration() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationCreate, Read: resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationRead, Update: resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationUpdate, Delete: resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationDelete, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "rest_api_id": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, }, "resource_id": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, }, "http_method": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, ValidateFunc: validateHTTPMethod, }, "type": { Type: schema.TypeString, Required: true, ForceNew: true, ValidateFunc: validateApiGatewayIntegrationType, }, "uri": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ForceNew: true, }, "credentials": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ForceNew: true, }, "integration_http_method": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ForceNew: true, ValidateFunc: validateHTTPMethod, }, "request_templates": { Type: schema.TypeMap, Optional: true, Elem: schema.TypeString, }, "request_parameters": { Type: schema.TypeMap, Elem: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ConflictsWith: []string{"request_parameters_in_json"}, }, "request_parameters_in_json": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ConflictsWith: []string{"request_parameters"}, Deprecated: "Use field request_parameters instead", }, "content_handling": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, ForceNew: true, ValidateFunc: validateApiGatewayIntegrationContentHandling, }, "passthrough_behavior": { Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, ValidateFunc: validateApiGatewayIntegrationPassthroughBehavior, }, }, } } func resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).apigateway log.Print("[DEBUG] Creating API Gateway Integration") var integrationHttpMethod *string if v, ok := d.GetOk("integration_http_method"); ok { integrationHttpMethod = aws.String(v.(string)) } var uri *string if v, ok := d.GetOk("uri"); ok { uri = aws.String(v.(string)) } templates := make(map[string]string) for k, v := range d.Get("request_templates").(map[string]interface{}) { templates[k] = v.(string) } parameters := make(map[string]string) if kv, ok := d.GetOk("request_parameters"); ok { for k, v := range kv.(map[string]interface{}) { parameters[k] = v.(string) } } if v, ok := d.GetOk("request_parameters_in_json"); ok { if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(v.(string)), ¶meters); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error unmarshaling request_parameters_in_json: %s", err) } } var passthroughBehavior *string if v, ok := d.GetOk("passthrough_behavior"); ok { passthroughBehavior = aws.String(v.(string)) } var credentials *string if val, ok := d.GetOk("credentials"); ok { credentials = aws.String(val.(string)) } var contentHandling *string if val, ok := d.GetOk("content_handling"); ok { contentHandling = aws.String(val.(string)) } _, err := conn.PutIntegration(&apigateway.PutIntegrationInput{ HttpMethod: aws.String(d.Get("http_method").(string)), ResourceId: aws.String(d.Get("resource_id").(string)), RestApiId: aws.String(d.Get("rest_api_id").(string)), Type: aws.String(d.Get("type").(string)), IntegrationHttpMethod: integrationHttpMethod, Uri: uri, RequestParameters: aws.StringMap(parameters), RequestTemplates: aws.StringMap(templates), Credentials: credentials, CacheNamespace: nil, CacheKeyParameters: nil, PassthroughBehavior: passthroughBehavior, ContentHandling: contentHandling, }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error creating API Gateway Integration: %s", err) } d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("agi-%s-%s-%s", d.Get("rest_api_id").(string), d.Get("resource_id").(string), d.Get("http_method").(string))) return resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationRead(d, meta) } func resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).apigateway log.Printf("[DEBUG] Reading API Gateway Integration: %s", d.Id()) integration, err := conn.GetIntegration(&apigateway.GetIntegrationInput{ HttpMethod: aws.String(d.Get("http_method").(string)), ResourceId: aws.String(d.Get("resource_id").(string)), RestApiId: aws.String(d.Get("rest_api_id").(string)), }) if err != nil { if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && awsErr.Code() == "NotFoundException" { d.SetId("") return nil } return err } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Received API Gateway Integration: %s", integration) d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("agi-%s-%s-%s", d.Get("rest_api_id").(string), d.Get("resource_id").(string), d.Get("http_method").(string))) // AWS converts "" to null on their side, convert it back if v, ok := integration.RequestTemplates["application/json"]; ok && v == nil { integration.RequestTemplates["application/json"] = aws.String("") } d.Set("request_templates", aws.StringValueMap(integration.RequestTemplates)) d.Set("type", integration.Type) d.Set("request_parameters", aws.StringValueMap(integration.RequestParameters)) d.Set("request_parameters_in_json", aws.StringValueMap(integration.RequestParameters)) d.Set("passthrough_behavior", integration.PassthroughBehavior) if integration.Uri != nil { d.Set("uri", integration.Uri) } if integration.Credentials != nil { d.Set("credentials", integration.Credentials) } if integration.ContentHandling != nil { d.Set("content_handling", integration.ContentHandling) } return nil } func resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).apigateway log.Printf("[DEBUG] Updating API Gateway Integration: %s", d.Id()) operations := make([]*apigateway.PatchOperation, 0) // // According to the above documentation, only a few parts are addable / removable. if d.HasChange("request_templates") { o, n := d.GetChange("request_templates") prefix := "requestTemplates" os := o.(map[string]interface{}) ns := n.(map[string]interface{}) // Handle Removal for k := range os { if _, ok := ns[k]; !ok { operations = append(operations, &apigateway.PatchOperation{ Op: aws.String("remove"), Path: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", prefix, strings.Replace(k, "/", "~1", -1))), }) } } for k, v := range ns { // Handle replaces if _, ok := os[k]; ok { operations = append(operations, &apigateway.PatchOperation{ Op: aws.String("replace"), Path: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", prefix, strings.Replace(k, "/", "~1", -1))), Value: aws.String(v.(string)), }) } // Handle additions if _, ok := os[k]; !ok { operations = append(operations, &apigateway.PatchOperation{ Op: aws.String("add"), Path: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", prefix, strings.Replace(k, "/", "~1", -1))), Value: aws.String(v.(string)), }) } } } if d.HasChange("request_parameters") { o, n := d.GetChange("request_parameters") prefix := "requestParameters" os := o.(map[string]interface{}) ns := n.(map[string]interface{}) // Handle Removal for k := range os { if _, ok := ns[k]; !ok { operations = append(operations, &apigateway.PatchOperation{ Op: aws.String("remove"), Path: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", prefix, strings.Replace(k, "/", "~1", -1))), }) } } for k, v := range ns { // Handle replaces if _, ok := os[k]; ok { operations = append(operations, &apigateway.PatchOperation{ Op: aws.String("replace"), Path: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", prefix, strings.Replace(k, "/", "~1", -1))), Value: aws.String(v.(string)), }) } // Handle additions if _, ok := os[k]; !ok { operations = append(operations, &apigateway.PatchOperation{ Op: aws.String("add"), Path: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", prefix, strings.Replace(k, "/", "~1", -1))), Value: aws.String(v.(string)), }) } } } params := &apigateway.UpdateIntegrationInput{ HttpMethod: aws.String(d.Get("http_method").(string)), ResourceId: aws.String(d.Get("resource_id").(string)), RestApiId: aws.String(d.Get("rest_api_id").(string)), PatchOperations: operations, } _, err := conn.UpdateIntegration(params) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error updating API Gateway Integration: %s", err) } d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("agi-%s-%s-%s", d.Get("rest_api_id").(string), d.Get("resource_id").(string), d.Get("http_method").(string))) return resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationRead(d, meta) } func resourceAwsApiGatewayIntegrationDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).apigateway log.Printf("[DEBUG] Deleting API Gateway Integration: %s", d.Id()) return resource.Retry(5*time.Minute, func() *resource.RetryError { _, err := conn.DeleteIntegration(&apigateway.DeleteIntegrationInput{ HttpMethod: aws.String(d.Get("http_method").(string)), ResourceId: aws.String(d.Get("resource_id").(string)), RestApiId: aws.String(d.Get("rest_api_id").(string)), }) if err == nil { return nil } apigatewayErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error) if apigatewayErr.Code() == "NotFoundException" { return nil } if !ok { return resource.NonRetryableError(err) } return resource.NonRetryableError(err) }) }