--- layout: "opc" page_title: "Oracle: opc_compute_ip_address_association" sidebar_current: "docs-opc-resource-ip-address-association" description: |- Creates and manages an IP address association in an OPC identity domain, for an IP Network. --- # opc\_compute\_ip\_address\_association The ``opc_compute_ip_address_association`` resource creates and manages an IP address association between an IP address reservation and a virtual NIC in an OPC identity domain, for an IP Network. ## Example Usage ```hcl resource "opc_compute_ip_address_association" "default" { name = "PrefixSet1" ip_address_reservation = "${opc_compute_ip_address_reservation.default.name}" vnic = "${data.opc_compute_vnic.default.name}" tags = ["tags1", "tags2"] } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `name` - (Required) The name of the ip address association. * `ip_address_reservation` - (Optional) The name of the NAT IP address reservation. * `vnic` - (Optional) The name of the virtual NIC associated with this NAT IP reservation. * `description` - (Optional) A description of the ip address association. * `tags` - (Optional) List of tags that may be applied to the ip address association. In addition to the above, the following variables are exported: * `uri` - (Computed) The Uniform Resource Identifier of the ip address association. ## Import IP Address Associations can be imported using the `resource name`, e.g. ```shell $ terraform import opc_compute_ip_address_association.default example ```