--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Command: logout" sidebar_current: "docs-commands-logout" description: |- The terraform logout command is used to remove credentials stored by terraform login. --- # Command: logout The `terraform logout` command is used to remove credentials stored by `terraform login`. These credentials are API tokens for Terraform Cloud, Terraform Enterprise, or any other host that offers Terraform services. ## Usage Usage: `terraform logout [hostname]` If you don't provide an explicit hostname, Terraform will assume you want to log out of Terraform Cloud at `app.terraform.io`. -> **Note:** the API token is only removed from local storage, not destroyed on the remote server, so it will remain valid until manually revoked. ## Credentials Storage By default, Terraform will remove the token stored in plain text in a local CLI configuration file called `credentials.tfrc.json`. If you have configured a [credentials helper program](cli-config.html#credentials-helpers), Terraform will use the helper's `forget` command to remove it.