--- layout: "rundeck" page_title: "Rundeck: rundeck_public_key" sidebar_current: "docs-rundeck-resource-public-key" description: |- The rundeck_public_key resource allows public keys to be stored in Rundeck's key store. --- # rundeck\_public\_key The public key resource allows SSH public keys to be stored into Rundeck's key store. The key store is where Rundeck keeps credentials that are needed to access the nodes on which it runs commands. This resource also allows the retrieval of an existing public key from the store, so that it may be used in the configuration of other resources such as ``aws_key_pair``. ## Example Usage ``` resource "rundeck_public_key" "anvils" { path = "anvils/id_rsa.pub" key_material = "ssh-rsa yada-yada-yada" } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `path` - (Required) The path within the key store where the key will be stored. By convention this path name normally ends with ".pub" and otherwise has the same name as the associated private key. * `key_material` - (Optional) The public key string to store, serialized in any way that is accepted by OpenSSH. If this is not included, ``key_material`` becomes an attribute that can be used to read the already-existing key material in the Rundeck store. The key material is included inline as a string, which is consistent with the way a public key is provided to the `aws_key_pair`, `cloudstack_ssh_keypair`, `digitalocean_ssh_key` and `openstack_compute_keypair_v2` resources. This means the `key_material` argument can be populated from the interpolation of the `public_key` attribute of such a keypair resource, or vice-versa. ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `url` - The URL at which the key material can be retrieved from the key store by other clients. * `key_material` - If `key_material` is omitted in the configuration, it becomes an attribute that exposes the key material already stored at the given `path`.