--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Command: push" sidebar_current: "docs-commands-push" description: |- DISCONTINUED. Terraform Cloud and the modern "remote" backend have replaced the old `terraform push` command. --- # Command: push !> **Important:** The `terraform push` command is no longer functional. Its functionality was replaced and surpassed by [the `remote` backend](/docs/language/settings/backends/remote.html), which works with current versions of Terraform Cloud. The `remote` backend allows you to run remote operations directly from the command line, and displays real-time output from the remote run environment. The `terraform push` command was an early implementation of remote Terraform runs. It allowed teams to push a configuration to a remote run environment in a discontinued version of Terraform Enterprise. The legacy Terraform Enterprise version that supported `terraform push` is no longer available, and there are no remaining instances of that version in operation. Without a service to push to, the command is now completely non-functional.