--- layout: "alicloud" page_title: "Alicloud: alicloud_ess_scaling_group" sidebar_current: "docs-alicloud-resource-ess-scaling-group" description: |- Provides a ESS scaling group resource. --- # alicloud\_ess\_scaling\_group Provides a ESS scaling group resource. ## Example Usage ``` resource "alicloud_ess_scaling_group" "scaling" { min_size = 1 max_size = 2 removal_policies = ["OldestInstance", "NewestInstance"] } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `min_size` - (Required) Minimum number of ECS instances in the scaling group. Value range: [0, 100]. * `max_size` - (Required) Maximum number of ECS instances in the scaling group. Value range: [0, 100]. * `scaling_group_name` - (Optional) Name shown for the scaling group, which must contain 2-40 characters (English or Chinese). If this parameter is not specified, the default value is ScalingGroupId. * `default_cooldown` - (Optional) Default cool-down time (in seconds) of the scaling group. Value range: [0, 86400]. The default value is 300s. * `vswitch_id` - (Optional) The virtual switch ID which the ecs instance to be create in. * `removal_policies` - (Optional) RemovalPolicy is used to select the ECS instances you want to remove from the scaling group when multiple candidates for removal exist. Optional values: - OldestInstance: removes the first ECS instance attached to the scaling group. - NewestInstance: removes the first ECS instance attached to the scaling group. - OldestScalingConfiguration: removes the ECS instance with the oldest scaling configuration. - Default values: OldestScalingConfiguration and OldestInstance. You can enter up to two removal policies. * `db_instance_ids` - (Optional) If an RDS instance is specified in the scaling group, the scaling group automatically attaches the Intranet IP addresses of its ECS instances to the RDS access whitelist. - The specified RDS instance must be in running status. - The specified RDS instance’s whitelist must have room for more IP addresses. * `loadbalancer_ids` - (Optional) If a Server Load Balancer instance is specified in the scaling group, the scaling group automatically attaches its ECS instances to the Server Load Balancer instance. - The Server Load Balancer instance must be enabled. - Health check must be enabled for all listener ports configured for the Server Load Balancer instance; otherwise, creation fails. - The Server Load Balancer instance attached with VPC-type ECS instances cannot be attached to the scaling group. - The default weight of an ECS instance attached to the Server Load Balancer instance is 50. ## Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported: * `id` - The scaling group ID. * `min_size` - The minimum number of ECS instances. * `max_size` - The maximum number of ECS instances. * `scaling_group_name` - The name of the scaling group. * `default_cooldown` - The default cool-down of the scaling group. * `removal_policies` - The removal policy used to select the ECS instance to remove from the scaling group. * `db_instance_ids` - The db instance id which the ECS instance attached to. * `loadbalancer_ids` - The slb instance id which the ECS instance attached to.