--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Providers" sidebar_current: "docs-providers" description: |- Terraform is used to create, manage, and manipulate infrastructure resources. Examples of resources include physical machines, VMs, network switches, containers, etc. Almost any infrastructure noun can be represented as a resource in Terraform. --- # Providers Terraform is used to create, manage, and update infrastructure resources such as physical machines, VMs, network switches, containers, and more. Almost any infrastructure type can be represented as a resource in Terraform. A provider is responsible for understanding API interactions and exposing resources. Providers generally are an IaaS (e.g. AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack), PaaS (e.g. Heroku), or SaaS services (e.g. Terraform Enterprise, DNSimple, CloudFlare). Use the navigation to the left to find available providers by type or scroll down to see all providers.
Alicloud Archive AWS
Azure Bitbucket CenturyLinkCloud
Chef Circonus Cloudflare
CloudScale.ch CloudStack Cobbler
Consul Datadog DigitalOcean
DNS DNSMadeEasy DNSimple
Docker Dyn External
Fastly FlexibleEngine GitHub
Gitlab Google Cloud Grafana
Heroku HTTP Icinga2
Ignition InfluxDB Kubernetes
Librato Local Logentries
LogicMonitor Mailgun MySQL
New Relic Nomad NS1
Null 1&1 OpenStack
OpenTelekomCloud OpsGenie Oracle Public Cloud
Oracle Cloud Platform OVH Packet
PagerDuty Palo Alto Networks PostgreSQL
PowerDNS ProfitBricks RabbitMQ
Rancher Random Rundeck
Scaleway SoftLayer StatusCake
Spotinst Template Terraform
Terraform Enterprise TLS Triton
UltraDNS Vault VMware vCloud Director
VMware NSX-T VMware vSphere
More providers can be found on our [Community Providers](/docs/providers/type/community-index.html) page.