# # This script generates CSV output reporting on the API Coverage of Terraform's # AWS Provider. # # In addition to Ruby, it depends on a properly configured Go development # environment with both terraform and aws-sdk-go present. # require 'csv' require 'json' require 'pathname' module APIs module Terraform def self.path @path ||= Pathname(`go list -f '{{.Dir}}' github.com/hashicorp/terraform`.chomp) end def self.called?(api, op) `git -C "#{path}" grep "#{api}.*#{op}" -- builtin/providers/aws | wc -l`.chomp.to_i > 0 end end module AWS def self.path @path ||= Pathname(`go list -f '{{.Dir}}' github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-go/aws`.chomp).parent end def self.api_json_files Pathname.glob(path.join('**', '*.normal.json')) end def self.each api_json_files.each do |api_json_file| json = JSON.parse(api_json_file.read) api = api_json_file.dirname.basename json["operations"].keys.each do |op| yield api, op end end end end end csv = CSV.new($stdout) csv << ["API", "Operation", "Called in Terraform?"] APIs::AWS.each do |api, op| csv << [api, op, APIs::Terraform.called?(api, op)] end