--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Commands" sidebar_current: "docs-commands" description: |- Terraform is controlled via a very easy to use command-line interface (CLI). Terraform is only a single command-line application: terraform. This application then takes a subcommand such as "apply" or "plan". The complete list of subcommands is in the navigation to the left. --- # Terraform Commands (CLI) Terraform is controlled via a very easy to use command-line interface (CLI). Terraform is only a single command-line application: terraform. This application then takes a subcommand such as "apply" or "plan". The complete list of subcommands is in the navigation to the left. The terraform CLI is a well-behaved command line application. In erroneous cases, a non-zero exit status will be returned. It also responds to -h and --help as you'd most likely expect. To view a list of the available commands at any time, just run terraform with no arguments: ``` $ terraform usage: terraform [--version] [--help] [] Available commands are: apply Builds or changes infrastructure destroy Destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure get Download and install modules for the configuration graph Create a visual graph of Terraform resources init Initializes Terraform configuration from a module output Read an output from a state file plan Generate and show an execution plan refresh Update local state file against real resources remote Configure remote state storage show Inspect Terraform state or plan taint Manually mark a resource for recreation version Prints the Terraform version ``` To get help for any specific command, pass the -h flag to the relevant subcommand. For example, to see help about the members subcommand: ``` $ terraform graph -h Usage: terraform graph [options] PATH Outputs the visual graph of Terraform resources. If the path given is the path to a configuration, the dependency graph of the resources are shown. If the path is a plan file, then the dependency graph of the plan itself is shown. The graph is outputted in DOT format. The typical program that can read this format is GraphViz, but many web services are also available to read this format. ```