variable "resource_group" { description = "Name of the resource group in which to deploy your new Virtual Machine" } variable "existing_vnet_resource_group" { description = "Name of the existing resource group in which the existing vnet resides" } variable "location" { description = "The location/region where the virtual network resides." default = "southcentralus" } variable "hostname" { description = "This variable is used in this template to create the domain name label as well as the virtual machine name. Must be unique." } variable "os_type" { description = "Type of OS on the existing vhd. Allowed values: 'windows' or 'linux'." default = "linux" } variable "os_disk_vhd_uri" { description = "Uri of the existing VHD in ARM standard or premium storage" } variable "existing_storage_acct" { description = "The name of the storage account in which your existing VHD and image reside" } variable "existing_virtual_network_name" { description = "The name for the existing virtual network" } variable "existing_subnet_name" { description = "The name for the existing subnet in the existing virtual network" } variable "existing_subnet_id" { description = "The id for the existing subnet in the existing virtual network" } variable "address_space" { description = "The address space that is used by the virtual network. You can supply more than one address space. Changing this forces a new resource to be created." default = "" } variable "subnet_prefix" { description = "The address prefix to use for the subnet." default = "" } variable "storage_account_type" { description = "Defines the type of storage account to be created. Valid options are Standard_LRS, Standard_ZRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Premium_LRS. Changing this is sometimes valid - see the Azure documentation for more information on which types of accounts can be converted into other types." default = "Standard_GRS" } variable "vm_size" { description = "Specifies the size of the virtual machine." default = "Standard_DS1_v2" } variable "image_publisher" { description = "name of the publisher of the image (az vm image list)" default = "Canonical" } variable "image_offer" { description = "the name of the offer (az vm image list)" default = "UbuntuServer" } variable "image_sku" { description = "image sku to apply (az vm image list)" default = "16.04-LTS" } variable "image_version" { description = "version of the image to apply (az vm image list)" default = "latest" } variable "admin_username" { description = "administrator user name" default = "vmadmin" } variable "admin_password" { description = "administrator password (recommended to disable password auth)" }