package aws import ( "fmt" "log" "time" "" "" "" "" ) func resourceAwsKmsKey() *schema.Resource { return &schema.Resource{ Create: resourceAwsKmsKeyCreate, Read: resourceAwsKmsKeyRead, Update: resourceAwsKmsKeyUpdate, Delete: resourceAwsKmsKeyDelete, Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{ State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough, }, Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{ "arn": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "key_id": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Computed: true, }, "description": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, }, "key_usage": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, ForceNew: true, ValidateFunc: func(v interface{}, k string) (ws []string, es []error) { value := v.(string) if !(value == "ENCRYPT_DECRYPT" || value == "") { es = append(es, fmt.Errorf( "%q must be ENCRYPT_DECRYPT or not specified", k)) } return }, }, "policy": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeString, Optional: true, Computed: true, StateFunc: normalizeJson, }, "is_enabled": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: true, }, "enable_key_rotation": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeBool, Optional: true, Default: false, }, "deletion_window_in_days": &schema.Schema{ Type: schema.TypeInt, Optional: true, ValidateFunc: func(v interface{}, k string) (ws []string, es []error) { value := v.(int) if value > 30 || value < 7 { es = append(es, fmt.Errorf( "%q must be between 7 and 30 days inclusive", k)) } return }, }, }, } } func resourceAwsKmsKeyCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).kmsconn // Allow aws to chose default values if we don't pass them var req kms.CreateKeyInput if v, exists := d.GetOk("description"); exists { req.Description = aws.String(v.(string)) } if v, exists := d.GetOk("key_usage"); exists { req.KeyUsage = aws.String(v.(string)) } if v, exists := d.GetOk("policy"); exists { req.Policy = aws.String(v.(string)) } resp, err := conn.CreateKey(&req) if err != nil { return err } d.SetId(*resp.KeyMetadata.KeyId) d.Set("key_id", resp.KeyMetadata.KeyId) return _resourceAwsKmsKeyUpdate(d, meta, true) } func resourceAwsKmsKeyRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).kmsconn req := &kms.DescribeKeyInput{ KeyId: aws.String(d.Id()), } resp, err := conn.DescribeKey(req) if err != nil { return err } metadata := resp.KeyMetadata if *metadata.KeyState == "PendingDeletion" { log.Printf("[WARN] Removing KMS key %s because it's already gone", d.Id()) d.SetId("") return nil } d.SetId(*metadata.KeyId) d.Set("arn", metadata.Arn) d.Set("key_id", metadata.KeyId) d.Set("description", metadata.Description) d.Set("key_usage", metadata.KeyUsage) d.Set("is_enabled", metadata.Enabled) p, err := conn.GetKeyPolicy(&kms.GetKeyPolicyInput{ KeyId: metadata.KeyId, PolicyName: aws.String("default"), }) if err != nil { return err } d.Set("policy", normalizeJson(*p.Policy)) krs, err := conn.GetKeyRotationStatus(&kms.GetKeyRotationStatusInput{ KeyId: metadata.KeyId, }) if err != nil { return err } d.Set("enable_key_rotation", krs.KeyRotationEnabled) return nil } func resourceAwsKmsKeyUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { return _resourceAwsKmsKeyUpdate(d, meta, false) } // We expect new keys to be enabled already // but there is no easy way to differentiate between Update() // called from Create() and regular update, so we have this wrapper func _resourceAwsKmsKeyUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, isFresh bool) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).kmsconn if d.HasChange("is_enabled") && d.Get("is_enabled").(bool) && !isFresh { // Enable before any attributes will be modified if err := updateKmsKeyStatus(conn, d.Id(), d.Get("is_enabled").(bool)); err != nil { return err } } if d.HasChange("enable_key_rotation") { if err := updateKmsKeyRotationStatus(conn, d); err != nil { return err } } if d.HasChange("description") { if err := resourceAwsKmsKeyDescriptionUpdate(conn, d); err != nil { return err } } if d.HasChange("policy") { if err := resourceAwsKmsKeyPolicyUpdate(conn, d); err != nil { return err } } if d.HasChange("is_enabled") && !d.Get("is_enabled").(bool) { // Only disable when all attributes are modified // because we cannot modify disabled keys if err := updateKmsKeyStatus(conn, d.Id(), d.Get("is_enabled").(bool)); err != nil { return err } } return resourceAwsKmsKeyRead(d, meta) } func resourceAwsKmsKeyDescriptionUpdate(conn *kms.KMS, d *schema.ResourceData) error { description := d.Get("description").(string) keyId := d.Get("key_id").(string) log.Printf("[DEBUG] KMS key: %s, update description: %s", keyId, description) req := &kms.UpdateKeyDescriptionInput{ Description: aws.String(description), KeyId: aws.String(keyId), } _, err := conn.UpdateKeyDescription(req) return err } func resourceAwsKmsKeyPolicyUpdate(conn *kms.KMS, d *schema.ResourceData) error { policy := d.Get("policy").(string) keyId := d.Get("key_id").(string) log.Printf("[DEBUG] KMS key: %s, update policy: %s", keyId, policy) req := &kms.PutKeyPolicyInput{ KeyId: aws.String(keyId), Policy: aws.String(normalizeJson(policy)), PolicyName: aws.String("default"), } _, err := conn.PutKeyPolicy(req) return err } func updateKmsKeyStatus(conn *kms.KMS, id string, shouldBeEnabled bool) error { var err error if shouldBeEnabled { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Enabling KMS key %q", id) _, err = conn.EnableKey(&kms.EnableKeyInput{ KeyId: aws.String(id), }) } else { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Disabling KMS key %q", id) _, err = conn.DisableKey(&kms.DisableKeyInput{ KeyId: aws.String(id), }) } if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to set KMS key %q status to %t: %q", id, shouldBeEnabled, err.Error()) } // Wait for propagation since KMS is eventually consistent wait := resource.StateChangeConf{ Pending: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%t", !shouldBeEnabled)}, Target: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%t", shouldBeEnabled)}, Timeout: 20 * time.Minute, MinTimeout: 2 * time.Second, ContinuousTargetOccurence: 10, Refresh: func() (interface{}, string, error) { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Checking if KMS key %s enabled status is %t", id, shouldBeEnabled) resp, err := conn.DescribeKey(&kms.DescribeKeyInput{ KeyId: aws.String(id), }) if err != nil { return resp, "FAILED", err } status := fmt.Sprintf("%t", *resp.KeyMetadata.Enabled) log.Printf("[DEBUG] KMS key %s status received: %s, retrying", id, status) return resp, status, nil }, } _, err = wait.WaitForState() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed setting KMS key status to %t: %s", shouldBeEnabled, err) } return nil } func updateKmsKeyRotationStatus(conn *kms.KMS, d *schema.ResourceData) error { var err error shouldEnableRotation := d.Get("enable_key_rotation").(bool) if shouldEnableRotation { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Enabling key rotation for KMS key %q", d.Id()) _, err = conn.EnableKeyRotation(&kms.EnableKeyRotationInput{ KeyId: aws.String(d.Id()), }) } else { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Disabling key rotation for KMS key %q", d.Id()) _, err = conn.DisableKeyRotation(&kms.DisableKeyRotationInput{ KeyId: aws.String(d.Id()), }) } if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to set key rotation for %q to %t: %q", d.Id(), shouldEnableRotation, err.Error()) } // Wait for propagation since KMS is eventually consistent wait := resource.StateChangeConf{ Pending: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%t", !shouldEnableRotation)}, Target: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%t", shouldEnableRotation)}, Timeout: 5 * time.Minute, MinTimeout: 1 * time.Second, ContinuousTargetOccurence: 5, Refresh: func() (interface{}, string, error) { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Checking if KMS key %s rotation status is %t", d.Id(), shouldEnableRotation) resp, err := conn.GetKeyRotationStatus(&kms.GetKeyRotationStatusInput{ KeyId: aws.String(d.Id()), }) if err != nil { return resp, "FAILED", err } status := fmt.Sprintf("%t", *resp.KeyRotationEnabled) log.Printf("[DEBUG] KMS key %s rotation status received: %s, retrying", d.Id(), status) return resp, status, nil }, } _, err = wait.WaitForState() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed setting KMS key rotation status to %t: %s", shouldEnableRotation, err) } return nil } func resourceAwsKmsKeyDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).kmsconn keyId := d.Get("key_id").(string) req := &kms.ScheduleKeyDeletionInput{ KeyId: aws.String(keyId), } if v, exists := d.GetOk("deletion_window_in_days"); exists { req.PendingWindowInDays = aws.Int64(int64(v.(int))) } _, err := conn.ScheduleKeyDeletion(req) if err != nil { return err } // Wait for propagation since KMS is eventually consistent wait := resource.StateChangeConf{ Pending: []string{"Enabled", "Disabled"}, Target: []string{"PendingDeletion"}, Timeout: 20 * time.Minute, MinTimeout: 2 * time.Second, ContinuousTargetOccurence: 10, Refresh: func() (interface{}, string, error) { log.Printf("[DEBUG] Checking if KMS key %s state is PendingDeletion", keyId) resp, err := conn.DescribeKey(&kms.DescribeKeyInput{ KeyId: aws.String(keyId), }) if err != nil { return resp, "Failed", err } metadata := *resp.KeyMetadata log.Printf("[DEBUG] KMS key %s state is %s, retrying", keyId, *metadata.KeyState) return resp, *metadata.KeyState, nil }, } _, err = wait.WaitForState() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed deactivating KMS key %s: %s", keyId, err) } log.Printf("[DEBUG] KMS Key %s deactivated.", keyId) d.SetId("") return nil }