# Traffic manager settings variable "global_location" { default = "UK West" description = "Where any global resources will be placed" } variable "dns_relative_name" { default = "azuretfexample" description = "Relative DNS name for traffic manager" } # Location 01 Settings variable "location01_location" { default = "UK West" description = "First location to build" } variable "location01_resource_prefix" { default = "ukwestweb" description = "Prefix for naming resource group" } variable "location01_webserver_prefix" { default = "ukwwebsvr" description = "Prefix for naming web servers" } variable "location01_lb_dns_label" { default = "ukwestwebexample" description = "DNS name label for the locations load balancer" } # Location 02 Settings variable "location02_location" { default = "West US" description = "Second location to build" } variable "location02_resource_prefix" { default = "uswestweb" description = "Prefix for naming resource group" } variable "location02_webserver_prefix" { default = "uswwebsvr" description = "Prefix for naming web servers" } variable "location02_lb_dns_label" { default = "uswestwebexample" description = "DNS name label for the locations load balancer" } # Scale set and VM settings variable "instance_count" { default = "2" description = "Number of server instances to create in scale set" } variable "instance_vmprofile" { default = "Standard_A1" description = "VM profile of servers in scale set" } # OS Profile variable "image_admin_username" { default = "webadmin" description = "Local admin user name" } variable "image_admin_password" { default = "2nmn39x#3775hh3x9" description = "Password" } # Market place image to use variable "image_publisher" { default = "Canonical" description = "Publisher of market place image" } variable "image_offer" { default = "UbuntuServer" description = "Market place image name" } variable "image_sku" { default = "16.10" description = "Market place image SKU" } variable "image_version" { default = "latest" description = "Market place image version" }