package convert import ( "errors" "testing" "" "" proto "" "" "" ) var ignoreUnexported = cmpopts.IgnoreUnexported( proto.Diagnostic{}, proto.Schema_Block{}, proto.Schema_NestedBlock{}, proto.Schema_Attribute{}, ) func TestProtoDiagnostics(t *testing.T) { diags := WarnsAndErrsToProto( []string{ "warning 1", "warning 2", }, []error{ errors.New("error 1"), errors.New("error 2"), }, ) expected := []*proto.Diagnostic{ { Severity: proto.Diagnostic_WARNING, Summary: "warning 1", }, { Severity: proto.Diagnostic_WARNING, Summary: "warning 2", }, { Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "error 1", }, { Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "error 2", }, } if !cmp.Equal(expected, diags, ignoreUnexported) { t.Fatal(cmp.Diff(expected, diags, ignoreUnexported)) } } func TestDiagnostics(t *testing.T) { type diagFlat struct { Severity tfdiags.Severity Attr []interface{} Summary string Detail string } tests := map[string]struct { Cons func([]*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic Want []diagFlat }{ "nil": { func(diags []*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic { return diags }, nil, }, "error": { func(diags []*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic { return append(diags, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "simple error", }) }, []diagFlat{ { Severity: tfdiags.Error, Summary: "simple error", }, }, }, "detailed error": { func(diags []*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic { return append(diags, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "simple error", Detail: "detailed error", }) }, []diagFlat{ { Severity: tfdiags.Error, Summary: "simple error", Detail: "detailed error", }, }, }, "warning": { func(diags []*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic { return append(diags, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_WARNING, Summary: "simple warning", }) }, []diagFlat{ { Severity: tfdiags.Warning, Summary: "simple warning", }, }, }, "detailed warning": { func(diags []*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic { return append(diags, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_WARNING, Summary: "simple warning", Detail: "detailed warning", }) }, []diagFlat{ { Severity: tfdiags.Warning, Summary: "simple warning", Detail: "detailed warning", }, }, }, "multi error": { func(diags []*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic { diags = append(diags, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "first error", }, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "second error", }) return diags }, []diagFlat{ { Severity: tfdiags.Error, Summary: "first error", }, { Severity: tfdiags.Error, Summary: "second error", }, }, }, "warning and error": { func(diags []*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic { diags = append(diags, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_WARNING, Summary: "warning", }, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "error", }) return diags }, []diagFlat{ { Severity: tfdiags.Warning, Summary: "warning", }, { Severity: tfdiags.Error, Summary: "error", }, }, }, "attr error": { func(diags []*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic { diags = append(diags, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "error", Detail: "error detail", Attribute: &proto.AttributePath{ Steps: []*proto.AttributePath_Step{ { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_AttributeName{ AttributeName: "attribute_name", }, }, }, }, }) return diags }, []diagFlat{ { Severity: tfdiags.Error, Summary: "error", Detail: "error detail", Attr: []interface{}{"attribute_name"}, }, }, }, "multi attr": { func(diags []*proto.Diagnostic) []*proto.Diagnostic { diags = append(diags, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "error 1", Detail: "error 1 detail", Attribute: &proto.AttributePath{ Steps: []*proto.AttributePath_Step{ { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_AttributeName{ AttributeName: "attr", }, }, }, }, }, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "error 2", Detail: "error 2 detail", Attribute: &proto.AttributePath{ Steps: []*proto.AttributePath_Step{ { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_AttributeName{ AttributeName: "attr", }, }, { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_AttributeName{ AttributeName: "sub", }, }, }, }, }, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_WARNING, Summary: "warning", Detail: "warning detail", Attribute: &proto.AttributePath{ Steps: []*proto.AttributePath_Step{ { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_AttributeName{ AttributeName: "attr", }, }, { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_ElementKeyInt{ ElementKeyInt: 1, }, }, { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_AttributeName{ AttributeName: "sub", }, }, }, }, }, &proto.Diagnostic{ Severity: proto.Diagnostic_ERROR, Summary: "error 3", Detail: "error 3 detail", Attribute: &proto.AttributePath{ Steps: []*proto.AttributePath_Step{ { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_AttributeName{ AttributeName: "attr", }, }, { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_ElementKeyString{ ElementKeyString: "idx", }, }, { Selector: &proto.AttributePath_Step_AttributeName{ AttributeName: "sub", }, }, }, }, }, ) return diags }, []diagFlat{ { Severity: tfdiags.Error, Summary: "error 1", Detail: "error 1 detail", Attr: []interface{}{"attr"}, }, { Severity: tfdiags.Error, Summary: "error 2", Detail: "error 2 detail", Attr: []interface{}{"attr", "sub"}, }, { Severity: tfdiags.Warning, Summary: "warning", Detail: "warning detail", Attr: []interface{}{"attr", 1, "sub"}, }, { Severity: tfdiags.Error, Summary: "error 3", Detail: "error 3 detail", Attr: []interface{}{"attr", "idx", "sub"}, }, }, }, } flattenTFDiags := func(ds tfdiags.Diagnostics) []diagFlat { var flat []diagFlat for _, item := range ds { desc := item.Description() var attr []interface{} for _, a := range tfdiags.GetAttribute(item) { switch step := a.(type) { case cty.GetAttrStep: attr = append(attr, step.Name) case cty.IndexStep: switch step.Key.Type() { case cty.Number: i, _ := step.Key.AsBigFloat().Int64() attr = append(attr, int(i)) case cty.String: attr = append(attr, step.Key.AsString()) } } } flat = append(flat, diagFlat{ Severity: item.Severity(), Attr: attr, Summary: desc.Summary, Detail: desc.Detail, }) } return flat } for name, tc := range tests { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { // we take the tfDiags := ProtoToDiagnostics(tc.Cons(nil)) flat := flattenTFDiags(tfDiags) if !cmp.Equal(flat, tc.Want, typeComparer, valueComparer, equateEmpty) { t.Fatal(cmp.Diff(flat, tc.Want, typeComparer, valueComparer, equateEmpty)) } }) } }