package oss import ( "crypto/md5" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "time" ) // UploadFile is multipart file upload. // // objectKey the object name. // filePath the local file path to upload. // partSize the part size in byte. // options the options for uploading object. // // error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object. // func (bucket Bucket) UploadFile(objectKey, filePath string, partSize int64, options ...Option) error { if partSize < MinPartSize || partSize > MaxPartSize { return errors.New("oss: part size invalid range (100KB, 5GB]") } cpConf := getCpConfig(options) routines := getRoutines(options) if cpConf != nil && cpConf.IsEnable { cpFilePath := getUploadCpFilePath(cpConf, filePath, bucket.BucketName, objectKey) if cpFilePath != "" { return bucket.uploadFileWithCp(objectKey, filePath, partSize, options, cpFilePath, routines) } } return bucket.uploadFile(objectKey, filePath, partSize, options, routines) } func getUploadCpFilePath(cpConf *cpConfig, srcFile, destBucket, destObject string) string { if cpConf.FilePath == "" && cpConf.DirPath != "" { dest := fmt.Sprintf("oss://%v/%v", destBucket, destObject) absPath, _ := filepath.Abs(srcFile) cpFileName := getCpFileName(absPath, dest) cpConf.FilePath = cpConf.DirPath + string(os.PathSeparator) + cpFileName } return cpConf.FilePath } // ----- concurrent upload without checkpoint ----- // getCpConfig gets checkpoint configuration func getCpConfig(options []Option) *cpConfig { cpcOpt, err := findOption(options, checkpointConfig, nil) if err != nil || cpcOpt == nil { return nil } return cpcOpt.(*cpConfig) } // getCpFileName return the name of the checkpoint file func getCpFileName(src, dest string) string { md5Ctx := md5.New() md5Ctx.Write([]byte(src)) srcCheckSum := hex.EncodeToString(md5Ctx.Sum(nil)) md5Ctx.Reset() md5Ctx.Write([]byte(dest)) destCheckSum := hex.EncodeToString(md5Ctx.Sum(nil)) return fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v.cp", srcCheckSum, destCheckSum) } // getRoutines gets the routine count. by default it's 1. func getRoutines(options []Option) int { rtnOpt, err := findOption(options, routineNum, nil) if err != nil || rtnOpt == nil { return 1 } rs := rtnOpt.(int) if rs < 1 { rs = 1 } else if rs > 100 { rs = 100 } return rs } // getPayer return the payer of the request func getPayer(options []Option) string { payerOpt, err := findOption(options, HTTPHeaderOSSRequester, nil) if err != nil || payerOpt == nil { return "" } return payerOpt.(string) } // getProgressListener gets the progress callback func getProgressListener(options []Option) ProgressListener { isSet, listener, _ := isOptionSet(options, progressListener) if !isSet { return nil } return listener.(ProgressListener) } // uploadPartHook is for testing usage type uploadPartHook func(id int, chunk FileChunk) error var uploadPartHooker uploadPartHook = defaultUploadPart func defaultUploadPart(id int, chunk FileChunk) error { return nil } // workerArg defines worker argument structure type workerArg struct { bucket *Bucket filePath string imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult options []Option hook uploadPartHook } // worker is the worker coroutine function func worker(id int, arg workerArg, jobs <-chan FileChunk, results chan<- UploadPart, failed chan<- error, die <-chan bool) { for chunk := range jobs { if err := arg.hook(id, chunk); err != nil { failed <- err break } part, err := arg.bucket.UploadPartFromFile(arg.imur, arg.filePath, chunk.Offset, chunk.Size, chunk.Number, arg.options...) if err != nil { failed <- err break } select { case <-die: return default: } results <- part } } // scheduler function func scheduler(jobs chan FileChunk, chunks []FileChunk) { for _, chunk := range chunks { jobs <- chunk } close(jobs) } func getTotalBytes(chunks []FileChunk) int64 { var tb int64 for _, chunk := range chunks { tb += chunk.Size } return tb } // uploadFile is a concurrent upload, without checkpoint func (bucket Bucket) uploadFile(objectKey, filePath string, partSize int64, options []Option, routines int) error { listener := getProgressListener(options) chunks, err := SplitFileByPartSize(filePath, partSize) if err != nil { return err } payerOptions := []Option{} payer := getPayer(options) if payer != "" { payerOptions = append(payerOptions, RequestPayer(PayerType(payer))) } // Initialize the multipart upload imur, err := bucket.InitiateMultipartUpload(objectKey, options...) if err != nil { return err } jobs := make(chan FileChunk, len(chunks)) results := make(chan UploadPart, len(chunks)) failed := make(chan error) die := make(chan bool) var completedBytes int64 totalBytes := getTotalBytes(chunks) event := newProgressEvent(TransferStartedEvent, 0, totalBytes) publishProgress(listener, event) // Start the worker coroutine arg := workerArg{&bucket, filePath, imur, payerOptions, uploadPartHooker} for w := 1; w <= routines; w++ { go worker(w, arg, jobs, results, failed, die) } // Schedule the jobs go scheduler(jobs, chunks) // Waiting for the upload finished completed := 0 parts := make([]UploadPart, len(chunks)) for completed < len(chunks) { select { case part := <-results: completed++ parts[part.PartNumber-1] = part completedBytes += chunks[part.PartNumber-1].Size event = newProgressEvent(TransferDataEvent, completedBytes, totalBytes) publishProgress(listener, event) case err := <-failed: close(die) event = newProgressEvent(TransferFailedEvent, completedBytes, totalBytes) publishProgress(listener, event) bucket.AbortMultipartUpload(imur, payerOptions...) return err } if completed >= len(chunks) { break } } event = newProgressEvent(TransferStartedEvent, completedBytes, totalBytes) publishProgress(listener, event) // Complete the multpart upload _, err = bucket.CompleteMultipartUpload(imur, parts, payerOptions...) if err != nil { bucket.AbortMultipartUpload(imur, payerOptions...) return err } return nil } // ----- concurrent upload with checkpoint ----- const uploadCpMagic = "FE8BB4EA-B593-4FAC-AD7A-2459A36E2E62" type uploadCheckpoint struct { Magic string // Magic MD5 string // Checkpoint file content's MD5 FilePath string // Local file path FileStat cpStat // File state ObjectKey string // Key UploadID string // Upload ID Parts []cpPart // All parts of the local file } type cpStat struct { Size int64 // File size LastModified time.Time // File's last modified time MD5 string // Local file's MD5 } type cpPart struct { Chunk FileChunk // File chunk Part UploadPart // Uploaded part IsCompleted bool // Upload complete flag } // isValid checks if the uploaded data is valid---it's valid when the file is not updated and the checkpoint data is valid. func (cp uploadCheckpoint) isValid(filePath string) (bool, error) { // Compare the CP's magic number and MD5. cpb := cp cpb.MD5 = "" js, _ := json.Marshal(cpb) sum := md5.Sum(js) b64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sum[:]) if cp.Magic != uploadCpMagic || b64 != cp.MD5 { return false, nil } // Make sure if the local file is updated. fd, err := os.Open(filePath) if err != nil { return false, err } defer fd.Close() st, err := fd.Stat() if err != nil { return false, err } md, err := calcFileMD5(filePath) if err != nil { return false, err } // Compare the file size, file's last modified time and file's MD5 if cp.FileStat.Size != st.Size() || cp.FileStat.LastModified != st.ModTime() || cp.FileStat.MD5 != md { return false, nil } return true, nil } // load loads from the file func (cp *uploadCheckpoint) load(filePath string) error { contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath) if err != nil { return err } err = json.Unmarshal(contents, cp) return err } // dump dumps to the local file func (cp *uploadCheckpoint) dump(filePath string) error { bcp := *cp // Calculate MD5 bcp.MD5 = "" js, err := json.Marshal(bcp) if err != nil { return err } sum := md5.Sum(js) b64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sum[:]) bcp.MD5 = b64 // Serialization js, err = json.Marshal(bcp) if err != nil { return err } // Dump return ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, js, FilePermMode) } // updatePart updates the part status func (cp *uploadCheckpoint) updatePart(part UploadPart) { cp.Parts[part.PartNumber-1].Part = part cp.Parts[part.PartNumber-1].IsCompleted = true } // todoParts returns unfinished parts func (cp *uploadCheckpoint) todoParts() []FileChunk { fcs := []FileChunk{} for _, part := range cp.Parts { if !part.IsCompleted { fcs = append(fcs, part.Chunk) } } return fcs } // allParts returns all parts func (cp *uploadCheckpoint) allParts() []UploadPart { ps := []UploadPart{} for _, part := range cp.Parts { ps = append(ps, part.Part) } return ps } // getCompletedBytes returns completed bytes count func (cp *uploadCheckpoint) getCompletedBytes() int64 { var completedBytes int64 for _, part := range cp.Parts { if part.IsCompleted { completedBytes += part.Chunk.Size } } return completedBytes } // calcFileMD5 calculates the MD5 for the specified local file func calcFileMD5(filePath string) (string, error) { return "", nil } // prepare initializes the multipart upload func prepare(cp *uploadCheckpoint, objectKey, filePath string, partSize int64, bucket *Bucket, options []Option) error { // CP cp.Magic = uploadCpMagic cp.FilePath = filePath cp.ObjectKey = objectKey // Local file fd, err := os.Open(filePath) if err != nil { return err } defer fd.Close() st, err := fd.Stat() if err != nil { return err } cp.FileStat.Size = st.Size() cp.FileStat.LastModified = st.ModTime() md, err := calcFileMD5(filePath) if err != nil { return err } cp.FileStat.MD5 = md // Chunks parts, err := SplitFileByPartSize(filePath, partSize) if err != nil { return err } cp.Parts = make([]cpPart, len(parts)) for i, part := range parts { cp.Parts[i].Chunk = part cp.Parts[i].IsCompleted = false } // Init load imur, err := bucket.InitiateMultipartUpload(objectKey, options...) if err != nil { return err } cp.UploadID = imur.UploadID return nil } // complete completes the multipart upload and deletes the local CP files func complete(cp *uploadCheckpoint, bucket *Bucket, parts []UploadPart, cpFilePath string, options []Option) error { imur := InitiateMultipartUploadResult{Bucket: bucket.BucketName, Key: cp.ObjectKey, UploadID: cp.UploadID} _, err := bucket.CompleteMultipartUpload(imur, parts, options...) if err != nil { return err } os.Remove(cpFilePath) return err } // uploadFileWithCp handles concurrent upload with checkpoint func (bucket Bucket) uploadFileWithCp(objectKey, filePath string, partSize int64, options []Option, cpFilePath string, routines int) error { listener := getProgressListener(options) payerOptions := []Option{} payer := getPayer(options) if payer != "" { payerOptions = append(payerOptions, RequestPayer(PayerType(payer))) } // Load CP data ucp := uploadCheckpoint{} err := ucp.load(cpFilePath) if err != nil { os.Remove(cpFilePath) } // Load error or the CP data is invalid. valid, err := ucp.isValid(filePath) if err != nil || !valid { if err = prepare(&ucp, objectKey, filePath, partSize, &bucket, options); err != nil { return err } os.Remove(cpFilePath) } chunks := ucp.todoParts() imur := InitiateMultipartUploadResult{ Bucket: bucket.BucketName, Key: objectKey, UploadID: ucp.UploadID} jobs := make(chan FileChunk, len(chunks)) results := make(chan UploadPart, len(chunks)) failed := make(chan error) die := make(chan bool) completedBytes := ucp.getCompletedBytes() event := newProgressEvent(TransferStartedEvent, completedBytes, ucp.FileStat.Size) publishProgress(listener, event) // Start the workers arg := workerArg{&bucket, filePath, imur, payerOptions, uploadPartHooker} for w := 1; w <= routines; w++ { go worker(w, arg, jobs, results, failed, die) } // Schedule jobs go scheduler(jobs, chunks) // Waiting for the job finished completed := 0 for completed < len(chunks) { select { case part := <-results: completed++ ucp.updatePart(part) ucp.dump(cpFilePath) completedBytes += ucp.Parts[part.PartNumber-1].Chunk.Size event = newProgressEvent(TransferDataEvent, completedBytes, ucp.FileStat.Size) publishProgress(listener, event) case err := <-failed: close(die) event = newProgressEvent(TransferFailedEvent, completedBytes, ucp.FileStat.Size) publishProgress(listener, event) return err } if completed >= len(chunks) { break } } event = newProgressEvent(TransferCompletedEvent, completedBytes, ucp.FileStat.Size) publishProgress(listener, event) // Complete the multipart upload err = complete(&ucp, &bucket, ucp.allParts(), cpFilePath, payerOptions) return err }